The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Freedom for Don

  1. .
    More hot chocolate pictures,
    More Winnie in the snow pictures
    More quotes :tearing-hair:
    Really where does she find the time to create the meaningful, interesting content👎🏻
  2. .
    I'm not surprised that Jen reads the cards to show what's in store for her because she has a mug and bangles to remind her to breathe.

    I saw the jewellery video OMG

    Jen seems more attached to pieces she made and junk jewellery than fine jewellery.

    Selling her jewellery, is it out of spite or a need for money.

    She is the antithesis of what she was before.

    Untidy, unwashed unloved. Say no more
  3. .
    The British and French way is Long-shomp. Like in Champ-Élysées.
  4. .
    The cover sold her on the book. So true.
  5. .
    Words fail me when I see the tiles in that bathroom. Just no!!!! :1:
  6. .
    Maybe Jen will sell the echo chamber after RM1 sells so the least furniture she has the less to move and no window treatments out of her money.
    At the moment this could be showing Donald that she could have the same style home as he provided.

    I think, and this is my personal opinion, is that Jen has no life because she is not interested in her life.
    I'm assuming that you have to have a goal to get motivated. Jen's goal is to be gentle with herself.
    Oh wait! It's exercise then couch potato that is her life, I stand corrected. :smoking-smiley-face:
  7. .
    Just watched the video.

    When does she have the time to feed the children when she has to do all that exercise?

    I had to pass over all of how she reads books and the rest, I had to do it for my sanity. :1:
  8. .
    How many pictures of the burning fire do we have to endure. It is the same fireplace in the same room. 🔥

    How many nauseating pictures of her doing those pathetic yoga poses must we be subjected? We get it you can bend over and raise your arms.

    Fires, bike riding and yoga, if these are the highlights of your life then you really are the pinup person for depression.

    Take pity on your viewers and keep the photos of regurgitated food for your albums they should never be for the public to view.

    You really do nothing else deemed worthy of a life worth living :1:
  9. .
    Maybe she howls at the full moon.

    I just checked google. I was born on a crescent moon ( no howling here).

    Please don't feel sorry for me, I can adapt to not having the full moon herald my birth. I won't let it affect my life. :rolleyes:
  10. .
    It is not my intention to upset people who plan their days around planners.

    However, I could not watch the absolute waffle when she started to go on about her bullet journal.

    My husband and I share a diary in the kitchen. We each put next to the appropriate time if either of us has something on that day.
    We also write important birthdays on the appropriate dates.

    I really don't call this planning, as I have lunch when I feel like it. I do what has to be done about our home.
    As I do my grocery shopping on a certain day each week I feel that I can remember that so no need to put it in the book.

    Jen seems to make it a craft project. Jen just buy a calendar. This journaling and story writing and colouring in and playing with stickers is for teenagers, not 38 year old adults.
    Get out of your head and start a worthwhile life.
    Apologies if I have offended any bakers.
  11. .
    Liesanddeceitbutweneedreceiptslike jen
  12. .
    One would think her whole house would be a "safe space" but I could be wrong.

    Maybe it is the gym room where she can run to after placing the children in front of the TV. She can then run to her peloton and pretend she is running away on her bike.. obviously no children permitted in her gym.

    Her life is all in her mind anyway. I wonder where she is now.
  13. .
    Do we really need a Friday video?

    It would just be an edited version of what she has put on instagram, so I suppose we could say we have seen it already.
  14. .
    Another Friday and no video. Well she is consistent in her lackadaisical attitude.

    Youtube is not your job it is your hobby. So we will not expect you to "show up".

    Just admit exercise is your life everything else is window dressing.
  15. .
    I have just finished watching her last video. Just another trip down misery lane.

    Jen don't ever do a sit down face to face monologue again. You bore us to tears.

    You are supposed to entertain your viewers not drive them to drink.

    Get rid of those self help books they are not working for you. Why do you need the hard copy and the audio version of these self help books. Please use them as kindling let them be of some use.
150 replies since 4/12/2020