OurHalfAssedHomestead Part2: CeleryRules, BevDrools, HowieIsAMule

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  1.     +5   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    That's the bottom line...and that's why she gets called out on her sick behaviour.
    She's never put in any effort into anything in her life other than her booze, drugs, and any other addictions she has...like FB, TikTok, attention....

    This narcassist uses the good hearts of people, who, for some sad reason give her attention...all the while she just feeds her own selfish needs. Like a true alcoholic her behaviours are that of an addict. Anyone who has been involved in a 12 step program, been on either side of that coin knows and sees her bullshit.

    Guaranteed none of her shut in followers are in the program or " friends of Bills" .

    I mean what human being can't find time to clean themselves, load the dishwasher? Seriously the absolute filth they live in is disgusting. Only a narcassist pretending to be cured of her alcoholism hiding behind their pot, oxys and shrooms....playing online 10 hours a day making tik tok videos acting like an idiot and explaining it as " WORK" ...that's who she is....she's sick, mentally unstable ....and she behaves like an addict because she is an addict.

    Addicts use people, lie, manipulate, are extremely defensive especially when called out on their behaviour, continuously burn bridges, make excuses for their behaviours, keep explaining away everything they do, play the victim role to a tea!!!

    Sound familiar??? It should....it's Bev. 10000000%.

    See how she turned on her Connected Hearts Group... The people she use to call family? Because they tried to tell her... Calm down, stop dragging up drama, check yourself...

    She needs rehab and serious help....I don't see her lasting much longer.
  2.     +3   Like  

    Protein Pancakes
    Protein Pancakes


    QUOTE (gramagain @ 4/19/2021, 04:33 PM) 
    Fibro or not, it seems Bev has made it a habit of taking advantage of whatever she can come up with to waste time and not do anything. I've had chronic pain all my life, yes it puts me down at times but if you focus on the pain and start feeling sorry for yourself it just feeds the pain. I've joined various fibro forums through the years but have never stuck around long. There is such a thing as being a "malingerer" and I'm not saying Bev is, but those are the types of people that hang around those places. Just my opinion.

    The absolute worst thing to do when you have chronic pain all over your body including shoulders and hands is to sit at the computer or on your phone all day. You stiffen right up, just as Bev has a hard time getting up from her chair *ooof* Yes, that's me if I sit too long either in chair or car! Have to keep moving! Vacuum, wash floors, wash walls, whatever, it doesn't matter!

    Yes, poor Howie, now that he's back to work she's taking full advantage and going off the deep end into that black hole of the internet. Play time is never over because well, you have fibro, ..

    think of those vets who have come home missing limbs or eyesight or traumatic brain injury and don't give up.. just think of it. Probably none of us has suffered as they have and still are, many refuse to go on disability but go on to lead productive lives.

    It's a matter of mindset, no matter what you've experienced. Think positive Bev, you can do more and will feel better for it. Don't throw in the towel yet.

    SO TRUE! And well said. Bev could take a job and cut it up and even if it took her all day to wash a floor it's better than nothing. I have learned with a lg family to cut jobs up. First pick up, next sweep and then wash. If all you get done is 1/2 a floor in one day then so be it. It's better to try than give up! Even when I think a task is over whelming for what ever reason It ends up a feel better doing a little than a lot and keep on doing it and BANG it's done. But she won't do that will she? You are spot on gramagain :)
  3.     +4   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    Bev has such a strong persona, she comes on strong and is probably rarely opposed in real life or even online. Losing her mother at such a young age was traumatic of course, and maybe the family doted on her because of it.. they began enabling her at a young age. She was overweight even as a teenager by the sounds of it, and feeling ill at ease among people because of her weight. I had issues myself, not with weight at that age, I was underweight, had poor vision, not athletic, and geeky. You learn to overcome those things one way or another. You compensate. Sometimes a person will develop a very outgoing and seemingly extroverted personality. It hides their insecurities, and we all have them in some form.

    But people were and are afraid to confront her when she's going over the line. I don't hate her personally, it's her behavior.

    She thinks people don't understand about addiction.. well Yes, I do understand. I grew up with alcoholics for the first 20 years of my life and addiction reared its head in my family again about 13 years ago and it blew apart the family for a time. But the addict is now clean for 3 years and just passed a training and test qualifying her for a career. She's a busy wife and working mom. We thank God every day for the blessing she has become.

    I just don't like seeing people throw their lives away and I hope Bev doesn't do that.

    edited to add: PLUS she has a good husband who takes care of her! He works, he's not abusive or controlling, he's easygoing.. that's the way it seems anyway!
  4.     +2   Like  

    Protein Pancakes
    Protein Pancakes


    Yep, I see that also. In a simple, funny way Bev is likeable BUT now she is dappling in a very grey, dare I say black, area of fortune telling. Yikes. Now I see her very diff. When she was a simple, hillbillish wife and mom you could kind of giggle but yet like her. But tiktoc and fortune telling is serious and taking her down fast. I feel sorry for her. I hope something will pull her out of the waste she is in. I also never hate or dislike people in general BUT it's their actions I dislike. She is waist high in yuck and sinking fast. So sad!
  5.     +7   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    You have more compassion for her than I do.

    Personally I find her behaviour sickening. I don't feel sorry for her at this point in her life for various reasons.

    She KNOWS exactly what she's doing, she has used friends of Bill, A.A. Terms and practices as well as God, Religion etc... She abuses these areas and uses the information to prey on others she uses it to manipulate ,lie, steal and mistreat those who are sadly unaware.

    She gives out advice, her version on her truths...that are beyond dangerous, with zero regard for their wellbeing. Just yesterday she told a cancer victim that they will cured. How DARE she say such things!? She is a narcassist filled with absolute evil with no regard for anyone but herself.

    She is going to end up killing someone.

    During this last year of change, fear, uncertainty going on in the world....she's taking advantage of people who are afraid, who may not be mentally stable...she's hinting for donations, ebegging, making promises she doesn't keep, continuously talking about their financial crisis, Howies lay off, all the while she's selling pot, her home made cannibutter, and edibles...as they are trying to scam the government out of money for Workmans Comp.

    She's used people to buy land, buy her industrial kitchen aid, pay her bills....almost threatening to not be able to give them videos, or have internet for lives....etc...

    Yes people can make their own choices but during this last year people have become afraid, more vulnerable and desperate to be heard, desperate for comfort....hope.

    And there's Bev. Using people, manipulating people....taking from people with good hearts. Bev gives nothing ...to anyone...she thinks her time live chatting, sucking back snot, rubbing her tits, smoking pot, rolling her home grown...talking about herself, her drama, giving her opinions is worth more than money! She thinks it's priceless.
    So much in fact now her loyal shut ins get to pay her for her expertise and of course listening to her sing and dance on her Freaky Friday's while she gets shit faced.

    I'm sorry.... I have ZERO compassion for a human being who has no regard for others, no moral bone in their body, who takes advantage of the sick, elderly , shut ins, people who sadly and desperately need something to hold onto...these are the same people who rushed to give money to another family of You tubers who had a real crisis Heather...and the death of her husband...kids seriously injured...these same people offer prayers, financial donations ...Bev...well if course offers nothing of value no money..not even $10. After all the money she's been given!!!!!

    And now..her next scheme is this "she's mother earth incarnate" and going to tell people fortunes .... :flcvoy01:

    She is a drug dealer, user, and master manipulator. Sorry I have no compassion for her...and I hope karma kicks her ass.

    Edited by Chickendance - 19/4/2021, 18:05
  6.     +1   Like  

    Protein Pancakes
    Protein Pancakes


    chickendance.....Great Points, hadn't thought of all those points! Thanks
  7.     +3   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    QUOTE (Lighthouse @ 4/19/2021, 05:59 PM) 
    Yep, I see that also. In a simple, funny way Bev is likeable BUT now she is dappling in a very grey, dare I say black, area of fortune telling. Yikes. Now I see her very diff. When she was a simple, hillbillish wife and mom you could kind of giggle but yet like her. But tiktoc and fortune telling is serious and taking her down fast. I feel sorry for her. I hope something will pull her out of the waste she is in. I also never hate or dislike people in general BUT it's their actions I dislike. She is waist high in yuck and sinking fast. So sad!

    Yes, there is something very dark about her, and she calls herself the light.


    You are right about all those points you made. Telling a person with cancer that they will be healed. Taking advantage of our uncertain times and the fears people may have about them for her advantage. All of that. I definitely see it going in that direction more and more. Says she is an empath but I see no evidence of that at all. Calls others narcissists because it's "all about them" when really it's all about her working on people's emotions and their gullibility to now even believe that she's a fortune teller. The tiktok videos are creepy. She jeers at "Christians". She's made up her own religion which she calls "respectful". And the drug use, abuse and dealing. Are those positive traits even though she tries to say they are?

    This is the problem with opening yourself up to the dark side. Pretty soon you don't see the light any more. I hope she does.
  8.     +4   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie



    She's turned into the Jim Jones of YouTube homesteaders.

    Her own religion her own brand on everything .....she's a classic narcassist enabled by her abuse of drugs and people.

    You are right there is a very dark sinister side to her...but I'm more concerned about the people she hurts, abuses, reels into her drug induced delusional life...taking their money, their trust....taking advantage of more and more people...she's dangerous and giving out FAKE fortunes ..claiming to be empathetic to others!?!?! That's a crock ....it's impossible for a narcassist to be empathetic. She will con the wrong person, she will give inaccurate information under false pretenses of being " the one" " the mighty empath Mrs.Volfie....and she will end up killing someone.

    She's a lunatic...dangerous and clearly suffering from some self enduced drug addict proclamations of self importance .....she's mentally unbalanced .....I'm more sorry for the innocent people she's harming then her vile fat narcissistic ass.
  9.     +6   Like  

    Marnie's Cookie Jar
    Marnie's Cookie Jar


    Hello Fellow watchers of the train wreck Bev....
    I've been lurking here for some time and i just couldn't stand it any longer. I had to join. I've been watching Bev for over a decade and in the last several years she has become someone I do not recognize. I am in recovery and can tell you FIRST HAND....she is in NO WAY in recovery. She is a user, an addict and is in major denial. Ok fine. But, what's MUCH worse? The darkness she is embracing. I grew up in a home where the occult was practiced and she has NO idea what she is playing with and there will be serious consequences that she cannot begin to predict. I see nightmares coming like a freight train into her life. It's the nature of the beast.
    It's sad to see someone I used to admire fall into the pit of darkness because it's rare for someone who claims to know God (she does not) escape that black hole. She may not survive to be honest. I am a Christian and have been my whole life. You cannot claim to be a Christian unless you are willing to at least know what God has said, and then....to believe it to be true. One of those things is that we are to have NOTHING TO DO WITH WITCHCRAFT, NECROMANCY (talking to the dead). This new age bs is dangerous and she's leading others. It's getting pretty serious now. So....Bev is on a crazy train and the rails don't lead where she thinks they do. The next thing I'm afraid we are going to see....is she will do "readings" for money. Man, how far she has fallen. I can hardly believe she is the same person from 10+ years ago. Truth is...she is NOT the same person.
    One more thing I see. I know that weed is a mind altering drug. It's affecting her mind, clearly. She's not normal...sane or functioning well anymore. She has no idea what all these drugs are doing or how they interact. Clean and sober?? Not even. Not even a little bit. I sincerely hope she will pull up on the tiller before she crashes. No joke.

    Edited by Clarified Butter - 4/19/2021, 09:23 PM
  10.     +2   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    Clarified Butter

    Thank you so much for posting! I wondered if anyone else got this feeling after watching her yesterday and seeing the tiktok videos. I felt like I need to stop watching and participating because there are danger signals all over the place. Good for you to be recovering. Nobody can tell you or I or anyone else who is acquainted with addiction and recovery that we don't know what we're talking about - we know sometimes all too well.

    The spirit of addiction is a very dark one, it does not want to let go. We saw this in working with our daughter, it is hell for the addict to be in that place and that dark spirit only wants the destruction of the person. We could probably say so much more but will leave it at that. But it's very sad that this spirit is so active especially among our young people and it should be addressed and not glossed over.

    thanks again!
  11.     +4   Like  

    Protein Pancakes
    Protein Pancakes


    Agree 100% Clarified Butter. I am newer to her channel but have viewed MANY of her older videos and she IS a diff person. She IS dappling in the occult and will get burned. As a Christian I will not even listen to her lives as I don't want to be around that. Only if she has a video about food or product. I read here to facts from her lives. Those lives are dangerous! Congratulations on your success being clean. I am glad you have Jesus to follow and He will keep you clean as you follow HIM! Bev is playing a very dangerous game.
  12.     +3   Like  

    Muffin Warfare Survivor
    Muffin Warfare Survivor


    She reads this site everyday. I mean how can she not? She sure does seem to know what's been said when she talks about it on her lives. What I don't understand is why isn't she comprehending what everyone is saying? An addict is an addict is an addict. I know a guy who hasn't drank in 30 years and when he quit drinking, he loved to have ice cream after dinner. Usually 2-3 bowls a night. it got to the point where he had to quit enjoying it because he was trading his alcohol addiction for ice cream. My point is that if you have a potential to be addicted to something, it is easily transferable to something else. Any true recovering addict is well aware of this and proceeds with caution when something else has the potential to be addicting.

    She's addicted to food whether or not she admits it. Because why else do you hoard copious amounts of food for two people? I doubt she eats like a bird. Evident of her size. She's addicted to the internet and feeling important. She's addicted to so many things!! She's addicted (and ill-informed) about her poor health. She's got fibro, sensitive to vaccinations, sensitive to pain meds yet doesn't go see a Doctor. She even seems to wear her lack of schooling as a badge of honor. I am sure she will make excuses as to why she didn't finish. She already says she can't work cause she blew her rotator cuff in a nursing home at 19. Guess what Bevie, I worked at a nursing home in my twenties too and got a workplace injury - but it didn't keep me from working for the rest of my flipping life. And it certainly doesn't keep you from dancing around like a jackass on your stupid freaky Friday's. Glad I don't have to see that embarrassing crap anymore. I went back to school at 35 and got my Masters at 45. Determination and grit got me to my place today. Laziness and wanting hand outs got you to yours.

    GTFOH Bev, take a serious look at where your issues stem from and it will be no surprise that it's you! You are your own problem.
  13.     +4   Like  

    Marnie's Cookie Jar
    Marnie's Cookie Jar


    I'm not here to call her names or to demean her as a person. Calling her fatass is not nice and I won't. Besides I have a rotund body myself. Who am I to disparage her looks. I am here in hopes that she will read what is said and realize that she's in trouble...and then....to get some help. So many times I see her contradict herself....even within the same sentence!! Repeatedly she will say one thing and do another. It's like she's losing her grip on reality and it's really disturbing to see.

    I honestly don't think she realizes just how bizarre her behavior has become. I am not perfect by any means! TRUST ME! But, I see someone who is out of touch with themselves big time. I don't see anything solid anymore. Everything is kind of on a whim, floating in air, spur of the moment, flying by the seat of her pants kind of thing. Maybe she's testing to see what will work...what will stick. I don't know. I've watched her just go WAY out there....that thing with the alien blood?? WHAT....THE....HELL??? God help her. Wow. Just wow. She's all over the place now...flailing around. It's so hard to watch her start a sentence to then jump to yelling, "HELLOOOO Darling!" Forget what she was saying and then start another topic. Maddening.

    I cannot understand the snot sucking thing. The only times I've done that is way way back when I was snorting cocaine and that was rare because $$$. The only thing I could come up with is....she doesn't edit lives...so she doesn't see herself do that??? So, she's just less aware of how she acts maybe??? I don't know but it's the most disgusting thing and anyone who would do that is disrespectful to those who see it. I shudder to think of it. I think if she would watch her lives...closely, really focus....and really take a hard look at what she does and says....she would see what we are seeing. Maybe not but it's worth a try. At least watch yourself Bev. See what we see. Would you behave that way in public? Maybe you would. But, realize it's not ok darling. It's shameful and not lady like...not womanly....not lovely. It's gross. It's disrespectful, it's ugly and it's highly disgusting.

    Be an example of self control. First....stop smoking that garbage in public. No matter what you "THINK" it's rude to smoke that crap. Even though you are not in public as in at a store, or restaurant....you are online which is exactly the same thing as being in public. CHILDREN matter Bev. Someone in recovery (or claims to be) would NEVER endorse or condone drug or alcohol use much less DISPLAY it live. It's not a game. It's not cute. It's not cool. It's not funny. It's not medication. It's not anything other than drug use. Might as well crack a beer on the next live. Or slam some heroin.

    Take control of your life. If you can't take control over your home (cleaning it) then you can't control yourself. Start small...but start. Clean that office. CLEAN it don't just move the crap from one place to another. Do something positive in your environment....and it will snow ball into something bigger and better. Baby steps Bev...but take them. Stop doing lives. Give yourself a week off and see how much you can accomplish. You might be amazed at just how NOT disabled you are! Slow and steady. You can do it.

    Edited by Clarified Butter - 4/19/2021, 10:55 PM
  14.     +3   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    So many good posts. Amen.
  15.     +2   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    It's a gossip site. Perhaps the "better Christians than myself" who are here can print off Save Bev. T-shirts and hold an intervention for her on her live streams or email her?

    This site, this forum isn't for that.
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