The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Clueless

  1. .
    I'm very concerned about this trend to attack medical providers.
  2. .
    The argument against believing and following the science that drives me NUTS is "well they keep changing their recommendations"....and then some go so far as to say this means they are lying??!!!

    Yes they are changing their recommendations because the understanding of the virus and treatment keeps growing. It's just like when I had my babies, it was ANATHEMA to put them to sleep on their backs, you were told to only put them to sleep on their tummies. And now, the understanding of that has changed. They were not lying to us before, it was the best practice from what they understood at the time.
  3. .

    I'm sorry you have to navigate this tricky path. I was just talking to a friend yesterday about discord in her own family over this issue and I was thinking that if you had told me even 2 years ago that this kind of thing was going to divide friends and family I never would have believed it.

    I just don't understand how science got politicized.
  4. .
    QUOTE (Good Ol’ Suze @ 9/25/2021, 10:12 AM) 

    100% agree. Jen is trapped in the misery that she is wholly responsible for creating. She calls herself ‘a creative’ 😜, and there it is. She shat all over her life, gaslighted her subscribers, backed herself into a corner of mental and physical instability, and I view her as a cautionary tale.

    Good Ol’ Suze

    I love you, I hate you, Go away, I need you, Come back, I hate see me, I love you, I hate you, Go away.

    Rinse and Repeat to maintain dopamine levels.
  5. .
    A clip from a very interesting article that in my mind explains precisely what has happened and is continuing to happen to Jen. Link to entire article provided as well.

  6. .

    I can’t pretend to know what you must be feeling, but please know that a stranger in Chicago will be praying for you tonight and the One to whom she will be praying knows exactly how you feel and what you need.


  7. .
    So very sad....
  8. .
    QUOTE (BowlingForSnark @ 23/9/2021, 17:13) 
    QUOTE (Clueless @ 23/9/2021, 16:57) 
    I really wish someone could explain this whole mukbang phenomenon to me.

    It started in South Korea, became wildly popular and snowballed from there. I remember watching a video on YouTube years ago when a Korean girl cooked a ton of food on an electric grill in her apartment and then ate it all during the course of the video. I’ve since seen Americans do similar videos but most involved buying large quantities of food from restaurants and eating it instead of cooking their own.

    Maybe that could be new content for Jen? It would give her an excuse to “share” while fulfilling her desire to eat all the things. 😂

    Sorry, I was unclear in my post. What I should have written is why is it fun to watch someone ear a whole table full of food!?
  9. .
    QUOTE (Good Ol’ Suze @ 23/9/2021, 16:56) 
    Jen loves semantics being with ‘family’ could mean many things. She wants people to infer different things to both seem like she is part of the greater Ross group AND so she can yell at people later for assuming.

    Obfuscation runs deep in her communication style and those latest IG stories are a prime example.
  10. .
    QUOTE (Good Ol’ Suze @ 23/9/2021, 16:49) 
    Girl (singular) night at Jen’s


    I really wish someone could explain this whole mukbang phenomenon to me.
  11. .
    QUOTE (Single and Sad @ 9/22/2021, 05:14 PM) 
    I swear this would give me nightmares! As others have said, sandbars,no matter how shallow, can still be dangerous for young kids.


    I'm concerned about your battery. Go directly home, do not pass GO, do not collect $200, and recharge, please :)
  12. .

    WHY?? What was holding you back from doing a trip with just the three of you?

    A bit of advice Jen: if you don't want to be judged, either get off the internet or stop acting like we are all stupid.
  13. .
    QUOTE (husbandontherun @ 9/21/2021, 01:04 PM) 
    QUOTE (Beetrix @ 21/9/2021, 20:01) 
    WORKING people take vacations
    Jen has NO CLUE

    But she does have a job. Hater! 🤪

    She's a documenter

  14. .
    This piece blends reporting on the Gabby story and (pertinent to Jen) the fact that social media can be very harmful to certain individuals.
  15. .
662 replies since 7/6/2021