The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Blue-tah Trunk Celery

  1. .
    I'm sorry, I don't get it. What does Mr. Rogers have to do with Valentine's Day?
  2. .
    Am I misremembering, or was it difficult for him to change a light bulb?
    QUOTE (SoProudOfMyself @ 2/14/2024, 10:25 AM) 
    Every year when they'd light the first fire Jen would brag about who Don was so great at building a fire because he was a Boy Scout. She really pumped his tires and he really thought he was something special.

    Once their hot water tank died and Suzanne and Poopsie were over there and Jen and Suze thought Don was a genius, finally out of the 4 of them Don thought you could boil a pot of water on the stove to get warm water for washing. Because he was a Boy Scout.
  3. .
    I thought he was supposed to be an Eagle Scout - that's not how they do things unless they are a Paper Eagle. They don't just give money, they get their hands dirty and do things to help make the world a better place. I don't know how long he was on Youtube, a decade? What did he ever do?
    QUOTE (TheHairyChild @ 2/13/2024, 04:43 PM) 
    Also, I can’t see Don ever encouraging his kids to serve or volunteer for others. That’s not him at all. He has acknowledged he won the birth lottery….but I don’t think he gives a rat’s ass about helping others, so I doubt he will be encouraging his spawn to do so.
  4. .
    Are there going to be Starbucks gift cards included with the friendship bracelets? Asking for a friend.
  5. .
    You said Nudist Colony. Bespoke Poop Shovel of Vitriol said something about naked D** in a reflection. I can't go to sleep now.

    via GIPHY

    QUOTE (Here for it @ 2/8/2024, 04:00 PM) 
    QUOTE (Bespoke Poop Shovel of Vitriol @ 8/2/2024, 02:25) 
    Yeah. Some vacation vlog with Don that I don't remember watching. Or maybe Insta? IIRC, someone said you could see naked D** in a reflection behind her. I didn't look too hard, but I think I cropped that out.

    Not to further gross anyone out, but there was a vlog from MHWL way back and she’s getting her and Don ready for a weekend away and she’s kind of stuttering through that it wouldn’t be appropriate to film, you can’t have your phone except in your room… did anyone else think “nudist colony vacation”?
    Just me? I’ll see myself out 🤦‍♀️
  6. .
    Is that the same as altered books? In the 2000's, I remember scrapbooking was huge but I started to see these altered books everywhere and I never understood them. It's just like you said, gluing paper and things into a book.
    QUOTE (RikkiJones @ 2/8/2024, 12:19 AM) 
    QUOTE (Queen Cheese @ 8/2/2024, 00:42) 
    last time I kept a magazine to cut pictures out was I was in high school and saved Luke Perry to put on my bedroom wall

    grow up asshole your life is useless

    There is a whole crafting genre called glue booking. Literally just gluing pictures into a book.
  7. .
    In the 90's, I think Oprah had somebody on that told you how to create vision boards and people who have realized their dreams by creating it and looking at it, and reaffirming their dreams everyday. There is nothing on there that I would find inspirational or goal oriented. Especially the random lamp.
  8. .
    It really does. It looks completely crushed. Why have any of it if you're going to treat it like that?
  9. .
    I don't get it? "Connect" is on top of "Let go". Giant word "Connect" and at the bottom is "Confessions of an introvert". There's also a picture of a lamp on the T.

    QUOTE (Nefarious DisneyPrincess @ 2/7/2024, 01:31 PM) 
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 7/2/2024, 17:43) 
    This was her divorce year and she said that she manifested her vision board. You DISconnected from your entire family & reality, you nut!


    My eyesight is bad and I've just woken up and I read that word as CONNED :snickering: whoops!
  10. .
    Why not just use Pinterest? Busy work.
  11. .
    I've said before that when she recorded herself packing up the old office, I couldn't believe how those expensive handbags were all lumpy and misshapen. Even though she spends time in the Container Store, it doesn't mean she knows how to take care of anything. She said she was "plant based" at the time but I could never understand the shitty way she treated all those expensive leather goods.
  12. .
    She regularly treats herself to Gideon's for every fun run, but kids get boxed cake. I remember when she said she wanted to try all the gourmet cupcake shops in Chicago. I think D** got a pie from someplace, but I think this cake is the birthday equivalent to goldfish in a cup.
  13. .
    It's dull. When my kids were little I made cakes in every character they loved at the time. She doesn't even have to do that, just go find someone in Chicago and order him a cake to remember. That's what it's for. Then take pictures and print them in your tiny pocket printer. Or is that just for her?

    For someone who enjoyed all those character cupcakes from Whole Foods before kids.
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  15. .
    I don't comment on her weight. I get called names enough by my own family. But, I think it's unrealistic to post yourself on the internet and expect 100% positive comments.
1148 replies since 1/10/2021