The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by CallieJade

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    I definitely think she’s close to 300. Depends on the photo but that pic of her in that black swim suit coverup she definitely looked over 300. She’s not tall and she likes to photoshop herself. I agree that any change she does see will be temporary because she doesn’t stick with anything. Only sign of the diet will be on the credit card bill.
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    That comment is gone 🤣. I was reading comments and man she has some winners following her. I really liked the comment from a lady about taking some hair growth medicine and what’s working for her and that Vanessa should try it 🤣🤣. I wonder if those pancakes she had were premier protein ones? They seem to be very popular right now.
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    The processed easy foods is what her and cankles are willing to eat. They wouldn’t even attempt a diet that was all fruits and vegetables so with the processed junk in appropriate amounts might make them stick with it? Idk, I doubt they will stick with anything. They are so fricken weird with their choices. Next month is Valentine’s Day so we know that vanessuh will be buying up all the goodies and this diet will be long gone. “ it just didn’t work for us and that’s ok” 🙄🙄
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    QUOTE (Snark Overseas @ 21/1/2024, 00:17) 
    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 21/1/2024, 00:10) 
    Anyone who is interested in watching this depressing what i eat in a day video. My advice would be to watch it on 2x speed. Because she lives life in sloooow motion. Everything takes. Sooooo long! Brew the coffee and be done with it. Holy hell. I can’t even finish it yet. I have to do it in sections because it’s too aggravating! The damn explanation of how she doesn’t like water so she has to add flavor to it. We GET IT. Move along!!

    Ps. This diet is not sustainable. You can tell she is miserable eating this way. She is not being taught how to eat healthy balanced meals that contain fruits and vegetables. She is just still eating like shit but in a different form. And there is NO way she is working out like Nicole. So she won’t burn the same calories. I’m SHOCKED that she even reaches 10k steps in a day. Where is she doing all this walking?

    I also wonder how she reaches she 10000 steps every day. Maybe she is cheating, like she bought subscribers.
    The cheeseburger soup looks really disgusting by the way.
    Mrs Alma Trumble also left a weird comment:

    My biggest problem is my daily Coke. I get severe migraines if I don't have one.

    Is that a thing??? I never heard of people preventing migraines drinking Coke.

    Caffeine can help headaches, alma is nutty as hell though so I don’t believe anything she says. I hope mark is embarrassed by his lazy loser wife. I have second hand embarrassment watching her be a lump
  5. .
    Her and cankles both need a real professional, like Dr now from my 600 lb life. He would give them a real wake up call. She is close to if not more than 300 lbs, you are not even close to starvation nessy. 🙄🙄
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    QUOTE (Germangirl @ 11/1/2024, 22:17) 
    QUOTE (unicorncandy @ 11/1/2024, 21:24) 
    I guess we think they are back in NC, renting a house, right?

    Otherwise, that's it.


    He is no longer advertising his travel course but has put his old website back online and is now trying to get people to read rather boring travel blogs.

    I thought blogging is in decline? Way to miss the boat, Justin.

    The paid site is still up (even though members have been refunded amid a lot of groaning and moaning) and you can still buy the cleaner. Those bottles must really be gathering dust.

    Dumb and dumber are always late to the trends. I can still picture her saying in a video that things always work out for her because she makes great decisions 🤣🤣🤣. I wonder if she has said that in the last 3 years 🤣🤣🤣
  8. .
    She wears her hair long because she’s self conscious of her ears. That’s probably the shortest she will wear it.
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    QUOTE (IfYouWill @ 12/1/2024, 16:28) 
    QUOTE (50 Hidey Holes @ 12/1/2024, 02:37) 
    Lemon still cuts the strawberries in half for the kids… 🙄

    I'm surprised she doesn't cut the grapes and tomatoes into fourths so baby bird doesn't choke

    Baby bird probably doesn’t eat those. The same child that’s scared of new foods and spits at the table 🙄
  10. .
    Now now remember vuhnessuh doesn’t push her kids to do anything 🙄🙄🙄
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    I never had real soy sauce until I was an adult. My mom was health conscious and always bought the lite stuff for the nights we had rice. I highly prefer the lite stuff and now serve that to my family and we don’t go through it very much even though my husband is a massive salt eater. Sooner than later ( if they haven’t already) the dr is going to have a chat with lemon about what she’s feeding those kids. High cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, are all real concerns Vanessa that you are setting these kids up for.
  12. .
    I too have plans to go random places that I will never ever go to. Quit dreaming and get off your lazy ass Tina. Get a damn job and then earn a vacation a non slimey way for once in your weasel life.
  13. .
    QUOTE (Ms Mac @ 30/12/2023, 14:20) 
    Meg should be embarrassed about what Justin is doing to her channel.

    She should be embarrassed him in so many ways and she 100% is. If she was living a good life she would be flaunting. I would be so embarrassed to be married to someone who refuses to work and support our family. Justin has never been successful on his own, he always rode Meg’s tail.
  14. .
    Hutch and Priya are the mini parents. They should be getting more for all their efforts and how they lighten the load for their lazy ass parents. I would be so embarrassed to have my children raising my other children. I find it fascinating that she brags about it. It’s not a flex jordo
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    QUOTE (SophiaPetrillo @ 22/12/2023, 19:20) 
    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 22/12/2023, 18:57) 
    Why does every shopping trip have to turn into eating out? She has thousands of dollars in food in her house.

    Pearl ordered a salad and sandwich. Vanessa never makes her that at home. Why not?

    If it’s not for her or baby bird, she doesn’t put effort in. Not that salad or sandwiches require much effort 🤣. In the spring and summer I usually do a once a week make your own salad night. It’s quick and easy nessy. Right up your alley.
1720 replies since 9/9/2020