The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by AmandaLorian

  1. .
    QUOTE (BonusHouse @ 11/5/2024, 05:40) 
    These two are seriously ALL ABOUT themselves. They are just SO self absorbed, it’s crazy.
    They have a beautiful backyard with a pool and plenty of space to entertain, but NO WAY will the #OG’s invite a friend over all summer. Can you imagine asking a friend to come by and hang out/swim at their pool and then Shady (Extra Huge Bolt-Ons) and Shiny (Extra Tiny TINY swim trunks) parading around the pool area screeching at each other. And if the #OG’s did have friends over, the amount of shit talk happening after they leave the Shull Compound would be epic.

    Not to mention, if this summer is anything like last summer, the kids won’t even have that option. They’ll be dragged off to hang in the Nantucket tiny house and can’t do normal teen things like invite friends to hang out in their very nice back yard.
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    QUOTE (Size XXS @ 5/10/2024, 11:07 PM) 
    Every time I travel anywhere I think how just completely bizarre these two nimrods are. I just returned from an out of country trip and it. Is. A lot. I had an incredibly smooth time, it was a great trip in a beautiful local, and I still couldn’t wait to get home and see my kids and pets. Sleep in my bed. Drink my coffee.

    EXACTLY. Traveling is exhausting work no matter how much fun it is. What makes the "work" of travel bearable for a normal person is that the vacation is a break from routine, a privilege, something different. Shay literally travels constantly.

    She travels because she's trying to show off and prove something - that she has money to throw away on constant trips, that she's just a better organized person, that she somehow enjoys life more, and that isn't bothered by inconveniences the way us normal people are. If you actually look at what Shay DOES on her trips, it's rarely worth all the trouble and expense she goes to just to read, drink coffee, eat (and probably "get motion sick from") gigantic restaurant meals, and lie by the pool in different locales.
  3. .
    QUOTE (MMM35 @ 5/8/2024, 10:03 PM) 
    QUOTE (Miss Priss @ 8/5/2024, 20:57) 
    I could have sworn that in a reel yesterday (Monday?) she said she was "working on a cruise" and showed Madely swimming in a pool on the deck.

    Was that from their cruise a couple months ago

    Yeah, I think she said they're on a kid-free trip. Luckily just the other day she assured us all that her kids LOVE their grandparents. Supposedly they never care that their actual parents are gone. But at her funeral, Shay wants to be remembered for how much she loved being a mom. Makes sense.
  4. .
    I noticed how she emphasized how much her teens love being with their grandparents. This felt like she was trying to address what critics have said about how much her kids still NEED her when she's gone all the time.
  5. .
    Oh goodie, we get treated to a pic of her deformed feet today. It really looks like her pinkie toes are missing. Most people don't have super cute feet...but usually, those of us who don't have picture-perfect feet do NOT feature them so prominently on blogs or social media. She really is out of touch with how she actually measures up, isn't she.
  6. .
    And now I am also vicariously embarrassed for Donna Mullen.
  7. .
    I actually feel a level of embarrassment on Shay’s behalf when she mentions her “friends on the island.” They make small talk with the restaurant staff or that one hotel manager she made a huge deal over during spring break. They’re NOT actually part of any Nantucket community or social circle. Guaranteed. If they actually had any meaningful relationships there, these people would pop up in the photos of their nightly expensive restaurant dinners out…and NOT be waitstaff.
  8. .
    I think Shay has tapped into something that really resonates with people who don't think too deeply. She sells a life that is simultaneously perfect and easy with seemingly endless money to burn. She claims they are happy all the time and always laughing and having so much fun - even as most people with teens and tweens know surly and uncooperative and just annoying kids can be. She shows these trips that have to be SO TEDIOUS with the hours and hours of airline travel...yet claims they are always the "best ever." She adopted not one but two kids from China - and made it look like barely a blip on her radar. Life soldiered on in the same easy way.

    Anyone who thinks beyond the surface knows how ridiculous this all is, but I think a lot of her fans WANT this fake life to be attainable so they don't look past what she presents.
  9. .
    QUOTE (Happy Tuesday! @ 4/24/2024, 03:50 PM) 
    QUOTE (Size XXS @ 24/4/2024, 15:24) 
    Maybe my expectations are low, but I’m surprised she got the little ones a dog at all.

    She started planning this once she realized how bad it would look when the oldest dog died, and the orphans still never got a dog of their own. She is just covering her ass.

    Yup. I even wonder if the oldest dog got some kind of diagnosis recently where they know she (he?) might not be long for this world. Shay described the oldest dog not too long ago as having slowed down compared to the others. Four yappy designer dogs sound like chaos to me, particularly when everyone is all crammed together in the Nantucket Tiny House. Seems like there might be a reason Shay is getting this extra dog at this moment, when the more logical thing to do would be to wait till they're back in Texas at the end of summer.
  10. .
    QUOTE (50 Shades of Shady Shay @ 23/4/2024, 21:20) 
    Back to getting another dog, I feel like she did this because their oldest dog isn’t gonna live much longer and I think that was the only dog that didn’t “belong” to one of the kids.

    That was my immediate thought. Just the other day Shay posted about their oldest dog turning…14 or something like that?
  11. .
    I guess we could go round and round. The fact is, if a person says they are against Papa Jay's "intolerant" views, they are themselves intolerant? Like - they don't tolerate Papa Jay...right? If you come down firmly on one side or the other of the political aisle, there's going to be a level of "intolerance" there - if we are honest with one another. Calling someone out for "intolerance" IS intolerant. Holding strong political opinions inherently requires a rejection of (intolerance for) other political opinions.

    This is why I hate when things here veer into politics. People who speak with such authority and are so sure they're correct are just as "intolerant" as the people they accuse of intolerance.

    And yep. Said what I said. Still love to snark on Shay, though.
  12. .
    QUOTE (dancer1981 @ 4/23/2024, 02:20 PM) 
    QUOTE (Sunnydaysahead @ 4/23/2024, 02:36 AM) 
    Can someone give me some background on her dad and why you all think he’s creepy and why you all don’t care for him too much. I didn’t start reading her blog until a few yrs ago…tx!

    the people on this board do not like where he lies politically and it sems like that is the only reason i have seen so far.

    I'd add some nuance to this by saying the politically vocal here don't like where Papa Jay stands politically.

    That being said, personally, I think he's weird and smarmy for other reasons besides his open support for Trump. He seems gooberishly enmeshed in both his kids' lives. Despite all the praise Shay HEAPS upon him, it's hard to point to what he actually ever DID for a living. Not that a career determines a person's worth or anything, but Papa Jay gives off some attention-seeking grifter vibes and hasn't ever actually appeared to work at a job? Someone else already mentioned how he wrote and performed a cheesy song for Sean and Catherine's wedding and thought so highly of it that he put it on iTunes to purchase.

    I dunno, he just seems like someone who is all show and no substance. Plus Shay herself says he's the main reason she is the way she is. They pump each other up in a really gross way. I remember a long time ago he actually would comment on her blog. Once he replied to a slightly critical comment and declared Shay was doing "ministry" by having her blog. Her arrogant boastful blog.
  13. .
    I guess her social media presence just doesn't seem like it could possibly generate the level of income they need to stay ahead of the type of extremely conspicuous consumption they engage in.

    Shay has shown her huge and ever-growing collection of designer bags. Andrew is draped in designer clothes and shoes. Their kids are in sports and hobbies with private lessons. The sketchily-financed Nantucket property involves payments of more than $!0k per month. Shay shows herself in new clothes literally multiple times per day. What they spend on travel is easily in the $200k range, even if Shay does get some travel agent discounts and perks.

    Here's a closer look at one crazy area of spending. Last summer on Nantucket she showed them eating out at fairly pricey restaurants ($100 a person or more on average) probably 4-5 nights per week. With drinks and gratuities, those were probably $1000 dinners (for a party of 6). Four or five nights per week. Followed by Dairy Bar ice cream, at $15 a person. Another $100. She would frequently show herself getting coffee out in the mornings (even though they have a $5k Jura machine in the tiny house). She and Andrew would also often go out to lunch. This was all shown on her IG in basically real time, and these were just some of their discretionary expenditures. Conservatively they were spending $5k per week just on food.

    Her influencer money would have to be in the $1 million range to comfortably support the lifestyle she shows.
  14. .
    I really don't think Shay or Andrew has gotten any significant money from their families. Both sets of their parents appear well enough off to be comfortably retired - but nowhere near wealthy enough to have helped them in any significant way. I'm not sure what Papa Jay's original profession even was. He sounds like he's always been a bit of a strange self-promoter, with his attempts at world records and reality TV...but maybe he also had a State Farm agency? Andrew's dad was a "gentleman farmer," I think Shay once shared he was an engineer but they also live/lived on a farm. The older Shulls sound like they're perfectly fine but not rolling in it?

    The grandparents who recently passed, that was Jay's parents, and the grandfather was a minister. No big money there. Shay's other grandmother is still alive, so nothing inherited from that side either.

    I think both Andrew and Shay started adult life with probably little to no college debt but not much else in the way of a financial "leg up."

    As has been said many times, the travel agency can't be much more than a break-even cover story for where their money is really coming from.
  15. .
    QUOTE (Design Diva @ 4/20/2024, 03:59 PM) 
    .........I still say there is Shull Shah criming going on. Because none of the dollars add up, anywhere.

    Something underhanded is going on. Maybe they stay just THIS side of the law, but I bet they do a LOT of very questionable things. There's just no way they are bringing in enough money every month, even between the two of them, to comfortably cover everything that goes out. I know next to nothing about travel agencies, but based on Shay's MMM Travel website, she has EIGHT employees, six who plan trips and two support staff. Any commissions the agency may get from bookings have to then be spread out among all those people. What would be left for Shay herself? Could she really be making that much off her blog and social media? Even if Andrew's State Farm nets them $500k per year (and that's a VERY generous guesstimate), the Shulls need way more than that just to pay their bills and travel costs. None of it makes sense. The ACK place alone is a minimum of $10k per month. They are CONSTANTLY redoing various rooms in their regular McKinney house, no expense was spared on the remodeling and furnishing of the ACK tiny house. Their food expenses alone last summer had to average $3k per week between all the meals out for 6 people, Dairy Bar ice cream nightly, boujie groceries, etc. The trip they took on the Norwegian Prima over spring break was EASILY $25k. Even if they manage to funnel ALL the State Farm, travel agency, and personal purchases onto their American Airlines credit cards for millions of free miles, they still stay in very high end pricey hotels wherever they go. Everything she does is no expense spared.

    Their money situation is SO questionable.
448 replies since 21/7/2021