The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Design Diva

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    Sean also has an article and pics in US weekly and is endorsing an organic frozen food line. Meanwhile Porndrew is tanning again, not working and pulling his trunks so low to entice who????? I love the shade Sean throws at him. It must just eat at Shay that her brother get the real jobs/attention/money.
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    And for the record there is no way those big fake tits are Shay's usual size XXXXXSSSSS!!! It shows how much she lies about her fake sizing as well.
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    QUOTE (Size XXS @ 5/9/2024, 11:30 AM) 
    I don’t think boobs are supposed to hang out the arm hole of your tank.

    Really good one! No decent surgeon is putting a silicone implant in so large(in cc's) that it ends up sitting in your arm pit plus the huge wide gap at the sternum. Between Shay's marriage/body insecurities and Ms. Porndrew he wanted as big of T's that she could possibly get implanted since he is into a hooker looking wife.
    I don't think the Shull's help with any kids homework or frankly have the IQ's to accomplish much. If Shay struggles to spell, and count to 5 correctly not only once, but twice, doing homework isn't her strength. They only volunteer at school/sports/church if they can be front and center for attention.
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    2 teens in the HS and then college where work ethic is everything to get into a great college and start a career/job. The Shull's absent parenting of a real work ethic with 24/7 travel schedule model behavior that in not accurate to TEENS. What are K & S going to do when they don't travel 15x in 4 months? My assessment of K is she will barely be admitted it into a tiny no nothing school and drop out. S not impressed with either. Both end up working for mommy and daddy!
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    Short with chubby calves, it's her real body not the strrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrretched filtered version. You can't slap a designer XYZ on that and change anything. How long until we see Ms. Andy pulling his tiny trunks down to his D, but at least they can catch up on there tanning schedule they didn't get on 40 degree Daffodil island.
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    Me personally could care less if Shull's went to Mars. There isn't a single thing that is worthy of admiration in there constant travel. I care more about the F'd up psychology behind what would make a mother of 4(babies don't keep BS) with a 7-8,000 sq ft home and outdoor entertainment, ACK 2M(all in now) bonus apt in her dream island location who wants to travel 24/7 away from all that? Her behavior is not normal and this has nothing to do with the money to travel. Shay truly is mentally ill and that is no joke. There isn't a single thing admirable or normal about this travel schedule she loves to brag on.
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    QUOTE (MMM35 @ 5/6/2024, 09:11 PM) 
    Why do we call her Daffodil now

    It was me who did that to make fun of crazy Shay for a just few days after her "epic and amazing" no nothing ACK parade.
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    For a good laugh check out Daffodil's stories. She volunteered for Bryon Nelson parking lot duty. Talk about desperate to be noticed, so much so that Daffodil who does not golf, doubt really knows much about it and Andy who barely ever golfs suddenly immerse themselves at the golf course for the tournament. They don't belong to a golf club, they are not avid golfers. But this is a moment for Shull's to be surrounded by even a teeny tiny bit of celeb, so Shay wants to seen by others in a parking lot directing traffic. It is funny to me her complete desperation to claim her moment to be there. Yes Shay the avid accomplished golfer who I believe we have never witnessed a pic of her holding a golf club, ever!
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    Nothing like Daffodil threatening her followers if you enter my give away of a kindle you must behave or else (IN BOLD LETTERS), "to enter you are committing to be a fun, active, happy part of this community in May". Pretty sure legally someone could come after her for this stipulation of behavior on a contest giveaway, but she is hardly worth the effort. But it does tell us she is getting a lot of incoming hate, probably more than we even realize. Good, couldn't happen to a more hateful arrogant B!
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    I do not think the 9 employees are paid a dime by Shay but work independently through her MM travel and use her MM affiliation. It is possible she gets a cut from the 9 employees or they pay a fee to Shay to use MM? not sure on that. I think MM travel works under the umbrella of this main travel business in Florida (travel agency) which Shay originally hooked up with to start MM travel. At one time a long time ago I read the way this business in FL works because you also can pay for this and become a travel agent through them and start a business. I long ago forgot the exact details. Just a brief recollection and I maybe wrong on the execution of the details but basically Shay bought or pays a fee to use this business's travel agency with travel links and any help needed for MM travel. I always thought when she bragged about the amount travel they book, it was really the FL overall travel business made up of many travel agents nationwide that did that volume and not Daffodil. I knew the name of this company at one time. In other words unlike our family friends travel agency which started from square one decades ago, Shay again threw money at the problem, claimed to start a business but really did not create it. That is my best recall of how it worked.
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    There has been zero evidence that S is still rowing that I am aware of. He did not go to Jr Nationals this summer, and was gone most summer. I think it was someone in last week that looked at the crew roster ?Trixster was that you that did not show S on team?. Only pic is from Jan 24 (lake) and could have been S just practicing, subbing or who knows what with the liar Daffodil. Until I see written proof he is actually really a team member and competing I am not going to buy Daffodil's story.
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    In the midst of Daffodil-gate another interesting whopper of a lie. Shay's storyline is that M wanted to change to the upper bunk. Take a look at the pic, because M head is nearly hitting the ceiling above her because the headspace is so low. I am betting that whoever used to be in the bunk could no longer use it without an issue. You can't sit up on that bunk unless your small and short. That leaves only M, it will be her bunk a long time. Any other kid can only crawl in/out of the bed in the cramped apt. bedroom.
    Dummies, you are so point with revealing a minor child's location.
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    When she has a chance to make friends she can't even make an effort to bring food to share from her crappy cookbook that she can make in her high end kitchen? Daffodil Shull fake acts like it was everything, it was "EPIC, AMAZING"! A rural road with locals enjoying a few vintage cars, spring flowers, shared food and seeing there friends. Daffodil Shull will never be included. $10,000 for a few cold days to be with her "island family" that does not know them. That post made my day for the desperate laughable loser she is! Clearly Daffodil is delusional along with all the other mental issues.
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    QUOTE (Trixster @ 5/1/2024, 11:08 AM) 
    Nothing says 'Strong, Supportive Community' like the need to bribe people to engage with the community and to do so "thoughtfully."

    You are right Trixster! My read on "thoughtfullly" was her warning everyone. Shay has tons of haters and I think that is increasing as she continues to block everyone. The bigger question with this give away scam is why, because we all know she is not doing this out of kindness. I still believe she is using the data she collects from anyone entering contests and profits from it. My IT guy says she is probably making all her money off selling data. How that works it beyond my scope of knowledge of data analytics. I will be with a person in June who has a top corp. data analytics career and am going to have him explain this. I am not joking when I say Shay Shah, I think it maybe her biggest angle of income. I will never believe she is making that level of money from Amazon or Walmart with only 200,000 follower when her largest demo is older women. They aren't buying Shay's hooker heels and short shorts. Will say forever something else is at play.
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    QUOTE (Dummies @ 4/30/2024, 01:38 PM) 
    Goodness, I just finished the new Abby Jimenez book Shay “reviewed”. If that is what she considers rated R, I actually feel bad for Andy and his pretend sex life with Shay.

    On point, no wonder Andy is porn obsessed! I still laugh that Shay is 42, and fake acts on her blog like a sheltered 14 yr old virgin whose was warned not to talk about S-E-X, lest she be turned into stone! It is so laughable. Just straight up say in your review the standard content warning in a professional manner, or just leave it up to intelligent readers to make the call on content. Instead she plays to her cult following in which I picture her followers dressed in prairie clothes(bonnet included) as they shelter away from the real world. Meanwhile Shay walks into church in her hooker church dress and dresses like she works a pole nightly at the Itchy Kitty!
931 replies since 11/5/2022