The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by JenInTenChin

  1. .
    The vegan defection trick. She’s deleting comments fast and furiously. 49E5AE9A-261F-4BAD-A994-BCA4E95F6F30
  2. .
    Pre-Covid, I've traveled solo many times to Disney. BUT, I have friends who live and work at Disney. Mr. You Guys doesn't like to travel as much as I do, so it's easy to book with DVC and just go by myself. I cannot in any way imagine going all alone to WDW to run a race by myself, have pictures of just me alone, eating alone, going to parks alone, everything alone. If she's not vlogging this for her bidness wady real job, she doesn't even have the camera to talk to.

    Do you think she's freaky enough to just talk to her camera all the time? Like it's a real friend? In her mausoleum, is there a room filled with videos she's made just for her own viewing, to hear herself talk and spend endless hours admiring herself? She loves herself soooo much and she's sooooo proud of herself.

    There is a creepy movie premise in there somewhere.
  3. .
    Ewwwww! What is up with the Instagram story with Winnie? Is she trying to get Winnie to kiss her? Who knows what other horrors that poor dog endures.
  4. .
    Oh. My. God. Why am I even trying to slog through these sweating in the woods snorefest videos? Seriously, what is happening to her? I feel like an idiot for wasting my time watching, she's so pathetic. The Bakery is the only thing interesting about Jen. How f'd up is that?

    She really, truly believes she has something valuable to share. Her every utterance, complaint, feeling is something compelling to humanity. I couldn't finish watching because IDGAF. Jen you're boring, sad, and kind of gross. You used to be vibrant and full of life. I can't say you were curious about things, but you were interesting to watch. Fun trips, great hotels and restaurants, your very thoughtful holiday gift guides. Please come back, that Jen is missed. But, I think you killed her, she is sadly no longer available. RIP
  5. .
    Photography 101. Face the light, don’t have it behind you unless you’re going for a specific effect. You don’t look like a pirate, nobody can see the boots. Fake silhouette.
  6. .
    Always in black, is it any wonder she sweats so much? I would be so uncomfortable. Disney races are not typical, it's very common for people to have fun with what they're wearing. Silly shirts etc, it's all in good fun.

    I don't care to pick apart her body size or shape, she is obviously having some of the worst moments of her life, having the days she deserves. She has really gone off the rails with trying to reclaim herself, or her life. When you choose to bring life into this world, and in her case she brought in TWO! Your life is their life, your job is to make sure they have a firm footing and the tools to be successful in their lives. To be a first class shit, and always put yourself above your children, that is what makes me angry.

    I would bet that CC and Donny prefer being with Don and Tensleigh, in a home full of life, the security that comes with being loved, and the fun of playing with other kids. Cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles, parties and of course, real food everywhere.
  7. .
    I'm a minute 55 in, god she is incredibly stupid. I'm not sure I can watch anymore of this drivel.
    The bike art, Jen: "Oh, it reminds me of Amsterdam, remember all the bikes there?" Don: "Yes, but they were not arranged like that."

    Can anyone be that ignorant by accident, or does she think it's cute? Ten to fifteen years of not knowing how things are pronounced EVER! Dumb smile and cackle. How can you take a trip like that and not plan where you are going? How can you have no fricken idea of where you are and what you're looking at?
  8. .
    Big kids in strollers at Disney, don't get me started. I've had my ankles and toes wacked and run over so many times by parents determined to "get their money's worth" by keeping their kids in the parks no matter what. That's what strollers are for. Heat, rain, sun, doesn't matter. Kids crying, hot, hungry, all they want to do is go back to the resort and swim. Nope, we are going to have a flippin' magical time, so shut up and get in the stroller.

    Oh Jennifer, a teeny tiny bit of research would've allowed you a better time at restaurants, not sleeping in your van or car. That and washing up before going out, and for goodness sake, that disgustingly filthy cap is so disrespectful of other diners and the wait staff.

  9. .
    Her Instagram proves she loves to troll the Bakery.

    1. Showing the living room, no color, no decorations
    2. Close up of her kissing Donny's head
    3. Fugly chairs and watching a TV practically located in the next room
    4. And poor Charlotte, relegated to the opposite end of the sofa
    5. Charlie Brown game kept in hiding until Donny was old enough
    6. Again poor Charlotte trying to see the gameboard through her straggly, unkempt hair.
  10. .
    QUOTE (Doughy @ 10/31/2021, 09:23 AM) 
    This would have been Joey and Chandler's 'upgrade' if they were still living together at 45.

    Cold, colorless, empty and awkward. She can’t escape that reality no matter how far she runs. Even soaring above the Dolomites left her empty and devoid of emotion or color.

    No more family parties, with all the over the top food, drinks, snacks. Her house will no more be filled with people, laughter and fun. No more themed Christmas trees.. my goodness I’m depressing myself with all this melancholy. But, my God, with some effort, she could at least make her house warm, welcoming and fun.
  11. .
    I’m not a parent, but from my observations of friends and family, the pain of leaving your baby/toddler in the care of someone else and going back to work was palpable. My heart hurt for them, Each one wished they could be a stay at home mom, at least until the kids were 4 or 5. Jen didn’t have to send her kids away, especially when they were so little, and during a freaking pandemic.

    She is beyond lonely and so lost without the family structure the Rosses provided for her. She is too arrogant and stubborn to think something is wrong with her, it’s always something or someone else.

    Her depressed state explains why she felt it was ok putting on that filthy cap every day and wearing it at an outside table or inside a restaurant. I was grossed out looking at it on screen, I cannot imagine what it was like in person.

    And that song from a previous video, with the lyric that said something like it was always you, I don’t think it’s about Donald, I think It’s Jen referring to herself.
  12. .
    Travel vlogger with WonderJen, parasailing over one of the most breathtaking mountain ranges on earth. What do her viewers see? More of her giant mouth gaping open and giant head wagging back and forth. yeah, some view. Maybe the With Wonder crap is actually her viewers Wondering what the hell am I looking at?

    She’s carrying her walking sticks as opposed to actually using them for their intended purpose.

    Kids FaceTime, she, in a moment of clarity, realizes they are the only two people on earth who love her unconditionally. For now. But she recovers quickly back to All Jen All the Time.
  13. .
    Now this is something that would be interesting to document and film. C'mon Jen, do something really beautiful and wondrous.
  14. .
    She was probably out for hours on the paddleboard trying to find her way back to shore and her car. It had nothing to do with having such a great time.
  15. .
    I am totally understanding Don’s Christmas death stare. Can you imagine the foul mouthed tantrums he had to put up with?
185 replies since 12/2/2021