The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by She's Going Nowhere

  1. .
    I was sort of hoping that if she could wean herself off the attention from strangers and she could then stop wasting time pratting about on the internet (pretending it's a job) she might have enough of a gaping hole in her life that she would look for something to do outside the home, other than walk Winnie. Whether that's volunteering, getting involved in something or getting a job. I also hoped that Tensleigh having THREE! kids AND having a career might shame Jen into actually doing something with her life. The kids will be coming home from Daddy's and telling Jen stories of all the fun they're having with Tensleigh and her kids and Jen will be feeling less and less vindicated in her pursuit of laziness and doing as little as possible at all costs.

    She is clearly still desperate to share because she is devoid of friends. As time goes on she will loosen up and start sharing the usual crap again. She needs to make a clean cut break from her social media presence in order to move on properly as the online content creation world isn't her calling any more.
  2. .
    She will always cling to it because that’s Jen being Jen. Wanting the title and credit without doing any of the work to earn it.

    At this point, I won’t even say for her to get a job and volunteer. For Jen, that’s the equivalent of running before you can walk. She needs to focus on being a mother and to get a life. Let go of Donald, Jen.
  3. .
    She aspires to be a real “content creator” that supports themselves with that as a career. It CAN be done, but it is a lot of proactive hard work. And our girl is allergic to hard work, and it’s really hard to be proactive when you are depressed.

    What’s dumb is that most YouTubers are making big money off sponsorships and affiliate linking, not actual organic content. Jen had multiple avenues to do that - planners, organizing, working out, single motherhood. (Remember when her followers really wanted her to create a planner?) A lot of them outsource their social media and editing and making the brand deals, so they can focus on the creation of the content. They can afford to outsource because they are making so much money that the math makes sense.

    She doesn’t have this potential anymore. She just doesn’t. And she never had the work ethic. She just wanted to look busy to her husband and his family. Now she doesn’t have a husband or his family to look busy for, so why bother.
  4. .
    Potentially unpopular opinion but I’m Team “Secure the Bag.” If Tens was a former Jenion who set her sights on Don and pursued him using, uh, dubious methods...she should at the very least be commended for her flawless execution. I thought the dress was fine, I just wished she would’ve gotten a spray tan and had a more obvious mani/pedi but that’s the southerner in me. I’m as pasty as she is and I’d never show that much leg pale. Tanned, sure. But maybe I’m a bit more of a ho at heart than some of y’all.
  5. .
    Housewife/chef/chauffeur/event coordinator/housekeeper/general servant to a very opinionated 4 year old 🙋🏻‍♀️
  6. .
    Well, thank you. Thank you very much!

  7. .
    QUOTE (Dollies @ 30/5/2021, 02:18) 
    So new here ,who is Jen ?

    Go back 250 threads and start there 👍🏻👍🏻
  8. .
    WOOF, Jen is raging on the Peloton today:

    - 30 minute yoga flow
    - 10 minute meditation
    - 5 minute boot camp warm up
    - 5 minute shin recovery
    - 20 minute run
    - 30 minute tread boot camp
    - 10 minute core strength
    - 10 minute post-run stretch

    120 minutes - 686 calories burned

    My guess? Pig murder wedding is this summer and she wants to look good for it. Bring on the kale, Bertha!
  9. .
    I have a family member and her ex is very similar to Don (same name even). Arrogant executive who thought he was the wealthiest smartest person in the room. He cheated for most of the marriage left after 17 years and married latest mistress quickly post divorce because she was pregnant.
  10. .
    QUOTE (She's Going Nowhere @ 24/5/2021, 07:09) 
    I refuse to believe that he is a virile kinky sex god :sorry_smiley:

    He isn't. He doesn't even know how to kiss.
  11. .
    I'm curious about Gravy and how he sees his daughter. I know If I divorced my husband, and my dad asked me what I was going to do with the rest of my life, and I responded with "live off alimony" he would be disappointed. I guess that could be why she posts the shitquotes; To make her feel better about her selfish life.
  12. .
    She is a Class A Attention Whore.

    Do I think she’d actually commit suicide? Not right now.

    Do I think she’d threaten it for attention? Yes.

    Her need for attention and validation is what really needs to be discussed with a therapist (complete with meds). Her entire SM life has been one giant beg for validation that she feels is missing in her real life. How Judith didn’t see what it evolved into is beyond me (hack).

    Since the ridiculous Rebrand scheme is a failure, she’s clearly not getting the validation she craves, thus yesterday’s performance. I think the tears were genuine in that she tried to do a video but can’t because she has nothing to say. It was a spontaneous idea to rebrand and she’s not really sure what or when she’ll be sharing with wonder. No video means no headpats and validation (her drug of choice).

    The I don’t do well when my kids aren’t here has nothing to do with school or actually enjoying their time at home. It’s about them being legally required to go with their Dad (which they clearly enjoy) and doing all the Ross things that she loved and enjoyed and is being phased out of. Them leaving is a reminder that she failed at marriage and life is clearly going on in Groundhog Day Ross World without her.

    Like I said yesterday, the camera is not a therapist. But somehow it still comforts her so she keeps using it as one. I’m glad she took her meltdown down. If even for a moment, she had some self awareness to say that was not ok (whether it was prodding from Jill or someone else).
  13. .
    When she said support system did anyone else think she was referring to a housekeeper?
  14. .
    I think it’s as simple as the kids are living the life she used to live when they’re not with her and which she has claimed for over a year was a life that caged her and that she didn’t want, but we all know better. Not only is she not a real part of the Rosses anymore, which was a pillar of her personality, but she’s got two children who very much are. She’s the odd one out, and as more time passes it becomes clearer that’s not going to change. It’s going to get worse, actually.
  15. .
    I personally think that the only reason she isn’t happiest when the kids are with Don is that she cannot control everything when Don has them. They eat how, when, and what Don and the kids prefer. They play how they want. They visit with the people they enjoy. After a lifetime of micromanaging every little thing to suit her whims, I think it makes her panicky to realize that she has zero control over their lives at least 50% of the time.

    She is very manipulative, and certainly controlled Don and the Rosses with her crocodile tears. But if I were her parents I would be keeping an eye on this situation. Pretending that a stranger’s suicide has affected you that deeply? Ummmm, narcissistic food anyone?
579 replies since 11/1/2021