The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Jicama Chips

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    QUOTE (rockster @ 9/14/2023, 01:56 PM) 
    I think that trip to see Sheila was eye opening for Lisa. She saw what it was like to have a full life with friends, activities etc. I think she realized how sad her life is with only shopping all the time.

    I had to look at your name to be sure that it wasn’t me who posted this. I’ve been thinking exactly this
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    She probably looks sad because she didn’t have false lashes and winged liner.
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    QUOTE (A.DoraBuhl @ 9/7/2023, 12:43 AM) 
    Yeah, I just do not get Lisa at all. She will dress up to go to WM, but wear gangster looking clothes to head off to the airport. This has to be the strangest outfit thus far . . . this makes the green glitter skirt at WM look ok. Sheeze!

    Because when she gets around humans other than her family and salespeople, she chokes. I think she’s confident in her little world because most others don’t dress up with a full face of makeup every day. She feels superior there, but when she’s out of her comfort zone, she makes unfortunate choices
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    It’s still hot in Chicago. She’d roast wearing that outfit here, not to mention the southwest
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    I am literally laughing out loud at her latest IG story. This isn’t going to be a “fashion week” because she wants to enjoy her time. Lisa, honey, you’re failing at fashion if you can only style your flat ass to drive through McDonald’s. Do you think Carolyn Bessette Kennedy only had style for the cameras? No, ma’am. The cameras caught her living her life while looking effortlessly chic.
    Then she mentions their plans include lunch and seeing the oldest church. I’m thinking Sheila doesn’t know Lisa at all because I’ll never believe she has the slightest interest in seeing historical sights.
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    QUOTE (Carnivore Wanna BE @ 5/9/2023, 14:43) 
    Lisa looks heavier than I do in those clothes and I have 100 lbs on Lisa. What is she thinking? Does she have body dysmorphia?

    I’m still floored that she wears a M in that outfit. I’m 5’1”, size 4-6 and the small was too big for me. The length would have worked, because the pants look ok bloused a bit at the cuff, but they were huge in the waist. Idk what she’s doing
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    QUOTE (Beer Minrals @ 5/9/2023, 00:06) 
    Oh my gosh, I had to click out of Jools’s latest. When that wannabe starts talking about Carolyn Bessette, I’m out. She called her Karen and knows zero about her but now thinks she’s becoming an expert on her style. Go away, Lisa! You look like a deranged Afghan hound!

    Where’s my pal EastCoastGlamour when I need her? She appreciated CBK’s style too.

    I’m glad I wasn’t the only one triggered. No one who wears a sequined skirt and stripper heels to shop at Walmart has any business even talking about CBK.

    And what the hell is she doing? Wearing that hot outfit and a blazer and saying she froze the last time she went to New York. Isn’t she going to New Mexico? I bought that Amazon Free People dupe and it’s sweater fabric. I returned it because the small was too big. I can’t believe she’s wearing a medium, but regardless, she’s going to melt!
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    I couldn’t get through the bedroom makeover video. How can her viewers not see that she’s trying so hard to create some fantasy life. She has no real life friends (people who are paid to be nice to you aren’t friends), was YouTube her whole world? Is she trying to make us believe that’s her world like she believed the YouTubers she followed?

    No room she decorates will EVER look good because she’s trying to portray the cool-girl-model-off-duty life and all she knows is what she sees others do. She’s not cool and she’s not a model. The minute she accepts that as fact, everything will get better for us all! LOL

    Dear Jools (why can’t I tag you?), sending all the healing vibes across the water to you. We love you and we miss you!
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    QUOTE (Twyla @ 2/9/2023, 03:32) 
    I love Karen! I mean, I could never wear the clothes she wears but I just enjoy watching her. She truly enjoys fashion and art. She's out going and personable and she actually travels and does interesting things. I love her "what people are wearing" videos. Lisa is so delusional she probably thinks people see her like they see Karen.

    I like her, too. Lisa, you are no Karen BritChick. Take a seat and give it up.
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    QUOTE (LucyLoo @ 25/8/2023, 03:24) 
    Yes, that is a definite difference between these two: Brows has no style of her own to cling to, but Lauren has distinct preferences! She spotted that gaudy pumpkin and immediately had to have it. She is true to her "style" and doesn't care what anyone else thinks. She has confidence in it. If it's metallic and over the top, she is all for it! Brows changes styes on a whim and gets threatened if anyone says they don't like what she likes.

    This is why it’s much less fun for me to snark on Lauren. She knows who she is and she totally owns it. I admire the lack of fucks given.
    Now Brows is basically begging for it
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    QUOTE (Burberry @ 25/8/2023, 02:31) 
    If people want to discuss the how, why and maybe about vaccines they should go elsewhere. Just my opinion but I don’t want to read that shit, this is a gossip site.

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    QUOTE (hotnbothered @ 18/8/2023, 07:23) 

    I got this picture of Lisa and her family right here in the GB. I don’t think her mom looks slutty at all.

    Agreed. I think she looks sweet!
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    QUOTE (Beer Minrals @ 6/8/2023, 08:20) 
    Yay, it’s the HR Manager at the Beach vibe-inspired outfit! 🤦🏼‍♀️

    HR manager off duty
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    QUOTE (A.DoraBuhl @ 31/7/2023, 19:14) 
    She is touching shoes, playing with her hair, touching her face etc . . . then throwing the shoes on the table. BLETCH! My (Scottish) granny would have skinned her alive. I can recall putting brand new shoes, in the box, on a table, and my granny flipped on me. I still do not understand why new shoes in the box were a no-no, but filthy shoes on the table, I can grasp why it is a reason to flip out

    ETA We're all writing the same at the same time HA!

    My Italian mother was exactly the same and I know she got it from her dad. Shoes on the table bring bad luck
838 replies since 3/7/2020