The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Cindra

  1. .
    These two aren’t responsible Mr. B gives her Mom the wrong key to check their house in Belmont. In the real world you buy a house check all the keys and see what they open and in their case label them or color code them because these two aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer. How do they survive real life. 🤔
  2. .
    There are comments on the video telling her to switch fertility clinics. Isn’t this the second one she tried.
  3. .
    The make up bag 🤮 at lease wipe off the bottles before you film it. No wonder she has skin and eye issues wonder if the eye up is expired.
  4. .
    She just loaded her body up with hormones and can’t understand why she is tired after a surgery five days ago. Then states her period is on its way…. how in touch is she with her body🤔 Then shows the teaser reel of 1/2 exposure of Liam’s face, how ridiculous. Poor Liam just making sounds, no real words.
  5. .
    Her family has more money than Larry especially with his first broken marriage. The estate will be money from her grandfather and grandmother to probably be divided between Mindy and her brother and spouses and future children. Yes this is a good deal for Larry, except for the fact he is older than her parents, I think. :confused-face-smiley-emoticon:
  6. .
    Her family seems to have money so Larry probably doesn’t care one way or another. Aside from that her and Larry are mostly self absorbed individuals
  7. .
    UpNorth Hopefully these two would realize they need security systems installed at both of the houses, but who knows. When she showed the inside of the Belmont house didn’t notice any monitors. They better wake up to the fact squatters are taking over these houses, don’t know about that area although having that problem.
  8. .
    Oh I bet Larry changed his mind from one child to two when she begged him to continue you know Liam needs a sibling etc. and the money the channel will make. As far as saving for the future it looks like he didn’t stress over Bruce getting a higher education. Larry is old school and probably once Bruce turned 18 he was done. I just don’t see much nurturing on his part. By the time Liam is 18 Larry will be in his late 70’s so doubtful he will be involved much.
  9. .
    QUOTE (CacklesForDays @ 6/5/2024, 19:21) 
    Who did they ditch Daisy with? Prime example of the fact they would be SHODDY ass parents lol

    She just said something like she is being well taken care of so it may have been someone camping with them.
  10. .
    Tara just in IG discussing the change of therapists at Greyson’s school. She overdid it discussing how happy she is because he is back with his original therapist. The one he had was going through IVF. She could have just wished her well and not insinuated the other therapist was better.
  11. .
    Actually her entire family Mom, Dad and sister and brother seem normal. Isn’t that her step dad, although. I think she has a different father. Is this just a loony act for the camera or is she this this charged up all the time. Can you imagine spending the day with her on these girls outings. :being-confused-smiley-emoticon:
  12. .
    Larry saw this as an easy buck in the beginning she was posting and probably making decent money along with his pension. Then the next step they forfeited their travel and now the family and the IVF expenses. Can’t stop now because they need the cash she brings in.
  13. .
    The entire concert venue probably heard that cackling laughing the crowd 🤣🤣 She really got impressed going back stage.
  14. .
    NolaGirl77 Liam gets to watch all her crazy movies he stares at the TV like he is oblivious to it. I follow enough of these woman to know by the time their kids can grasp anything they have an iPad in their hands. In the car, eating, all day, has she ever show Liam with any device. He picked up the keys in the video like a baby would do at 6 months. Something is really off the only thing they talked about was he liked dinosaurs which I am sure she and Larry made up.
  15. .
    Yeah and we had to hear the story again of how they lived in Jacksonville, isn’t that when she was the apartment manager. Bet that was a real treat the renters probably had none of their issues ever taken care of.
3223 replies since 1/12/2020