The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Miss Priss

  1. .
    I could have sworn that in a reel yesterday (Monday?) she said she was "working on a cruise" and showed Madely swimming in a pool on the deck.
  2. .
    "The school year is nearing the end, the weather is getting warmer, travel season is approaching,"

    What? Bitch, your travel season never ends!
  3. .
    I assume the dogs are being boarded at a kennel; do kennels even take such young puppies as the new one? I'm not really a dog person, but I think that sounds really cruel for not-quite-4mo puppy in a brand new family to be then separated from family he had just begun to bond with. Such a weird choice.
  4. .
    Why do I keep thinking that I read her saying *years ago* that her mom literally tosses grocery store makeup into her cart and that's part of her natural beauty or some other bs? Maybe I'm thinking of some other basic bitch?
  5. .
    Re: the board snacks--when my kids were young I did basically the same thing. For some kids it just is so much easier to present a snack that is already ready; they'll eat it because it's in front of them when, if offered choices, it could be 9 different things in various combinations. At that age, I also wanted something that was more of a small meal so they could get through sports practice, games, etc. before a late dinner.

    I do think that Ashby's middle school experience is going to be very different from the OGs' time in middle school; Shay is going to have problems if she's not available more.
  6. .
    QUOTE (Design Diva @ 3/18/2024, 10:22 PM) 
    So, so traumatic for poor Shay that we never, ever once heard of her bestie before this story emerged. Except that dead body ER story isn't true and only happened in her creative imagination. No physician legally in any hospital, in any state would allow a complete stranger, not a relative, not POA legal person in an ER room alone with a dead person. I asked my hubby about this story and he just laughed at the idea that he or his colleagues would ever legally put themselves in jeopardy doing this and as he said why. She can't even get back behind the locked ER doors to begin with and no nursing personnel would ever do this unauthorized thing. He said she is nuts just telling this tall tale.

    My in-laws have been in the ER and ICU units of the McKinney hospital I'm sure that person was at and absolutely it's possible. There are no locked doors, there is nobody asking for ID, you can walk into the ICU and just wander around and look for whoever you're there for. Once you're in a nurse will probably want to know who you are, but if you say you're a friend visiting _insert name_ it is totally accepted. Maybe after death it's different, but I highly doubt it.
  7. .
    I have read 46 books so far this year. I don't listen to audiobooks, just can't pay attention to them as I can read much faster than listen. BUT I don't have a real job and am able to read several hours a day. I am also that person who truly pulls out a kindle while in line at Costco or the post office. However, I've been the parent of 4 kids who were in activities and there was no way I could read more than 4-5 books a month at that time, which I guess is what Shay does, but I have difficulty imagining that she actually reads that quickly.
  8. .
    QUOTE (BonusHouse @ 2/13/2024, 01:32 AM) 
    And soon they will be jetting off on Spring Break, ours seems early this year and theirs is always the week before us, so possibly they will be leaving first of March. Will they travel before then? It’s truly baffling why anyone would keep their insurance through Tandy and why the office staff hasn’t moved to other SF offices.

    Spring Break for McK is March 11-15, which means they will probably leave on the 8th (Friday) after school and return 17th (Sunday).
  9. .
    Didn't she say she always goes to bed at 9:30? But her watch in that post says it was taken 10:16pm and apparently she was going to start cleaning her closet? Oh, maybe it's am and she has her do not disturb on. My watch only has that moon icon at night bc I never put it on dnd during the day.

    Edited by Miss Priss - 1/17/2024, 04:58 PM
  10. .
    Ha! When I had 4 kids in activities there were often nights when we were just getting home at 9:30. Food prep, cooking, etc. take a LOT of time with four kids--do we think she has a meal service/personal chef type thing? I don't mean a private chef that works just for her, I mean someone who preps several meals to throw in the oven through the week. When my last kid was born (19 years ago!!) we hired someone to do that for the first 6 weeks. He would come to our house and use my equipment, though his own knives, so that I knew there couldn't be any cross-contamination of gluten. I have to think that, if she were doing it herself, she would be showcasing all the meal prep/batch cooking she did on the weekends, shilling different containers and cutting boards (surely she knows the BEST EVER cutting board that she CAN'T WAIT to share with her dear, sweet friends), knives, etc.
  11. .
    Ugh. She is 42; she not "staring down 50" or whatever crap she said. I turned 50 last month and it is SO FAR from 42! I'm putting some post about essential oils on my Shay bingo card.
  12. .
    Holy cow, those comments on the post are :sick:

    "But God," she says. Sure. And the invisible friend in the sky lets all those other kids be in dire circumstances but the Shulls are so blessed to be able to rescue an orphan. You think "god" would have sent the same need to adopt to a person with less money? It's true, Ashby and Madely definitely will have a better life with the Shulls in every way possible than as an unwanted child in China. That is not in contest. But that Shay thinks she had divine intervention to be that one person that rescued her (or them) was a crap-shoot. They would have been given any orphan available to them in that time period. God didn't choose that, money and the timeline of the orphanage chose.
  13. .
    Just getting caught up on this thread--I think the thing on T's neck was earbuds. I used to have some like that; they hang on the back of the neck and then you pull them up to the ears and plug in. They pull out on a cord.
  14. .
    Notice how she mentioned rowing/crew is such a big part of her life now? There is no way Smith is still doing that and it hasn't been mentioned in a humble-brag way.
  15. .
    And it literally isn't even December yet! I have a Kindle Oasis, a couple years old, and there is a way to change the setting so that it shows how long in hours/minutes to finish but I don't even look at that. I read about 13-15 books a month so Shay's book list doesn't interest me, BUT reading is my #1 thing that must happen for me every day and I'm fortunate enough that my life allows me the time to do that. I'm also an *extremely* fast reader; I can easily read a 1000-page book in a day.

    BUT. I can't even imagine admitting that I wouldn't want to allow anything in my life that isn't happy or cozy or whatever the word of the day is. There is so much trauma going on in the world. I mean, good for Shay and fam, I guess, but maybe have a thought or consideration for civilians in Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, Russia.

    Oh, fuck. What if she decided she should adopt an orphan whose parents were murdered in front of the child in Israel and then just threw that kid into American life. I want to vomit. I would not put it past her.
139 replies since 1/7/2022