OurHalfAssedHomestead Part2: CeleryRules, BevDrools, HowieIsAMule

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  1. Resting Bitchface
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    Protein Pancakes
    Protein Pancakes


    A few days ago, she said she would like to do a 20 to 40 minute live every day "if she had time." She WANTS to do Lives every day and no one is stopping her if that's what she wants to do. How does she not get this? She is not anyone's paid employee. She is free to video publicly, privately, on Patreon, Rumble on M, T, W, T, F, S, S at any time of day she wants. She really is not beholden to anyone, but she acts like she cannot do as she pleases unless she gets the agreement of her 300 out of her alleged 95.7K subscribers. This is bullshit. If they don't want to watch her lives, don't want to join her Patreon or CH's, so be it. Who cares?

    The problem is she changes her mind every other day, is not reliable, doesn't video or read when she says she will and the little people get sooooooo disappointed when they don't get notifications, blah, blah, blah. The little people will survive if she never puts out a video again, but if she's going to do it, don't pretend it's anything more than her just sitting down for a tea break and her entire life is a tea break. She's not any smarter or more frugal or more budget friendly than thousands of other FREE channels that really do "work" at providing valuable content.

    Bev has allowed her disease of addiction to take over her life and give her too many excuses for why she "can't" and "doesn't" and "won't." She's not fooling anyone but herself and the CH's are really there more for themselves than they are for her. Painful reality.

    Edited by Resting Bitchface - 3/15/2021, 03:50 PM
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