The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Good Ol’ Suze

  1. .
    I think Jen went into the marriage not in love, nor in lust, but enamored with the money and Don's adoration.

    Jen would have been more than happy to re-live 2012-2014 forever in a loop.
  2. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 6/22/2022, 06:49 PM) 

    I always see this as That's Fucking Stupid

    Which actually fits here nicely
  3. .
    Jen is lazy
  4. .
    QUOTE (Huzzah @ 6/22/2022, 08:44 AM) 
    I know I’m new but in all seriousness, what the actual F. What was Jen thinking divorce would look like, she wastes so much time spinning her wheels and going nowhere - it must be exhausting.

    As for her patreon videos, I think she wants people to make her feel better and validate her but I just don’t understand what kind of “friends” enjoy watching someone be unhappy and only respond with positive comments. If validation cured whatever she was dealing with, I am sure the Rosses gave her plenty - especially Suzanne who always seemed so gentle with Jen. Her patreon videos are confessionals about how unhappy she is and how she is struggling, meanwhile her IG and YouTube portray a divorced happy childless woman traveling and going to Vegas for a show.

    I think her patreons are not the friends she sees them as. I joined to help someone I felt needed it and left because I didn’t want to be apart of it. To me, it feels like the patreons are buying an alcoholic a drink saying “there there, you’re okay, just have a shot”.

    Am I totally wrong and not seeing this clearly? How can she not see this community she is building is based on watching her fall, not rise?

    Yep. You summarized it nicely. Jen only allows the one thing that is holding her back. It is a cycle she will never break because she is so completely lost to her own reality, and the enablers just keep making it worse.
  5. .
    You cannot make Jen's life even seem somewhat interesting. It is dullsville, day in, and day out
  6. .
    Jen stated it was 'beautifully preserved', so I am guessing no one is touching that non-heirloom
  7. .
    The original wedding photo--

    Jen's face says MONEY

    Don's face says BOOBIES
  8. .
    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 6/21/2022, 03:22 PM) 
    QUOTE (DominantJunk @ 22/6/2022, 00:19) 
    The rings are literally just metal and rocks. The kids only know that they have parents, they aren’t going to remember a life when Jen and Don were together, there’s no point in symbolically throwing rings into a reservoir except to show off her privilege and spoiled brat attitude.

    It’s not going to be cathartic for her anyway. She’ll probably dive in after them anyway.

    Jen has had sooooo many opportunities for catharsis, and blown every one.

    moving, and getting rid of 90% of her crap. Nope

    moving into a house that is 100% her own creation, and decorating it beautifully. Nope

    getting a real therapist to guide her to being the best she can be. Nope

    being a great mom, so great that she would never be in fear of the new mommy. Nope

    having that blended family she always wanted. Nope

    The list is endless. She has screwed up at literally every turn.
  9. .
    Don was 80% oblivious during the marriage, he certainly isn't even that percentage now.
  10. .
    We all know there is a bride local to Jen that would love a free gown. Jen is disgusting with her 'it is too good to get rid of' philosophy. It is literally Jen's leftover trash from her failed marriage.

    Her daughter might have wanted it, IF it had been a long and happy marriage. It wasn't, no one who knows the backstory wants it, just give it away.

    Or throw it in the reservoir. Or wear it while you throw the ring in the reservoir. Or cut it into strips and decorate your ugly fence. So much unnecessary drama.
  11. .
    Jen loves to pretend that Don betrayed her, when all he did was get sick of her abuse
  12. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 6/21/2022, 12:22 PM) 
    thanks to Good Ol' Suze who seems to be naming most of the threads lately :thumbs-up:

  13. .
    I am going to assume that Jen has made a copy of the group photo and phtotoshopped her face onto Tens'. Had it framed, and talks to it.
  14. .
    QUOTE (AlltheReisenthels @ 6/21/2022, 11:33 AM) 
    "Were it not for these reunions, I might never have an occasion to visit this beautiful spot."

    "I feel so blessed to have married into such a warm and loving family. Not many extended families make a point of coming together like this on a regular basis. It’s not always easy for everyone to make the trip between their respective family and work happenings. The fact that everyone finds a way is very telling of the kind of bond this family shares. I hope we continue this tradition for many years to come."

    Jen Ross, 2015

    Well that aged like milk
  15. .
    Jen and Don had a bickering/oneupmanship relationship all along.

    But they seemed so well matched, and Jen was happy as a pig in slop, and then she wasn't, and Don was devoted to her, and then he wasn't.

    Now Don seems genuinely happy (but we are not seeing the inside stuff, common Tens, you know you want to have a channel), and Jen seems completely miserable. Like, verge of tears 24/7, miserable.
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