The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by SmartyFox

  1. .
    WHY IS HER DRESS SO BIG like you can see right down the back and I swear she enjoys that attention. But it looks ridiculous. I remember in one video she was wearing her skin colored shorts and said she enjoys wearing them because it looks like she isn’t wearing pants. It’s so weird, especially with how she presents herself otherwise.
  2. .
    I’m so glad this space is finally here! I cannot stand this couple. They try way too hard and everything they do is really overdone. Her Grinch impressions are not great, and people just eat it up. They’re also known to delete all their negative comments.
  3. .
    I searched everywhere and could not find anything - could we please get a thread on Hunter & Devin Cordle? I need to discuss!
  4. .
    So I just stumbled on some of her college stuff and holy crap, the voice. It’s the Duggar IBLP baby voice and it’s awful. I’m glad she’s finally gotten away from that.
  5. .
    QUOTE (Cindra @ 14/6/2023, 18:57) 
    Funny how all this stalking content comes out as a defense of buying a house. Most people who don’t follow her on social media have no idea who she is, except for the DR. Phil show and she was just another crazy story episode long forgotten.

    Right? I think she believes she is more popular than she thinks she is. Why would anyone care about breaking into your house? For what purpose?
  6. .
    QUOTE (Lya12345 @ 5/14/2023, 01:07 AM) 
    QUOTE (SmartyFox @ 14/5/2023, 01:00) 
    I took out the spaces, but it says I'm unable to accept the invite?

    If you DM your email, I’ll send the link and you can try it that way. If you want?

    Sent! I think it emails you
  7. .
    QUOTE (Lya12345 @ 5/13/2023, 10:44 PM) 
    QUOTE (SmartyFox @ 13/5/2023, 21:47) 
    Same, could I also get an invite?

    DM your email and I’ll get it to you.

    https:// /invite/37D2dDhBJf

    Take out the spaces.

    I took out the spaces, but it says I'm unable to accept the invite?
  8. .
    QUOTE (captivatednightshade143 @ 5/13/2023, 09:21 PM) 
    QUOTE (Lya12345 @ 13/5/2023, 20:34) 
    Google Gossip Gate Discord.

    We have to be invited in. Can you dm me the link?

    Same, could I also get an invite?
  9. .
    I just want to know why this woman cannot pour a single cup of coffee without spilling it
  10. .
    Can someone explain what happened with the dog? I apparently missed it.
  11. .
    Yes. And occasionally a unitard to clean her house (???)
  12. .
    Well this is polarizing.
  13. .
    QUOTE (hippocritic @ 2/3/2023, 10:37 PM) 
    Hey there, first time poster here. I have always avoided these kinds of sites (no offense) just because I feel like if I don't like someone I should just keep scrolling/click away and mind my business. It's really unlike me to do this kind of thing, and I truly don't mean to be hateful, but I've been fighting the urge for months now to ask if anyone else feels this way about Allison... she seems SO incredibly pretentious and privileged to me! She is a very pretty girl and seems to have a heart of gold, but my god... she seems as dumb as a doornail. HOW did she make it so far in life by being so unintelligent? Everything she says feels SO disingenuous. Every single video she makes, she misuses words or butchers phrases and clearly has no idea. It's so cringey and embarrassing to watch. She truly just seems like someone who was born into wealth and is just a nepotism baby that got by solely by being pretty. I do love the aesthetic of her videos but I just can't bare to watch them anymore. Also, she seems to fail almost every project/recipe/task she tries to accomplish in every single video! It's not enjoyable for me to watch someone make really stupid mistakes! I want to see the successful projects/recipes :(

    You’re completely valid in your opinion. I do think she’s very privileged and that’s her entire brand. And it is pretty ridiculous how she can’t research words before she tries to use them. Part of me likes the humanity of messing up while trying projects and letting us in on it, but knowing this is basically how she makes a living is kind of sad. 😂
  14. .
    QUOTE (SEtotheLeft @ 11/14/2022, 01:46 AM)
    QUOTE (justcats @ 10/11/2022, 16:21) 
    And in today’s video, she is wearing a thin puffer jacket INSIDE her house while taking her fall decor down. We are still in the 80s in Central FL.

    Tonight was the first night i wore A jacket out to dinner cause it was dare i say A bit chilly. Lmao. But still idk. I feel Like cold is a relative term. Like for me, 60 is cold. I habitually wear a hoodie, winter socks and sweats in my house cause they keep the thermostat at 68-72 and i am prone to getting cold. Not saying she needs to dress like she’s in Alberta Canada in January, but I can totally relate to someone who is sensitive to being cold. Plus she’s sooo thin and probably prone to cold because there’s not much to insulate her.

    I was more so referring to the weird ensemble she put together. The fur and the dress and sleeves that are longer than the jacket. I don’t know what style she was going for but it was definitely a choice. 😂
  15. .
    Can’t really blame someone who doesn’t know what Fall is really like. Idk what the fall in Vegas is like, but in Florida, we have no idea how to dress for anything under 60.

    What?? 😂 I live in Florida and that seems like a really silly excuse for whatever that is. I believe it was previously mentioned her prairie dresses are barely suitable for Florida’s climate, but she’s been dressing for “cozy fall” in 90 degree weather this entire time.
20 replies since 15/10/2022