The Mills Family Pt 14

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  1. Cinderella
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    QUOTE (EKaterin @ 4/9/2021, 19:51) 
    QUOTE (Dream Big @ 4/9/2021, 00:19) 
    A study in 2015 reviewed a lot of evidence and the conclusion was that some estrogens, and Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 found in dairy products, contribute to the initiation and provoking of breast, prostate and endometrial tumors. The huge quantities of cheese and milk that Tommo consumes, and the large volumes of whole milk the kids drink, isn't healthy. Hormones are SO dangerous. And hormones in the food chain are as dangerous as any other hormones.

    Tommo was once again soaking up the praise somebody gave to Andrea's video about the use of progesterone cream to help her get pregnant and maintain her pregnancy. Saying there are folks alive today who would not be alive if it was not for Andrea's progesterone video. A sensible lady in chat said to be careful about using hormones with a doctors advice. You could see the anger in Tommo's eyes as he responded to her. Sure progesterone creams are available online Tommo. That does NOT mean its safe to use them. Just because you do not need a doctor to prescribe something, doesn't mean its safe. Alcohol doesn't need a it safe to use that as freely as you want to? Nope! Pain relief meds available without prescriptions at the pharmacy will result in death if taken irresponsibly. Will he encourage his girls to use progesterone cream if they have problems getting pregnant? With the history of breast cancer in their family, if he tells his girls to go do what their Mom did, he is the dumbest man alive.

    He doesn't care. He wont listen to or believe facts. Its his way, or the highway. Mr Mensa, who STILL can't remember all his kids ages, is being dangerously irresponsible to praise Andrea's progesterone cream video. Andrea use the cream in bigger than the recommended doses....before and right through her pregnancy with Hannah. She probably continued using it after the pregnancy also. And right up to the time she passed.

    Tommo is not medically qualified. Does he realise that??

    However superior he feels he is in regard to scientists and medical professionals who have studied for years and have years of hands on experience, he is categorically unqualified and wrong to be commenting on the "advantages" as he sees it of using - abusing in Andrea's - case Progesterone Cream.

    The recommended single dose is, I believe 75mg. Andrea was using up to 200mg daily.

    Tommo says that there are people alive because of Andrea's advice about using Progesterone Cream.

    Maybe those people would have gone ahead and become pregnant anyway. God's hand in such matters - not Andrea's!

    Such terrible and blatant arrogance of both Tommo and the deceased Andrea.

    "There are people alive because of Andrea's advice"
    blah blah...

    We could dare say that there is one person dead from taking her own advice and shunning medical professionals!

    Thereby leaving 9 children Motherless!

    Shame on both Tommo and Andrea.

  2.     +8   Like  

    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting


    QUOTE (OhHonestly @ 9/4/2021, 01:59 PM) 
    QUOTE (Dream Big @ 2/9/2021, 21:53) 
    This is a link from Invidious.....Watch it without giving ole Tommo a cent.

    This is how narcissistic he is........this is what he believed GOD did for him. He's talking about April. Go to 1:03:27 and listen to what he says. Somebody said that April was a strong woman.

    Tommo replied

    "God engineered her for far as I'm concerned"

    Ohhhhhhhhh Tommo......what an BIIIIGGGGGG ego you have! :shaking_head_smiley_emoticon:

    A man with an ENORMOUS EGO that's a certainty. My Goodness. "God engineered April for me, as far as I'm concerned." (Tommo) - No reference regarding whether April was also engineered for her late husband! The man is a disgrace. His Arrogance is worse than I could have imagined! Imagine the life April would have had with him. He would have ground her down, piece by miserable piece. April's kids would have probably asked to go live with their siblings..

    In Tommo's own mind, he is the centre of the universe and everybody and everything revolves around him. I often question his sanity. After Andrea passed he said over and over that he was "waiting for God to send somebody to him". He talked like he expected to open the door one morning and there she was.....with a label attached saying "To Tom....from God". A hot chick that God sent specially to Tommo.

    He believed that God...AND Andrea "sent" April to him....and that April was "engineered" for him, by God. No sane person thinks like that.

    He had 20 years of marriage to Andrea were he was on a pedestal and loved and adored unconditionally by Andrea. His arrogance and ego were enabled by Andrea. He needs to realize that's OVER now. Whoever goes in there as the next Mrs Mills will be taking on 9 of Tommo and Andrea's kids. Yeah, Thomas is an adult and Asher will turn 18 in December.....but she still has to deal with their attitudes and how they feel about her marrying their father. Asher and Judah did NOT want Tommo to marry April and I have a feeling they made their feelings known....whether he wanted to hear them or not. Tommo cant tell them to be quiet and give them demerits to silence them. That is their home and they have a right to say how they feel.

    Whoever the next Mrs Mills is, she will be moving her kids in to Tommos home to live with his kids. She will be the step Mom and we all know how Tommo has a list of "Mom" jobs...... and its one heck of a list.

    Tommo is playing a ridiculous immature game of click bait with his subscribers. Apart from Rachel Day and maybe two or three others, his subscribers are not dumb. They see what he is doing. He is biting the hand that fed him and his kids for 2 years. That never ends well.

    I believe he DELIBERATELY talked about how he is late buying the kids clothes for Fall and how he is late buying their school supplies. He knows somebody in chat will respond to that and send clothes and school supplies. Wasn't it Lydia Laird who sent all the kids a back pack last year? I think it was. She isn't on chat any more. She hasn't been there for quite a while. But hey....somebody else will jump in and send stuff. Tommo wont acknowledge it ....and if they ask if he got he, he wont know or wont remember and if they ask again....they're blocked. And he absolutely doesn't even miss Lydia Laird or wonder where she is. Or if she is ok.

    Lydia Laird is gone, Holly Dolly is gone, Grape Tomato Girl is gone, Princess Bubblegum is gone, Cindy the Crocheter is gone. Folks are not dumb and he is driving everybody away.

    He is also cultivating an environment of favoratism in that house and resentment will explode in there pretty soon. Resentful, angry, hurt kids will emerge pretty fast. When that hits the fan...he is gonna have a hell of a situation in that house. Justus didn't look happy Thursday. He looked angry. Maybe the situation is hitting the fan already?

    His new GF must be insane because Tommo keeps on saying how he will have somebody there to "help". in do everything in the house, with the kids, take care of him. He will go right back to playing video games and Magic. She will also be expected to show up for wife duties on the purple mattress when required. Yup, she's insane.
  3.     +10   Like  

    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting


    I may have misunderstood but in the latest shopping video where Hannah was wearing a cute normal dress, someone in chat commented on how lovely it was and asked where Tom had got it.

    With his usual callous indifference, he shrugged and said it's not something he would have ever bought so it must have been from a subscriber.

    In chat, someone said it had been THEY who sent the dress.

    Tom said nothing.

    And no-one in chat told Tom what a selfish piece of ungrateful crap he is.

    He thinks he's such a BLESSING to the world, with his amazing intellect, his knowledge of Greek and the Bible, his wonderful method for bringing up children and his vast store of information and advice.

    Rachel Day and her cronies agree with Tom but the rest of the world looks on and shakes their head.
  4.     +6   Like  

    Spinach Square
    Spinach Square


    QUOTE (MingMing22 @ 29/8/2021, 01:46) 
    QUOTE (EKaterin @ 28/8/2021, 00:17) 
    Rachel Day reads here.
    Hi Rachel, you stupid ol' baggage! Stop spending your husband's wages on Tomcat Mills, you disgusting creature!

    Rachel, I've told ya time and again that you are thieving ftom your husband and your children. :waiting-hand-gesture-smiley-emo

    All for a lazy ol' greaseball who must laugh at your obsessive lust for him. Makes me want to throw up!

    Why the wedding list Rachel? Have you d.i.v.o.r.c.e.dyour husband, or has he left due to your juvenile, prattish behaviour, chasing after a man quite openly. What the f#$k is wrong with you?

    Why in the world does she have a wedding list?!? Do these people have no shame?? I'm so sick of these YouTube beggars just looking for free stuff. I thought RD was married? I'm so confused!😂😂

    No. RD is not married, at least not legally. I won’t say exactly how I found her, but it wasn’t hard using her videos and hashtags. She’s not legally married and her mother appears to be living with her, not a man (or her mom at least helped her buy her home). She’s pretty much confirmed that I’m right in several comments she’s made. Whoever she had children with, doesn’t seem to be in the picture anymore. (Sorry for all the edits. Just trying to make my comment coherent lol)

    Edited by MuMs2 - 9/4/2021, 10:59 PM
  5.     +11   Like  

    Muffin Warfare Survivor
    Muffin Warfare Survivor


    Tom - You need to get a second job - and maybe even a third job BECAUSE you are going to be supporting those kids for the rest of your life! They are never going to leave home because they will have no viable education, no decent jobs and no friends— they are going to be living just like they are living right now.

    Man-up and put the younger children in school and find some place for the older boys to get their GED’s. Give them a chance now because very soon it will be too late. Time passes quickly— it has been two years since Andrea passed, and you have simply wallowed in your own mess for the entire time. Absolutely no progress has taken place in your kids’ lives.

    You can “save face” by telling the schools that Andrea home-schooled the kids, and you have been trying to continue with this, but you simply cannot do it all. Everyone would understand that — it’s nothing to be ashamed of right now. BUT—keep doing what you are doing for any more years, and it will all be on you—your fault and nobody else’s.

    And before you enroll the kids in school, ditch the color-coordinated clothes. Dressing your kids alike might have been cute when they were very young, but continuing to do this as they get much older just makes all of you look like some really weird cult. So unless this is the look you’re going for, give your kids a chance to look “normal.”
  6.     +9   Like  

    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting


    The Women's Initiative study is the reason why women who are going through menopause can no longer use a combination hormone therapy of estrogen and progesterone for hormone replacement. Women who take hormone replacement because of early menopause from hysterectomy, or particularly bad symptoms from natural menopause, can now only take estrogen replacement because it was found through that study that the risk of breast cancer went up considerably with the use of progesterone.

    Andrea wasn't going through menopause yet. She was only 40/41. She did not NEED to replace or enhance her hormones, she was still making her own naturally. She was actually overdosing herself on progesterone. It can cause a whole lot of fluid retention and weight issues and CANCER.

    Maybe she felt like as long as she was still able to have kids she was still considered young. There are a lot of women who feel badly about moving out of the age to conceive easily. Maybe she felt like she would be useless without being able to be a mother and that's too bad becasue she should not have based her worth on her ability to have kids. She sadly had herself so brainwashed that she couldn't see any other way.

    Possibly she may have thought she was starting to go through menopause? By 40 your chances of conceiving does become more challenging but not because you are in pre menopause, it's just because that's what happens as the body ages. She might have seen her difficulty to get pregnant as easy as before as the beginning of menopause and it scared her! She didn't want to get older. Maybe becasue TOMMO only wanted a hot chick and she thought she would not be attractive to him anymore. These are things women tell themselves that they don't talk about especially if they have a man that makes body image, youth, and looks, so important. She lived to please him and maybe in the end she actually died to please him. We'll never know what she thought.

    Just my thoughts, doesn't mean they are fact.
  7.     +9   Like  

    Marnie's Cookie Jar
    Marnie's Cookie Jar


    OhHonestly…Hi and welcome! I rewatched the video (seen it before) from the point you said and you are sooooo right. To say that God “engineered” April for him…like he is something special. I looked up the word “engineered”….it means designed, invented, built, manufactured, skillfully and deliberately arranged.. rather than arising naturally or spontaneously. So….let’s see….God “engineered” April for him and he rejects her? 🤨 hmmmmmm.

    He goes on to say that if you asked everyone one of his kids, what is the most important decision they will make in life. He say “HANDS DOWN”….finding a Godly spouse. So, since he reads here (it’s obvious by his childish actions) this suggestion won’t work. But, if someone put him on the spot on a live, for instance when they are sitting in the car getting ready to go to Diehl’s….and he saw in chat…someone that asks that question 🙋‍♀️ posing it to Asher or Justus….do you REALLY

    think they are going to say …“finding a GODLY SPOUSE”. Do you think Eden will answer that question or Solly, let alone Sophia or Claudia..with that answer? He says they have been drilling that into their brains since they were young because that’s the single most important decision they will ever make. What if they don’t want to marry or seek a partner of the same sex…(which TomAss wouldn’t think is Godly?). Someone asked about the audio Bible…why it is played all day…24/7. He said…because he wants them to know it inside and out. BRAINWASHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    These children are merely puppets on a string. Andrea’s crazy 😜 ideas on dental 🦷 care. He talks about in this video how Andrea read some 3rd world country book about using fish oil and something else he couldn’t remember, to REVERSE cavities. Thomas chimes in on this. Pretty 😢 sad to think of all the suffering these kids could have endured with their teeth before Andrea passed away. All the damage that was done to their 🦷 teeth…Sophia and Claudia are examples as well as Judah. Looks like TomAss couldn’t handle the dentistry in the Mills Mansion and went the route most of us would do…..go to a DENTIST!
  8. Reading rat12
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    You can know as much Greek as Tom does by using the internet....😁😁😁😁😁
  9.     +11   Like  

    Sugar Coma
    Sugar Coma


    I think Claudia has looked ill since her birthday.she told tom I think it was on last week's shopping trip that she didn't feel good.i hope he doesn't wait until she collapses or is severely sick before he takes her to the doctor.she needs to be checked out hell all the kids need to be checked out.but he won't do it.
  10.     +8   Like  

    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting


    QUOTE (passerby @ 9/4/2021, 10:52 PM) 
    I may have misunderstood but in the latest shopping video where Hannah was wearing a cute normal dress, someone in chat commented on how lovely it was and asked where Tom had got it.

    With his usual callous indifference, he shrugged and said it's not something he would have ever bought so it must have been from a subscriber.

    In chat, someone said it had been THEY who sent the dress.

    Tom said nothing.

    And no-one in chat told Tom what a selfish piece of ungrateful crap he is.

    He thinks he's such a BLESSING to the world, with his amazing intellect, his knowledge of Greek and the Bible, his wonderful method for bringing up children and his vast store of information and advice.

    Rachel Day and her cronies agree with Tom but the rest of the world looks on and shakes their head.

    Proves again how he doesn't appreciate a single thing folks sent to the kids.

    Rachel Day sent a Baby Shark dress to Hannnahhhh once and Tommo actually said in a live that she was wearing the dress as "jammies" because it didn't fit with their color wheel! He SAID that on a live. So I guess he needs to remind the folks on there who are gonna send clothes to the kids for Fall that they better learn about their "color wheel" and send the right colors or the kids either wont get to wear them, or they will wear them as "jammies".

    "Thank You" are two words ole Tommo isn't familiar with. Neither are his kids. Thanking somebody in chat for sending a dress to Hannnaaahhhh isnt something Tommo will do.

    Eden was also caught giving a nasty sarcastic smile to camera during Thursdays live. Tommo turned the camera towards her thinking, I guess, that she was gonna smile sweetly.....but she gave a horrible nasty smile to the camera and Tommo moved it away pretty darn fast. He has turned the kids against all the YouTube folks now too.

    His amazing intellect is hysterical. He STILL cant remember his own kids birthday dates....or their ages. He needs 10 old hens on his live chat every week to remind him to TURN ON THE BREADSTICKS and NO BUTTER FOR Tommo pours the cup of melted butter over all the breadsticks. He had no idea what year he married Andrea. How does he remember to get up in the morning? I guess Asher wakes him up.

    Tommo is "sympathetic" to the theory that the earth is flat. He also shared that in a video.

    Yup...ole Tommo and his Greek App on his phone are hysterical. Its kinda like the story he used to tell over and over and over and over and over about going to Juarez with his Dad and the cheese he ate there and how he spent the rest of his life trying to find it. He talks about the same greek words over and over and over. "Angelos" is the word for "Angel" .... and that means "messenger". Its sad to listen to anybody try to impress folks with his limited and blinkered "knowledge".
  11.     +3   Like  

    Tasty Treat
    Tasty Treat

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