The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Shesaidwhaaaat??

  1. .
    Oh my days!! I've not long discovered Lauren Nicholsen. Compared to houses here in the UK her brand new place is a mansion and she appeared to be a domestic guru. So here I was, watching her videos, incessantly cleaning up after everyone else, then the latest "Super Chatty" vid drops and she's showing me the state of her house!!! What the heck has she been doing to get it so messy? I'm not being judgey, we can all have messy places, but her's is massive and there's crap everywhere!! Just saying!! 😀
  2. .
    Oh my days!!!! Yet again I am sooooo late to the party, I have only just watched the latest blithering and am actually lost for words......
    What in the name of all that is Disney is she bleating on about?? I love the way she flashes into Psycho Jen "I'm not going to be told I'm not a travel icon and documentary maker" mode, she really needs more time in the naughty corner. Lord knows, there's enough corners and no furniture in her pwincess pad.
    She does protest way too much about everyone else on the planet and never looks in the mirror. Is everyone else really that wrong??
    Can't wait for the next episode...psychology students must love her!!
  3. .
    OK, I've yet to actually read this thread, as I've just started watching the latest "Living off the land in my Air B'n'B video" but I have to say.....has she swallowed a freaking dictionary???? She has never used half these words in her life!! Is she using a different personality for each video now?
    Freaky!! Anyhoo, off to finish the vid and then catch up with you guys!! :D
  4. .
    The woman's totally deluded!!!!! Can she not even TRY to be kind of normal? I swear she's swallowed every classic kids story book and just rehashes the words out of her mouth! She obviously has absolutely zilch idea of anything that happens in the real world (especially the fact most of us can live without a citrus juicer!!! ) 😂 In the UK, she's what's known as a Bunny Boiler!!!!
    And poor Winnie, she keeps telling us she's old and can't go far but keeps her trussed up on her lead in case she dares to paddle in the lake!!
    I'm jumping off my soap box now!
  5. .
    I am soooo late to the party and I haven't caught up with this thread yet, so forgive me, guys if I'm repeating what others have already said, but I'm so incensed by the woman that can't just take a regular dish sponge and washing up liquid on a camping trip she doesn't even particularly want to go on, but HAS to buy speciality camping dish cleaner type things! I'm only 3 1/2 minutes into her latest pity party video but I knew you would all understand my venting!!!
    Anyhoo, back to the video and then I shall catch up with the goss on here!!
    Peace, love and cupcakes!!!
  6. .
    OMG! Just checked out the new "Sharewithwonder" (bleurgh!) IG account!! Does she seriously think she deserves a pat on the back for "dreaming it, planning it, getting there,making it happen"??? She booked a camper van and a few days away, whoopee do! Well done! Jeez, she thinks she's forging ahead for women, what the hell does she think we've all been doing every day for the last few hundred years???

    Just venting......!!! ;)
  7. .
    I mean, I've been camping for a weekend, doesn't make me the world's latest survival expert!! "survival life" She's headed for a fall!
  8. .
    Hey guys, I'm new to this forum and am trying to catch up in between laughing hysterically!!
    And there was me thinking I was only one of a few that thought Jen was losing the plot...!!! :woot:
8 replies since 17/4/2021