The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by CCsideEye

  1. .
    If you're manically exercising on the daily like Jen does, shouldn't you be washing your hair daily? If you sweat.

    She says she washes it every 2-3 days.
  2. .

  3. .
    QUOTE (CryingGrayMarshmallowBlob @ 7/8/2022, 10:09 AM) 
    Question: what was her nighttime lovey before the legless bear??

  4. .
    what a freak

  5. .
    Jen's response will be something to the tune of "The kids never leave my side in public so it's never an issue."
  6. .

    Video is up on my channel.
  7. .
    "It's complicated to be a citizen of the world."

    Only an extraterrestrial would say this.
  8. .
    Im shocked she used the word “shooting” and not something vague like “horrible tragedy”.
  9. .
    Ugh, that look she gives CC breaks my heart. I'm almost 8 months along now and can't imagine feeling such disdain for my baby.
  10. .
    QUOTE (husbandontherun @ 6/22/2022, 04:00 PM) 
    QUOTE (Suzanne’sBiggestFan @ 22/6/2022, 22:52) 
    Tens is average looking. She appears to be a better human than Jen, and I hope she is.

    To be honest, I don’t like that kind of talk. I’m no supermodel and I guess many of you here aren’t either.

    Psh, speak for yourself! giphy
  11. .
    Jen's house looks like someone who can't afford the electric bill lives there. No lights on. Not even while filming for her ~*job*~
  12. .
  13. .
    I had to Google what trap muscles were. What a strange compliment to give...

  14. .

    How strong she looks????

  15. .
    Finally caught up. Y'all were right, I didn't miss shit. I love reading what y'all have to say though!

    The state of her garage triggers me so badly. I'm honestly shocked she's convinced herself to tackle that project alone. I wouldn't be able to function in my daily life if I had that waiting for me at home.
553 replies since 27/7/2021