The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Lone Woof

  1. .
    Can Yetta, or some other Baker with training/exercise/nutrition credentials, please explain again how Jin can peloton for a couple of hours each day in addition to yoga and look like she does? Yetta has given her considered opinion before, but I just don’t understand.

    Is peloton mostly useful for cardio and yoga for movement, strength and balance? When I see Jen’s true-to-life photos (thanks Baker-sleuths) it truly looks like she does no workouts at all. I wonder what her a1c lab results would look like — Jin is only 42 and still young(ish).

    GIRL, you need to get things under control now before menopause changes everything. Unfortunately, GIRL, you have dug yourself a hole and you may not be able to get out.
  2. .
    I watched Jen’s BBQ prep video just because … and the deterioration of Jen’s life and looks (and outlook on life) was so gradual during “real time” that you didn’t notice the crumbling until it became obvious. And she’s been dealing poorly with the aftermath of her wrecking ball ever since. Seeing what she used to look like is quite jarring now.

    But thanks for linking the video. Her prep videos were always a favorite of mine.
  3. .
    QUOTE (Todolovethebaby2 @ 8/1/2023, 22:11) 
    QUOTE (Idiot savant @ 8/1/2023, 21:43) 
    Ok I need to see that/meet that man

    There’s a few of them lol. What I found the weirdest was all their guy friends had pics and videos of their giant penises. Like wtf. Why. I’m not sending my bestie nip pics.
    The biggest girth was 7 inches. Think about that for a minute. 😳 basically giving birth.

    WHAT! I thought you were going to come back and say the documentary was about extraordinary chickens!!
  4. .
    “Fucking barf you stupid loser.”

    I can’t explain why I like this comment so much.
  5. .
    I would like hear more about the very unhappy and ancient presence in her basement at RM1.

    It probably was Poopsie, who came over to make a minor fix on her “laundry machines” and she didn’t know he was there.
  6. .
    “I’m not going to lay any judgement there… but it was totally Don’s fault that I didn’t have a career.”

    “I am not upset about how things unfolded…but, again, it was totally Don’s fault that I didn’t have a career.”
  7. .
    NOOOOOO! Get out of Oregon and stay out!

    And there’s no “mandatory full service” at gas stations in Oregon. I would’ve LOVED to watch what happened when the attendant pointed Jenny to the air hose . Miss I-was-so-caged-I-never-filled-a-low-tire! What do we call this????? I don’t know how tires work!

    I’m a little rattled because she has crossed over to the west side of the state. :furious: And that a cougar didn’t eat her at Silver Falls.
  8. .
    Whod*nnit I’m so sorry for your loss.
  9. .
    QUOTE (OstracizedLikeJen @ 13/8/2022, 16:03) 
    I think she’s not moving which means that she’s definitely moving.

    I haven’t been right about anything so far (except, of course, that it’s absolutely Longchamp), so my gut instinct that she’s staying is a good indicator that she’s going.

    I agree with you … she does exactly the opposite of what I would do —because I’m somewhat rational and she’s nuts. Except it’s Iowncare.
  10. .
    If there’s a load of bark delivered to her driveway…Jenny’s certainly moving! :toothless-chuckle-smiley-emotic
  11. .
    That photo of Jenny’s big hind end is shocking. Every time someone reposts it, it startles me.
  12. .
    There’s no scoop going on here because no one in real life actually knows her! Her personas constantly change. Jill may come closest to seeing the Real Jenny. Boy, she’d have some good stories. Let’s invite her over and give her margaritas.
  13. .
    I am a native Californian and I was a teen in the 80s and yes, we did say stoked, dude, rad, and bitchin LOL is it a good look? nope. I notice that I don't speak like that with everyone but I will for sure send a text or voice message to a childhood friend and it will start with...Duuuuude. and I might toss in a stoked at some point. I am not sure why Jen talks the way she does. Y'all and stoked. Neither seem like the persona of her old lady talk like...GLORIOUS.

    Jenny is a very confused and lost person. Do Southern Californians hold the authority on stoked? no, but its odd when its coming from Jenny.

    I see what you did there.
  14. .
    QUOTE (OstracizedLikeJen @ 14/7/2022, 17:26) 
    I’ve been here a while and I legit had no idea that Huzzah was a sneaky little troll. Other than getting annoying recently with the “mAyBe ShE’s GaY” shit (and the baseless Tens judgement), they seemed completely non-offensive to me. Why, I do believe I have zero instinct.

    I hear you, sister!
  15. .
    Jen’s pallor isn’t aspirational. The commenter is either kissing her a$$ or trolling.

    And most body language experts agree that rubbing your eyes is a sign of lying. And the commenter is most likely rubbing HER eye while typing the comment.

    Edited by Lone Woof - 6/29/2022, 01:26 AM
110 replies since 8/6/2021