The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by RubADubBingingInTheTub

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    Just when you thought she couldn’t vague post any harder
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    Travel Jen persona seems to be petering out with more trips to Disney planned rather than dingy cabins with a full size tub (for whatever reason) I wonder what the next jensona will be …..

    Putting my money on not identifying as a woman anymore, she’s already invalidating the experiences of single mothers, why not add another group who faces prejudice and discrimination to her woe is me collection!
  3. .
    I guess Jen did grow up in some respects…from forever five year old to bratty teenager who self sabotages out of spite
  4. .
    I fully believe she didn’t actually start grieving her marriage until Don and Tensleigh got engaged. In her mind she was so sure he was going to beg for her back, that delusion held strong until he proved just how serious his new relationship was. So there’s no wonder she’s still caught up about it.
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    I can’t lie, I did find a lot of those hater comments funny, do I think it’s right to do it on her live where she has to see it? No. Does she religiously check the bakery? Probably. So I doubt it makes little difference.
  8. .
    StayBehindTheLineItsMommy’sMeTimeLike JensKids
  9. .
    I really hate seeing this mindset a lot of social media women seem to spout of:
    “I have to come first! If I’m happy then my kids will be happy!”
    It’s so wrong. Your kids are solely dependent on you, 24/7, 7 days a week. They’re going to need you in ways that mean your happiness will often come second. Parenting is not easy. To have your kiddos walking on eggshells wondering if their mere existence upsets you will warp them for the rest of their lives, do better Gene.
  10. .
    I don’t know who this clown is, influencer? But no wonder Gene likes her. PSA that regarding the kids you chose to have: it’s ALWAYS “your time.” They’re always your responsibly, you can’t ship them off to your ex and be like “well! Not my time to deal with them now!”
  11. .
    That part where she couldn’t say longitudinally she sounded drunk…..skipped breakfast for daytime drinking?
  12. .
    Awaiting on the Instagram scolding to be told she ALWAYS thinks of native Americans. **cue factually incorrect cutesy infographic**
  13. .
    Think by “blended” family she meant her and Winnie blending with Don’s kids.
  14. .
    To be perfectly honest I reckon if Jen did “opt out” of parenting the kids she chose to have; she wouldn’t be doing them any more harm than her narcissistic presence will be having on them now.
  15. .
    I find it really weird she now only refers to Don as “the kids dad” or “my ex”
290 replies since 15/1/2021