The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Sally Rides Again

  1. .
    No one should care what is said here other than the subject of the board. Knowing her overinflated ego, need for mass appeal and control the thought (and nerve)that she’s still being held to account drives her more crazy. She thought by now everyone would forget or move on. The thought that GB has the nerve to still call her out shouldn’t be a surprise to her or any of her loyal stooge squad. But they are. It is easier to blame, deflect anyone or anything else than owning and acknowledging the scam so many people fell for. Some fell for it knowingly and willingly because they are just like her. But like any good and decent Justice Warrior there is still a need to honor the true (and many) victims of granny con job. Putting her and her squad on notice that truth is and will continue to march on!
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    Rumor has it the state was called to investigate her hidden income sources. She could work, wouldn’t work. I believe if she got a job of any kind it had nothing to do with YT but everything to do with the state cracking down on her fraudulent A$$! That would explain the abrupt suspension of Patreon too. She had the heat on her instead of her being in perpetual heat! Bam!

    PS the rumor is fact and she knows more than one reported food stamp FRAUD! If innocent no problem. If guilty, you are welcome state of Alabama tax payers!
  3. .
    Paisley Petunia No granny lingerie? What about washing the car in short shorts, crop top and crippling fibromyalgia? That would be a fan favorite for sure. Of course only if the car is FREEEEEEEEEE.
  4. .
    Verlene you need to go shopping in the teen clothing section. A couple of sizes smaller too helps. Don’t forget lots of tugging, pulling, grabbing your frail self while showing us your new clothing haul. Dump all clothes in the closet on the floor. Don’t pick them up. Your cleaning days are over. Cooking? All boxed meals. If and when you do cook, cook with hair down. And for the love when you go over to your BIL no bra. Tight short shorts and basically move in and mooch in. Get a couple of fake stalkers and you’ll have a good start on the road to FRAUDville. I’ll be a Patreon and a channel member.
  5. .
    I think they favor. His eyes, mouth, nose, chin and more.
  6. .
    Anybody else think Fraud resembles another Faker’s husband?
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    Bingo Paisley Petunia. You summarized perfectly the final months and weeks of Grandma Fraud and her Ponzi scheme like channel. When she could have been celebrated for finallllllllllllly getting a job she twisted and turned the truth several times. Why? She’s an innate liar and hates any form of normal. It’s beneath her. She has to lie to fake this image even is the image isn’t flattering. Who the H wants to wallow in victim hood all the time. She’s a disgrace to strong, resilient, independent, determined, achieving women! She played one at times but mostly jealous of them. Another core trait of the narcissist. Don’t forget she has two other sisters. The younger who is gorgeous and another that was never mentioned. My guess is that’s the one that drew the line in the sand and dared Fraud to cross it.
  8. .
    Who is Chris’ father? I need a flow chart she’s had so many twists and turns.
  9. .
    Money is only a motivator if it involves FREE. Sadly money wasn’t one when she was out of it and week after week, month after month, year after year and REFUSED getting a job. Oh, I forgot YT was her job. The job was making videos and getting paid for views. The CON job was lying and making up sob stories so people would feel sorry for her and send money. When you can do and won’t do you are the worst kind. Proof, truth, fact! Fraud!
  10. .
    Oh yeah the fear of drive remained when she was driving the hand me down but when she could drive Susan’s shiny car no fear. I’m convenient she wanted to be,Susan and would take over her life if she could including Doc Larry. She is not the trust with your man type. Skank!
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    She also claimed COPD when Twin was having new headlights replaced. Fraud needed a new ailment to take away from Susan’s enhancement surgery. Another thing Con was jealous of when it came to Susan. It’s a miracle she’s alive with all the ailments she has. Let’s not forget how quickly all ailments disappeared when anything FREE was in the picture. Especially beach trips. All those ailments disappeared until it was payday and she came up short again. Sulking in front of the camera ringing her hands. Please! . Again, anyone that believes she’s this virtuous, naive, woe is me, down on her luck kinda woman is pure nuts!
  12. .
    Fraud was bored with the effort and upkeep to maintain a thriving channel. She had it on life support with the help of Twin and copied content and ideas from others. Basically people saw through her woe is me con job when she cried broke but got a tattoo she didn’t need. Ordered box after box of makeup and used clothes and had one excuse after another for not getting a job. Most people didn’t bye the pile she was shoveling out. She quit because she said she needed to get a job. Then even her most loyal stooges agreed she the entitled one should work. She didn’t expect such an overwhelming response to get a job. After that you could tell she was pissed and viewers kept asking in the comments about the job….she finally said she had one, couldn’t say anything about it because the paperwork wouldn’t let her….some made up excuse. She then said she was shutting down Patreon and didn’t. Another lie. Shocking. Anyway, that was the dead end of the channel. It was her and all her fault. No one else’s. She doesn’t have enough loyalists to keep a channel going and she’s not about to do it for a few. She deserves thousands and thousands of loyal servants and followers. She bought and paid for many of the subscribers she had.. So, the end of Sharon Lee is because of Sharon Lee. She wouldn’t take responsibility even shutting it down. She had to shift blame to something or someone else. She’s been this way her entire life. This is no different. Pointing fingers instead of looking in the mirror of reality. Wearing our everyone around her. Carrying her load yet again. She will never change.
  13. .
    Oh good. A lawsuit. Well please ensure there is plenty of funds set aside for lawyer fees that will be required during discovery because some on and off this thread are very near and dear to Grandma Fraud and will be more than happy to be part of the process. While we are at it, let’s see who should be deposed for this litigious threat?

    Tip! Be careful what or who you threaten or wish for Sharon Malfeasance Lee!
  14. .
    She’s not being bullied she is the bully. The manipulative passive aggressive narcissist IS THE BULLY! If there is any lawsuit let it be all the people including her own family that she threw under the bus. Lied about. Took advantage of. Used, abused and made to lose. Get them a lawyer. They deserve it. The only lawyer she deserves is a prosecutor for all the stunts she pulled to emotionally and financially abuse and defraud family and friends and anyone else she could use.

    Just because you don’t like an opinion or facts doesn’t pass the sniff test of your made up make believe defenses. Why don’t you spend time defending all the people she screwed mentally, financially and literally? If you chose to defend a hustling, lazy, entitled old bag that is out only for herself have at it. She doesn’t care about you. If you challenged her you’d see how special you are. Why do you think she hates the GB so bad?

    But if ONE repeat ONE person sees the light about this con job then this is all worth it. She blocked comments. She deleted videos that exposed her lies. DID ANY OF YOU EVER WONDER WHY SHE NEVER SPENT TIME DEFENDING HERSELF OR PROVING WHAT IS DOCUMENTED IN THESE THREADS LIES? Well of course you didn’t. You’ve bought into her fake image of being this naive, innocent southern belle. Start at part one and read allllllllllll the threads. Sharon Lee will not and cannot defend the facts and truths presented here. So what does she do? She does what any good narcissistic does. She shift blames. Wake up.

    She’s off YT for a reason. First it became too hard for her. She prefers little to no effort. Lazy, wouldn’t work. Fantasy glam scammer. She was addicted to the adulation but didn’t have the desire to work her channel and make it grow. She believed it should grow because she’s so darn special. It got worse when she started e begging so she just turned up the lies. That worked a while. The better the lies the bigger the handouts. She’s lazy. She proved that. She drug her family through hell and back having the flop of a channel and they knew she wasn’t on the up and up. So stop your finger pointing over here and go spend time trying to make Fraud right her wrongs. She deserves zero sympathy. If she did she’d get plenty of it.

    Do you sympathize with her mother? Her children? Richard? Anyone she lied about? Lied to? Took from? Taking money from others when she wouldn’t work herself? Still lying? Playing the pity card. Seriously and you want this shut down?

    Who is worse? People calling out a lying, fraudulent person or the person defending them? Think about that one!

    And her grandchildren? Read these threads, there are pages full of us defending those innocent children. Go read about what she did to them to serve herself. And yet, you still defend her. Sick!
  15. .
    WOW Walkin Tall sounds like Richard to me. Always thought they were the same could be wrong. One or both bowing at the meager crumbs that fall from her lying lips. Desperate, delusional, disappointed. Life with or without Fraud!
19 replies since 25/7/2021