The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by JenInTenChin

  1. .
    She is so calculating it's disturbing. She throws shade at Don for being a gaslighter, cager. The reality was just the opposite. She caged Don, gaslit him into thinking she was anxious, fragile and needed special treatment and care for her delicate feelings. The "fertility journey" all the ridiculous shag carpet tea acupuncture nonsense (Charlotte York anyone?) not being present for business functions. Can you imagine how many excuses he had to make on her behalf. She gaslit the entire Ross family for years and years. The vegan debacle was the beginning of the end and having kids, finally Don saw the light. Dumped her lying ass and got on with his life.

    She is an empty, fake, lifeless person who has no anxiety about anything. What anxious person puts their life on YouTube? Or travels alone internationally? Or who camps alone? Travels across the country alone? Posts pictures of themselves in a bathtub reading a book? Who does this?? Who has two beautiful, smart, fun children and has no issues leaving the city and state her children are in for days and weeks at a time, even when they are sick? Who puts a sick, dying, tiny little dog in a cage and stuffs them in a closet and closes the doors?

    My God, it's hard to believe, but it's all out there for the world to see. Anxious my ass.
  2. .
    QUOTE (SmoothiesLikeLily @ 5/6/2023, 10:56 PM) 
    However, Jen’s latest pic lying on the couch w/ Winnie?

    It reminded me of that pic of Don & Jen lying together in bed w/ Don spooning Jen from behind.

    ME TOO! Super weird and definitely the kind of same creepy vibe. Why Jen, why?
  3. .
    Crap, I missed the picture.

    But back to Jen’s favorites, she says she didn’t like Rogue One, but loved Andor. How is this even possible? A self proclaimed “fan” of Star Wars, has watched the original 3 episodes more times than she can count, but doesn’t want to know any backstory? Did she have any idea what she was watching? She has absolutely no ability to put things together or how to follow what is one of the key pieces of the Star Wars saga.
  4. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 5/4/2023, 12:26 PM) 
    This is beyond embarrassing… I hope she keeps doing these on every single solo trip 😆


    What is going on here? What a confused mixture of Disney picture. She's wearing too-big-for-her sunglasses perched on the band of her Pixar mouse ears, a Nemo and friends shirt and she's doing photopass stuff in Galaxy's Edge. You can't tell me with her 50 pr of ears and endless number of shirts, she doesn't have a single Star Wars item?

    She looks ridiculous.
  5. .
    I truly believe Jen has no idea how live, she merely exists. She exists in a void, not understanding anything unless it's how things relate or affect HER. She watches IG or YouTube to figure out what is important or how to think. She finds people she wants to emulate who are, in her mind, successful and high achieving. She repeats what they say, how they look, she likes what they like. Not an original thought in her head. It's weirdly fascinating to watch, but also somewhat tragic.

    At some point somebody must've told her she's the most stubborn person they've ever met, so she glommed on to that identity. My stubbornness is legendary, I have to live up to it. Don told her she was curvy and had a big rack, must glom on to that too. I'm curvy, I'm round etc. Emily was getting all the attention while she was pregnant and Grace was getting all the attention after she was born. Jen figured I must have a baby, I want to be the family's center of attention again.

    Her lack of knowledge about ANYTHING is beyond shocking. Especially when it comes to Disney. She pretends a lot.
  6. .
    Let me get this straight. You're going to Disney World for the 10th time this year, and you still have to ask for "recs?" (I hate those stupid abbreviations, like oh i'm so cool and am such an influencer, I say recs)

    That is new level dimwit. It's a good thing she doesn't have the kids for more than 4 days a month.
  7. .
    QUOTE (RikkiJones @ 3/31/2023, 12:55 PM) 
    She's said it before but she's still sticking to the reasoning why she bought a big house....for the kids. So it's consistent with what they were used to.
    Kids as young as hers would not even notice or care what house they would move to. She's using that for an excuse to spend Don's money.

    It's what SHE was used to, she is obsessed with looking like the "winner" this divorce was my idea blah blah blah. She uses the kids as an excuse for everything.
  8. .
    I can't watch the whole thing, it's all so gross. She's sitting in what I imagine a prison waiting room would look like, and somehow she found a dirty grey, too small t-shirt to wear, one that matches the wall color. I can't tell if her hair is wet from being freshly washed (who am I kidding) or greasy, sweaty from finishing up a long hike carrying 4,000 pounds of gear. Honestly, how hard would it be to find a clean, properly sized black t shirt, or if she wants to be WiLd, a soft pink one? Comb your hair and wear a cute headband, some lip gloss and some color on that gray face. It would be a one thousand percent improvement with minimal effort. Jen, you wouldn't looked caged, you'd look like a woman who cares. A woman who cares about herself and her viewers.

    There is no end to her gaslighting, her delusional thinking. Somehow she's managed to find the 900 or so people willing to pay to hear all about it.

    I think Emily was very thoughtful in having the prettyneatrider things made. And Jen responded by rebranding as soon as Don and Tens were serious. I will never believe there was a "mass exodus." Miss Single Mom probably issued an ultimatum of sorts, saying she can't deal with the pain of seeing her kids with another woman or something equally stupid. Seeing that Gravy and Shrill have remained friends with the Rosses, tells me that Jen was never shut out. It was an Exodus of One.
  9. .
    The pandemic was helpful to Jen, the perfect excuse to transition to single life without having any real life interpersonal contacts.

    Now there are no excuses, no reasons to be so utterly alone ALL the time.

    She could manage the first year post pandemic all happy and life is great, rebranding (a disaster) so many adventures to be had.

    Second year in, the cracks are showing and getting bigger. Grey walls, grey face.

    Third year, we're only in the first quarter and it's bad all around. Horrible, repetitive, BORING content. I don't know if she'll make it to 2024 as a content creator. How can anyone survive being so absolutely alone all the time?

    What do you think?
  10. .
    Not everything is a "situation." Your broom is a situation?

    The real situation here, is why in the everlovin' hell would you get rid of classic timeless Burberry for an old, ugly, outdated J. Crew raincoat? Why, after three years, do you live in an empty, gray echoing house? Does it make you feel like grand bidness wady to walk into a big empty house, devoid of warmth and any feeling of home? That's a situation.

    Another situation, those constant wounds on her lower thumb. What is that? Is it really a sign of purging? I've seen those cuts or whatever they are on early vids and now on the recent Disney ones. What causes those sores?
  11. .
    I don't think she actually knows the definition of clique. Like she doesn't understand the definition of rumpus. If, in Jin speak, rumpus means extra, clique must mean more than 3 people in a group?
  12. .
    I've never seen anyone in real life whose facial pallor is the same color as their greige walls, it's disturbing.
  13. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 2/25/2023, 01:59 PM) 


    OMG, baby is right. What is happening here? This is off the charts cringe. Even worse, why am *I* feeling embarrassed for her?

    This is what happens when you don't have another single human being to interact with. These are the kinds of things you share with close friends, actual living, breathing, caring friends. Who goes on the internet, takes a picture of themselves in the changing room (!!😳) wearing that ugly dress, asking if you should buy it? That's what friends are for.

    And the ears, Every single set of mass produced ears are meant for children. This will be way over analyzing, but it bothers me everytime I see adults wearing mouse ears. The proportions are all wrong for adult size heads, even pinheads. Mouse ears aren't meant to sit on tippy top of your head, separated by the width of a bow. The ears should be further over to the side of the head, and larger. When I worked for the Disney Stores back in the mid 90's, they made adult size ears, and they looked pretty cute on, they were proportional to the size of an adults head.

    I wish I still had my pair.
  14. .
    She already has a room.

    This is complete BS about ooooh, what room should I get? Who is she trying to fool? Rooms for race weekends book up to a year in advance. Not even Jen is that stupid to think she can get a room "on property" two weeks or so before race weekend.

    What a tool.
  15. .
    She's like an SNL character.
    The self-important empath.
    The mother that thinks she's mothering, but is clueless as to how close she comes to injuring her children.
    The grown woman who thinks it's kind of endearing that she can't pronounce anything, the messy, dirty hair she thinks is cute, but is actually pretty gross. This drip dry business is disgusting.
    The world traveler that is stuck on repeat (who eats PB sandwiches in Italy?!)
    The person who walks around in NYC wearing a hydration bladder.
    The person who has a coddled, little princess bunny, show coat dog and proceeds to bungee cord her on a paddle board (it would be funny if it were not a real life scenario, resulting in permanent injury to the defenseless, sweet little princess bunny.)

    Now, move on to the Sick Sadist persona, the dog owner who only has her dog's best interest at heart.
    After paralyzing her Princess Bunny, the little dog is in the such pain she howls. Withhold pain meds, because you know best.
    Little Princess Bunny is crying in pain at night, so put her in a closet, close the door and make up some story about lightning and thunder.
    Princess Bunny cannot walk, so make her drag her back feet until the little paws bleed. 😫
    Keep the show coat on paralyzed little dog until her eye develops and ulcer.

    The list is endless.
188 replies since 12/2/2021