The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by Good Ol’ Suze

  1. .
    That’s her way of saying “fuck off, I do what works for me” to her patrons. She knows she can’t be snarky to the people paying her. She’s such a fake bitch.
  2. .
    QUOTE (Cookie Marnster @ 7/7/2022, 07:35 PM) 
    It's weird because Jen makes everything weird because she's an alien.

    I knew it!!

  3. .
    Yes, Jen. Do tell.

  4. .
    QUOTE (BarefootNightmares @ 8/7/2022, 02:30) 
    The real question. Does she keep the post-its after?

    she really left us hanging with this. my guess is she has an entire album full of bathroom post its with a little note on each one where they were used. memories 💜
  5. .
    January 6 sent her into a full crying meltdown on her couch.

    A psycho shoots up a July 4 parade 15 minutes away from her house, where her kids likely had friends in attendance, and crickets.
  6. .
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 8/7/2022, 01:59) 
    She's so proud of that post-it trick on the toilets. She's told us, what, three times now? We get it, you coddle them to extreme lengths.

    And she even said she “invites the children into the stall” again, it sounded psycho the first time, and it’s even crazier that she worded it the same way a second time!
  7. .
    Imagine if Jill sympathized with Don in the divorce.

    Yes, dear we know you did your best but Jen is just too much for anyone - Gravy and I know exactly where you’re coming from. We don’t blame you one bit.

    A Mother’s Day brunch?! Love to. Pool party with smoked meats - we’d be delighted. Theater tickets? Oh, you’re so good to us. 😂
  8. .
    Here's one of the (many) things that drives me nuts about Jen.
    I've seen women go through terrible divorces and end up in awful financial situations as a result and still come out better than Jen. One of the moms in my mom group divorced her addict husband and had to fight for full custody. She was a SAHM and had to re-enter the workforce. She's learned a new trade and she's doing AMAZING. Had a total glow up.

    Jen had an uncontested divorce (that she says SHE wanted for years!) from a man who is an involved and loving father. He has the kids at least half the time, probably more. He threw a bunch of money at her and continues to support her and their children. She will never have to work.
    And yet she plays the continual victim. Like her divorce and situation is no different from a single mother's.
    If she pulled her head out of her ass she could have such a good life.
  9. .
    You rang?
  10. .
    QUOTE (Alimony and Wonder @ 7/7/2022, 23:06) 
    It explains why there was zero acknowledgement of Jill on Mother's Day.

    This all the more makes me believe that they both got invitations to the brunch. Jen was conveniently going to be in New York. I can see Jill saying, Since you’ll be away, do you mind if I go to the brunch and see the kids?

    Jen probably said, Do what you want.
  11. .
    Does Jill not know how extremely triggering Mrs Ross is to her darling daughter?
  12. .
    Awwwwww, thanks! My first title :blushing-smiley-emoticon:
  13. .
    I can't believe she has a designated Vegas outfit. :hearty-laugh: But I'm also not surprised at all. Why is she like this???
  14. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 7/7/2022, 11:35 AM) 
    We have our first safety comment. Let’s see if she responds.


    Thank you for keeping a watch! :thumbs-up: And for the record: It's not me and I never comment on her socials :lol: I'm sure someone will end up lifting my "stranger danger" phrasing from here because I think in the past people have posted comments using our wording from here -- just preemptively calling the lurkers out who can't even figure out how to rephrase something :strong_no_smiley_emoticon:
  15. .
    QUOTE (MrArthurRadley @ 7/7/2022, 17:15) 
    I'm about 25 pages behind but...
    Chocolate in the pantry
    In the claundry
    In the craft room
    And the powder room is a long standing tradition.
    Possibly behind every cupboard door...
    So anyone who says Gene doesn't have a decorating style, reconsider. Her house is one giant Chocolate Advent Calendar.

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