The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by April Smith

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    I just watched a video where she asked her viewers to buy her a coffee so she could get a new camera. She got a new camera, but it wasn't the one she wanted, so I guess we didn't buy her enough coffees. This infuriated me. Get a real job and don't ask your viewers to pay for your things. Really pissed me off. I am sure she will block me now that I told her to get a real job. LOL That's okay. I only subscribe so I can hit the dislike button after watching like 2 seconds of the video.

    Edited by April Smith - 8/11/2022, 01:44 AM
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    QUOTE (Isecretlycopyher @ 6/23/2022, 12:11 AM) 
    More useless decor and unnecessary furniture decorating

    :t0152: :t0152:

    I hate her decorating. She steals ideas from other places because she doesn't have a style of her own. Homes decorated with item from their past, or gifts they got from someone special, or things they picked up while traveling are my favorite kind of decorating. CCG's furniture is way too big for her spaces. I really hate it.

    QUOTE (Learning2Fly @ 6/22/2022, 09:15 PM) 
    Nasty Jr. posted a video. LAWD MERCY! Give me strength!

    She acts like she is 10 years old. And what is with these trips to the beach where they only show their heads but not the beach.

    QUOTE (waterisaliquid @ 6/20/2022, 08:56 PM) 
    Hey, do you guys wanna come over while I lock my good jewelry in the safe? That bit of CCG hanging her junk jewelry on THAT contraption, drove me insane…she’s got some earrings fit for a ten year old. Talk about content on her channel? There’s none.

    I have an enunciation pet peeve with Mensagurl. I was telling my sister (recently retired H.S. drama teacher, actor, director) about certain words Giada mispronounces. Like Garage, Going, Song. Hard “G”. Master’s Degree sister says “We refer to people like that ‘guppies.’ I’ve had to break many students of that habit.” With Giada’s content being mostly verbal, she could use some diction training…..

    The other day in her bathroom, she was talking about the shelf to put her shampoo on and instead of saying it was hidden away, she said it was hided.
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    [QUOTE=waterisaliquid,6/21/2022, 11:36 PM ?t=62522031&st=45#entry457677132]
    I watch how Loki follows her from room to room, almost begging for attention, a pat, a hug, some love and affection not just a pawn in her videos…

    I was so mad the other day when Loki jumped up on her at her dining "nook" and she just shied away from him. I would have given my dog a big hug and a bunch of kisses. Breaks my heart. She just saw how we all responded to Loxi and wants to keep that attention so she got Loki. Feel so bad for Loki.
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    She does have a net worth over a million dollars though, so he is not the only breadwinner.
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    What a waste of a college education. Going to college and getting her dream job and then quitting it to make videos about what she eats and where she shops and what she buys. It is so boring. I had to stop watching them. Just makes me sick. What a waste of a life. I recall Brandon making a post to her on one of her earlier videos about how proud he was that she had a full time job and still managed to do the videos. I suspect he isn't so proud of her now.
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    I think she usually films the ground mostly because she doesn't want anyone to know where she is. Like the Aubrey Pumpkin Patch or the bicycle ride at Arbor Hills. So she lives in Plano, TX somewhere.
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    I am wondering why I even watch her if all I am going to do is complain about her. it goes. I hate her style of decorating and I think she tries to dress like a teenager. She shouldn't be wearing those tight jeans with those big legs of her. Everything about her is very tacky!!!
7 replies since 7/4/2021