The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by carmen55

  1. .
    No way in hell I would ever want to experience shingles. I got my vaccines as soon as they were available. To each his own but I have seen enough people in horrible pain from that particular disease, I NEVER want to experience it.
  2. .
    I would be scammed because I cannot see any difference
  3. .
    So does H have a job in the USA or no? I use to think he was one of those asshole fathers who wanted to make sure his son was tough. Almost to the point of abuse. God forbid he would have a gay son. Dear Lord, I would hate to see the torment that kid would go thru.
  4. .
    QUOTE (FoolyPsychanalysis @ 11/6/2023, 08:04 AM) 

    I don't understand what people are talking about R not being filmed anymore. Are all these recent videos with him really old videos?

    Carmen- please watch the videos and checkout the threads here-

    Scammy and Hoedark deliberately stopped filming Raphael for quit sometime- there’s a timeline- when this is noticeable- it occurred when Abi would become angry and give her nasty looks to Scammy and Hoedark letting them know she didn’t want Raphael to be on camera-

    It also occurred when Abi is seen in a few videos very angry and jealous as she deliberately blocked Raphael from having any interaction with Ester—

    Following these videos- Ester is seen deliberately ignoring Raphael- she walked in and while Raphael was sitting at his assigned kitchen stool- Ester walks in and Raphael said to Ester THREE times how are you and she ignored him and deliberately showed her attention to Abi!!

    Raphael face at that moment!!!

    Anyway- After a few comments here- Scammy would have Raphael in a video for few seconds or mins just to show him- but there’s at least a year he’s not seen in the videos- only in Abi bday and Raphael bday of last yr— all the videos posted are older !!

    There’s a video of Raphael in the backseat with Abi bullying him- they bought take out and Raphael always has to serve Abi when they eat in the vehicle- Raphael found a very long French fry and was holding it to show the camera- while he was and waiting for Scammy to film him- Abi is seen trying to grab it- Raphael pulls it away from her- well Hoedark was watching in the rear view mirror- and Abi KNEW that Hoedark saw what was going on- she deliberately started her fake acting with her psychotic facial expressions showing that she was upset because Raphael pulled the fry away from her several times!!

    NOTE: A baker here posted about this along with screenshots- please refer back- and read and see the screenshots

    In those screenshots one can see Hoedark was enraged - Scammy actually caught Hoedark in camera (something she’s always done- and Hoedark wasn’t aware nor does he understand what her intent is) Hoedark had no idea that his scammy mammy had the camera on him- when he did realize it- he immediately tried changing his nasty enraged facial/ body language—- however the damage was done!!!

    The camera was shut off- it comes back on after they ate and they’re getting out to walk/ it is during this walk one can see and feel Hoedark was enraged- And Raphael appeared to be afraid- it looked like Hoedark yelled but didn’t GET RAPHAEL YET because he knew Scammy was going to film their walk/ during the walk- Hoedark is seen walking way ahead of everyone- and Raphael is focused on Hoedark although doesn’t get close too him- at one point he said to Scammy - in a low tone nonchalantly due to the camera- (he’s angry)…, Abi was jumping around and appears to be elated!!! Knowing that Hoe is angry at Raphael- and she’s contemplating that LATER Raphael will GET IT from Hoedark—

    Abi was so elated she kept jumping around and Scammy appeared to be panicked and nervous- she kept telling Abi that she will die and fall in the water few times!!! Abi of course deliberately kept at it- knowing Abi she would normally walk with Hoedark- however she kept close to Scammy—

    When they stop on a bridge- Again Scammy captured Hoedark without him realizing— he’s enraged- and staring with a flat affect— doesn’t interact—

    Raphael appears to be scared and tries to make the best of the situation- he tried to converse with Scammy but she’ ignores him— and Scammy kept saying “Abi” multiple times- something they both do to show Raphael their favoritism—

    When they get in the elevator filling the bridge scene- Raphael is so afraid he sees Hoedark hit the wrong button on elevator and asked Scammy what floor is it to exit— he knew Hoe hit the wrong floor- but would never say it- anyway-

    Scammy knew Raphael was afraid- she knew Hoedark was enraged- she knew Abi was sinisterly joyful!!! She tells Raphael at that moment when the elevator moved that (it’s broke and they’re stuck) Raphael instantly knew she was lying—

    Hoedark gets out and again walks ahead of them- he doesn’t say anything—

    Scammy has always captured Hoedark when he’s enraged- or whenever he abused Raphael- or whenever he would get his tent up with Abi- or whenever he would have these weird facial jerks- and whenever he would freak out and become angry because of a truck or noise— whatever it is/ was Scammy made sure she filmed him and it’s almost as though she wanted viewers to see him and take notice of his many issues- especially his anger problem and his jealousy and abuse of Raphael—-

    It was this video and a few prior - that watching their body language- one could see and feel something was off- and as though tension was in the air—

    It was after this time- Raphael was really not seen at all for months- only walking n the background or so!!!

    Scammy has ALWAYS posted videos- during her pregnancy- during the birth of kids- during her weight loss surgery- during the 2018 when they really moved from Israel- she posted videos making it appear as they were still in Israel that entire year!!! When they were actually living in Florida from Jan 2018 in a mobile van (seen on Ester property once) for a year while looking for a place to buy!!!

    Scammy had many filler footage and always posted during the said above timelines!!!!

    The fact that Scammy has stopped posting- is highly suspicious!!!

    There’s a few bakers who wrote for many chapters way back and like a year ago- one in particular- this baker actually reading the posts- seems to have actually said exactly what’s going on- in short (if they stop posting- it would be highly suspect that something had happened to Raphael )…

    Scammy had Hoedark apply for an LLC name during the time the PPP LOANS came available- well before- Hoedark applied for Foolyliving channel LLC business in his name ONLY- he uses the address of that particular store that receives their mail- it is not a post office-

    Hoedark does not use his home address at all for the business— and Scammy does not have her address at the Fooly compound- she has her address (which is public information) at her moms house and is listed for last 12 yrs!!!

    Hoedark also has his address listed at her moms from 2009 to 2019!!!
    And he is listed as living there for ten yrs!!

    The point is- off topic from the above concerns with Raphael- is that most likely they received a large amount with the PPP loan—- thus the money and shopping spree Scammy and Hoedark went on- Hoedark kept his on low key but we’ve all seen the videos of Scammys spending sprees-

    One might think with that money- along with the kids potentially recipients of SSI if she obtained the autism diagnosis there in Florida- remember Scammy wouldn’t of been taking Raphael voluntary to speech therapy!!!
    Now Abi is going—

    Also - Scammy made this big propaganda around the time they settled in - regarding Hoedark shoulder and emphasis that he can’t do anything because he’s in pain - she tried lying regarding the time they took the few months free trial at the gym saying Hoedark needed it for his shoulder but after the trial ended- Scammy talked about Hoedark shoulder getting worse- which was all lies- as he’s seen carrying 3-4 yr old heavy duty Abi up few flights of steps- and lifting her in and out of jeep and more—

    Then Scammy went on her propaganda story about her legs and such

    All suspect in intent and motive to obtain SSI !!! Looking back when Scammy filmed her food shopping sprees- one can see they most likely had food stamps as well- there’s a few videos of Hoedark cutting and eating from a block of cheese- most likely Whick program or whatever they call it - they’d buy a large amount of eggs- 3-4 gallons of milk- and blocks of cheese- Abi was young enough to receive- at that time!!

    With the PPP and SSI Scammy still always posted videos!!! And again as the above times when she was hospitalized and so on she still posted!!!

    Something is NOT RIGHT!!!

    IT HAS NOTHING to do with Hoedark going / being called back to service-

    They called back all reserves up to age 40!! There’s many stories heard of men living in NY talking about them leaving their kids and wife and job- business behind and went back!!!

    They did say that they called over 670,000 reserves - and most were living in Israel- however thousands living in the states went back - up too age 40!!!

    Hoedark was not a soldier- nor specialized in running machinery- he was a maintenance man- one would think the maintenance men are already available— and Hoedark position is not needed-

    One thing for sure- Scammy better file the appropriate paperwork for Raphael before he turns 14!!! Or they will call him for mandatory service - same with Abi!!

    Doesn’t matter they came here young age and have US passports- Israel does NOT recognize dual citizenship!!!

    And the child must file paperwork with proof of age left and proof of schooling- with proof of established life in the states— along with housing and parents lifestyle-

    I’ve seen some comments back responding to my last post regarding this- I am correct- so please do your research before responding that I’m wrong or refute this - this is correct and Hoedark may deliberately sabotage Raphael wanting him to do the mandatory military!!!

    Scammy cannot use autism card either!! They will have the proper evaluations -

    When Hoedark went- he tried getting out of mandatory- they did evaluations on him and they sent him to do work that he could cognitively handle!!!

    This is how Hoedark got out of being an actual soldier— his dad wanted to be in the Air Force- not to fly- he didn’t want to be a soldier- but he could not get out of the soldiers job-

    Hoedark is cognitively impaired- and they adjusted his work as such - that’s why he was able to be a maintenance man- and would setup the food and such for the pilots and men who ran the machinery- and technical and mechanical men!!!

    Unless they’ need maintenance men on the IDF crew— Hoedark most likely will not be called—

    There’s a guy who owns a business in NY with a wife and two kids - 2&4 yrs old-he’s 37 yrs old and has been called back- he left— leaving his business and family-

    That’s one story of many-/!

    They do everything sneaky!!! One might ask why does Scammy have her address and mail at her moms!?

    And why does Hoedark have his name for ten yrs at Esters and changed it to the compound and he’s the only one reported living at the Fooly Compound address—

    There’s no mention of the kids listed as related-

    Under Scammy or Hoedark

    The deed of the house and property is in Hoedark name only- it was under Zeus but they changed it in April of 2019- and Scammy filmed the day they picked Zeb up for that- Hoedark was very angry for days prior and that day specifically— Scammy made sure she captured Hoedark rage- towards her- and she captured talked about picking up Zeb and he had paperwork to do- and after around the time line of posting video- the deed was changed from Zeb as owner to Hoedark!!

    Ester still brings Scammys mail over!!!
    Something very suspect!!

    Everything is seen in the videos and public information—

    They say Zeb moved- however his updated address is still at Ester!!! He most likely is still there and she created a story—

    Just like they lied about the timeline moved to Florida was in Jan 2018!! Raphael attended kindergarten but missed the first few weeks- they never posted anything About Raphael kindergarten class and his graduation-however a baker posted the screenshots of it.,

    That’s where Abi got her idea of wanting to go to kindergarten-

    Also- they never talked about living in the mobile camper for a year - and Scammy got a grey Pittbull and tried to get the kids to be around it- Hoedark didn’t want it because he was scared!!! He knew he couldn’t abuse that dog-

    It WAS THEN when they had the pittbull at Ester’s that Hoedark would talk to Scammy and subconsciously let out the real story— he told Scammy- (the dog must know who his master is!)
    That was him convincing Scammy he didn’t want that dog!!

    When Scammy put out the story the kids were sad because they couldn’t get that one dog- that was the story of the grey Pitt bull being discarded!!!

    Hoedark- watch the videos when they went to look for dogs- one can see Hoedark being cautious and scared with a few dogs- he deliberately picked Rudy knowing he could abuse her!!!

    These people are so sneaky/ and what they’ve done using their supporters all these years - Scammy doesn’t care about anyone but herself and shows how ignorant they are not to respond to all the supporters who genuinely are worried about Scammy and Hoedark family!!!

    Scammy is she had any class she’d respond or comment on the community page!!!

    Also- Hoedwas caught cheating helping Abi with her schoolwork- when Abi took the end of year mandatory testing/ she tested so low in score- they were asked about how Abi sent in her work and her test scores did not compare with her work she sent in and her online tests!!!

    They wanted Abi to stay back a year and Scammy let all hell break out!!! Scammy got her way- they compromised- Abi had to retake some areas of Kindergarten during the summer- on line and retake the online kindergarten tests- before the new year started— Hoedark then started to lag off from helping Abi- like always!!

    They made Raphael help her in summer- that’s why they took -Abi to the hotel vacation- Scammy bribed her!!!

    Scammy got away with it- she started using the Speech therapist to help her in saying Abi need it and needs comprehensive therapy- Scammy started the speech the story with-Abi during the last part of the first semester of kindergarten when Abi couldn’t do the work-!!

    Besides Suspicious that Raphael and Rudy are in danger and or something occurred- Scammy is and doesn’t want viewers to know what’s going on with Abi and school- Hoedark backed out from helping her- full time— that was predicted!!!

    Does anyone know when the french fry incident occurred? I would like to go and watch that video.
  5. .
    QUOTE (Laura Linden @ 11/4/2023, 08:06 AM) 
    Cindy’s previous video (Trad Wives) was posted two days ago, which would be Wednesday/Thursday. She claims she got severely ill on Wednesday—so sick that she couldn’t go to the ER, and so sick she couldn’t appear live (but did so with her entire face looking like raw meat).

    We’re now expected to believe that Cindy looks so awful and is so sick that she must script her video with stills from the previous post, but not sick enough that she doesn’t need any food—complements of Eric—her perpetual man-in-waiting.

    Please…I wonder if instead of COVID and shingles—neither of which she has had professionally diagnosed—she is experiencing the effects of not properly allowing her face to heal from a very intensive and invasive laser treatment.

    BINGO. :running_around_smiley_emoticon:
  6. .
    ok, I hate to feel this way but if Cindy is truly sick I wish her well. I just never know if I can trust the shit she puts out there.
  7. .
    I don't understand what people are talking about R not being filmed anymore. Are all these recent videos with him really old videos??
  8. .
    OMG I finally checked in on this family. Why does A always dress R in clothes look like they are meant for a small girl???

    does R have no male young friends?????
  9. .
    I knew those bastards would never let Raph stay in regular school. He would do so well because he is so bright.
  10. .
    I have always hated being 5'10". You are usually taller than most guys you date and taller than most girls. Always the tallest kid in the class. Uncoordinated and lanky. I always wished I was about 5'6". Unless you are in the modeling world, you always kinda feel odd. I use to cry about my height.

    I hate those black garbage bag looking pants.
  11. .
    glad I stopped subscribing to her
  12. .
    QUOTE (thesilenceisloudaf @ 10/30/2023, 03:14 AM) 
    Saying she is outright bulimic is extreme, but the signs of her having an eating disorder and suffering from body dysmorphia have been there from the beginning. She's always been restrictive with her food, has always displayed guilt after she eats something she thinks she shouldn't have eaten, and always cycles in and out of these patterns evident by her constantly gaining or losing weight.

    These are the first videos I remember her talking about how she lost weight and 13 years later, she has the same mindset.

    I personally don't believe she was ever making herself throw up, but she did have some of the behaviors of someone who is bulimic. She's always been a binge eater and probably purged by using diuretics (sipping on Starbucks all day), strict dieting, and going through bouts of extreme exercise. We all saw her doing the latter recently where she decided she was going to film herself exercising for two days after shitting all over exercise days before, but once she got the news that she was definitely pregnant, she stopped pretending to give a damn about self-care. She doesn't want to exercise and lacks self control with food so restricting calories is her go-to failing method since she doesn't know anything about nutrition or her own body.

    Her face looks like that because she is botched to hell when previously it was bloating due to her alcoholism and heavy diet of carbs and sodium. Someone mentioned her entrance into food porn is Trisha Paytas inspired, but she's been face fucking food and watching herself chew while she stares into the viewfinder for years now too, it's just more excessive.

    WOW she looks like a totally different person now. Even down to her nails.
  13. .
    I did the online application. It was super easy but did take the SS office a while to get it reviewed.
  14. .
    Don't think Dana is paying her anything. I think they agreed to split things a certain way and that is it. There are no young children involved so I think Dana is off the hook for this kook. I would NEVER remarry at my age and I am 10 yrs younger than Cindy. I have two children and I want them to get everything when I die. I don't want some free loader trying to bust in on my will. NO THANK YOU
  15. .
    Cindy, I think you are full of S#it. It think they only did this video to boost her subbie views. She is such a lying sneak.
362 replies since 30/4/2021