The Mills Family: Sad school, sad house, sad life, and all Tom wants is a wife Pt. 27

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  1.     +9   Like  

    Tasty Treat
    Tasty Treat

    Global Mod
    Being invisible yet seeking attention

    Title by RobinJ

    I've been away on an extended break from the Bakery. I don't know what, if anything, transpired in the last thread but since this section tends to have issues I'm reminding you all to follow our rules. You agreed to those rules when you signed up here. Breaking of those rules will result in a warning. 3 warnings and you're out. If rules are repeatedly broken then the thread will be locked and we staff will determine if it will ever be opened again.

    Edited by ID**’tEatSugar - 4/16/2023, 05:01 PM
  2.     +3   Like  

    Marnie's Cookie Jar
    Marnie's Cookie Jar


    Marking my spot
  3.     +2   Like  

    Spinach Square
    Spinach Square


    Marking my spot
  4.     +2   Like  

    Muffin Warfare Survivor
    Muffin Warfare Survivor


    Marking my spot ..
  5.     +4   Like  

    Spinach Square
    Spinach Square

    Qld, Australia

    I am marking my spot, and may we continue to do what we do best, thoughtful comments where we learn, appreciate and accept the different opinions of our fellow bakers. Do we get a chance to name our next topic?
  6.     +10   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    Thanks for the new thread.

    In the last live, someone asked Tom about painting the fence. He said it was quite a job and had to be done by hand because a paint sprayer would waste too much paint. He said the boys did it when they were little and he didn't think anyone would like to do it anymore. He said it was a big job but they might do that this summer (if I remember correctly, as I was multitasking). The fence looks rotten to me. And it looks like it needs more than just paint. It looks like it's uneven and leans to and fro. Not like a nice sturdy straight line as it should. Since it's such a prominent feature in front of the house, which is also their business, it's the first thing people see when they drive up. Tom has enough man power there that even if the little kids were handed a brush, that fence could get painted.

    He also commented again that vacations are too hard to take because it's just him. But it's not just him. He literally has three mostly grown children to help. Plus, he could bring his mother along. He claims he takes the kids on smaller trips, like the trampoline park and he named some other place but it's untrue. He really does nothing with those kids and going to a trampoline park once a year in my mind hardly counts as an excursion. Trampoline parks are normally frequented quite often by families with small children and few of them would consider that in the realm of a vacation.
  7.     +1   Like  

    Tasty Treat
    Tasty Treat

    Global Mod
    Being invisible yet seeking attention

    QUOTE (Bronzie @ 4/15/2023, 06:41 PM)
    I am marking my spot, and may we continue to do what we do best, thoughtful comments where we learn, appreciate and accept the different opinions of our fellow bakers. Do we get a chance to name our next topic?

    Yes. If you guys have one I’ll be glad to change it!
  8.     +12   Like  

    Muffin Warfare Survivor
    Muffin Warfare Survivor


    Sad school, sad house, sad life, and all Tom wants is a wife.
  9.     +7   Like  

    Sugar Coma
    Sugar Coma


    Lynn H, Kelsea, B Fontana AKA Cinderella when will we ever see you with your fella?
  10.     +6   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    Tom-ME is greasy, lousy, and phony.
  11.     +8   Like  

    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting


    This is the Invidious link to the Live Dinner video.......

    All his videos pretty much make me sick to my stomach but this one was on a whole new level.......

    First up, the look of HATE in Edens eyes whenever she looked at the live chat during dinner. I feel so sad for her. She looks so sad all the time. WHY does she even have to be in the videos....when she obviously does not want to be on camera and I agree with her. She is 13 years old. As Tommo said when he was doing easter egg stuffing, Eden is trying to find her place in the world as she is not a kid anymore. So, WHY is she on camera. Haven't trolls on the channel made her sad too may times with hurtful comments about her why is she still on there?

    She sits there right where her Mom used to sit.....and she has to watch Tommo texting and snickering with his GF during live dinner. Eden was super close to Andrea. It must break her heart so bad to have to go through that sh#t show every time they have live dinner!

    Second up, JUSTUS!! Oh my gosh that poor kid is full of anger. He absolutely does NOT want to be on live dinner. He did not eat anything. He was watching his phone the entire time and I wonder if he was expecting folks from his school to show up in chat. They showed up before during live dinner. It must be super embarrassing for him with Tommo sitting right there snickering with his lil "private jokes" with his invisible GF...and wiping his dripping nose with his hands and wiping his snotty hands on his pants. I wonder if Justus is wondering how many of the kids from school are watching? And their parents? He should NOT have to sit through that embarrassment every month.

    It was SO embarrassing for Justus when Tommo was sharing that Eden was gonna take cooking class in public school and Justus tried to explain to Tommo how Eden might not get that class because it was so popular and students who were already in the school got priority. And Tommo argued and argued with Justus. Oh they got in early....and he talked to the guy at the school who told him to get in early and if they did, there was a good chance Eden would get the class. So I guess Tommo is already an expert on his classes are assigned in public school. Well.....he is gonna get one heck of a shock because Tommo's and Eden's choices will NOT be priority. Kids already there get priority over everybody else. And if they fill that class then Eden is not gonna get it. I guess Tommo will throw a toddler Tommo tantrum when that happens.

    The fence.....OMG! Like you guys said already, the fence is rotting and broken. It doesn't just need to be painted......large sections of it need to be replaced and other parts need to be repaired before it is painted. So will the "lots of kids with paint brushes" have to go replace the fix the fence before they paint it??? What is Tommo gonna do? Supervise from where he is laying down relaxing? Maybe he will go lay in his hammock in the garden and yell instructions to the kids how to fix the fence? And also supervise the older boys when they are out there mowing grass all summer too.

    When he said in live dinner how he was "gonna go lay down and relax while the kids do chore time" after dinner.....and said how nice it was that everything got done.


    I guess Cinderella and him carried right on with their lil private jokes while the kids cleaned the house after dinner. What a guy! Cinderella must be just like him....because any woman who gave a dang about the kids would NOT be texting Tommo during live dinner and absolutely would NOT tolerate hearing how Tommo was gonna lay down and relax while the kids did after dinner chores. Oh Cinderella, are you gonna have YOUR kids do that if/when you marry ole Tommo? Are they gonna help the Mills kids while you go lay down with ole Tommo? WOW!

    I also have a question.......IF he is with Cinderella for 2 years.....and IF their relationship is real and serious.....WHY does he keep saying its so hard to organize short vacations and road trips for the kids because he is on his own? Interesting how he brags about his relationship with Cinderella....but when he doesn't want to do something, suddenly he says he is on his own?! Very very interesting!

    And Kelsea is back on every live stream I believe "Kelsea" is "B Fontana" aka "Cinderella". Its pretty hard to believe there is a 46 years old father of 10 kids out there who behaves like that right in front of his grieving kids. What a guy you are Tommo, what a guy!
  12.     +9   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    Exactly, where does she live that she can't join in on their vacation? I would have thought they'd start acting a bit like a joined family by now. I thought that in the Easter video when she could've helped him make his easter baskets. I bet they made it sound like they shopped together but they were really on facetime or something lame.
  13.     +9   Like  

    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting


    Cannoli it gets more ridiculous every day and it makes zero sense. Bottom line is, that is all Tommo got left to offer on the channel. He knows folks watch to (a) check on how the kids are doing and (b) see if he updates everybody about getting remarried. He has nothing else to offer on the channel. He has zero creativity. Every idea he had that might've been interesting, like interviewing the kids, he failed to see it through all the way and abandoned it before it was completed. All he wants to talk about is himself. All he wants to talk about is to complain about pretty much everything and tell folks how tired he is.

    IF Tommo wanted to make the live dinners more interesting he could talk more with kids like Asher and Judah and the little ones because they are the only ones who would willingly take part. When Eden left the table, Asher sat in her spot and I was surprised how talkative he was. He made a VERY creepy and weird statement when folks asked Tommo if he "sprayed" their fruit trees with pesticide. Asher said if they used pesticide "if we used pesticides....all the little girls in the family would die".,,,, :in-disbelief-smiley-emoticon:
    That was a VERY disturbing comment to make.....but hey, its Asher, so I guess its normal for him to say or do something disturbing. He creeps me out!

    Tommo doesn't make any effort to make the videos interesting. I wonder how many folks watch the live streams through to the end? I bet it is a tiny percentage. Their views are staying low even if he's got more subscribers.

    So.....I guess its gonna be another summer staying home in the yard for the kids. They get to paint and fix the in the pool (If Daddy can figure out how to keep the algae out of the pool water this year) with the sprinklers and play video games. That's about it! IF they get real lucky they will get new summer clothes. IF Tommo is not too tired and IF he finds time to go to Walmart and get clothes. Its the middle of April already and he is still making excuses. So......I guess the kids are gonna have to make do with what they got already....or Jen Mosely can buy summer clothes for all the kids and mail them......I can just about hear Tommo say "oh thank you Jen, that was so kind of youuuuuu". Jen Mosely must be nuts!

    The question I had about when he said Cinderella picked out the Easter stuff with him is this......he said he didn't know what to get for Eden. So why didn't Cinderella help with that? He got a dumb puzzle for Eden. Is that the best idea Cinderella could come up with? Makes me VERY suspicious about that entire situation.
  14.     +5   Like  

    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting


    Dream Big

    I can remember Andrea mentioning the fence needed painting. It wasn't falling down back then. It's past just needing paint now.

    These are the things he should have been spending the money that he got on instead of buying himself everything he wanted. A nice chain link fence would be good. Wood in that kind of climate, with all the snow up against it, doesn't hold up well especially if it isn't being taken care of.

    When he does do something he does it half assed. When he put in the bathroom he didn't even have an inspector come in and inspect it, which means he never got a permit to do the work. He only did it because he thought April would be moving in with two of her kids. He's so pathetic and lazy, and selfish
  15.     +6   Like  

    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting


    MountainHiker11 Google his business, Omega Computers. Check out the pictures of the house that are right there on Google. They are pretty recent because their old van is outside the house with a for sale sign and that was sold within the last year or 18 months so the pictures of the property are recent. There are parts of the fence where it is falling down......the wood looks like its in bad shape probably because it has not been painted for so long. Ok, I get that a lot happened and there was a lot of grief and trauma for everybody in the family but.....the house is also where his home business is based....and where his shop and office are located. If I was a potential customer and I wanted to have my computer repaired, I would take one look at the property and drive on by and keep on driving until I found a business that looked like a business. If somebody takes so little care of their business premises then, for me, that suggests their approach to their job is also sloppy and disorganized. A business should be clean, well maintained and inviting for customers. That sure as all heck does not look very professional or inviting to me.

    Andrea kept up the property the best way she could.....with little or no money to spare. She saved, she got stuff on sale, she planned. I don't care what he says about "Mom jobs" and "Dad jobs"...that is all BS. You do what you have to do! Period!

    It is getting pretty scary now listening to Tommo talk about how the boys are gonna paint the fence in summer....and they are gonna have to mow the grass too.....Think about what they do already!!! EVERYTHING! Justus takes care of all the laundry....the kids fold it and put it away during morning chores. Asher and Judah take care of the yard. Asher and Judah and Eden babysit the little ones and help them with school. Kitty also helps with school. Eden gives the little girls baths. Asher brushes Hannah's hair every morning. He helps the little ones get breakfast. He helps with lunch. Asher buys bread for the family every week. Judah buys eggs for the family every week. I bet Justus is also buying something "for the family" as he is working part time. Justus gets himself to school....and he goes to track practice or to work.....he goes home to finish homework.


    He said he needs to go pay bills. He said he needs to go get new spring and summer clothes for the kids. Couple weeks ago he said the girls all needed new wardrobes because everything they had was old and they outgrew a lot of stuff. So......why isn't he doing that? Or is it gonna be like other years when he makes excuses for months and then its Fall so its too late anyway!

    Tommo needs to grow the hell up! The kids are carrying pretty much all the responsibilities for taking care of the house, the yard, homeschool and each other. Tommo is behaving like a horny teenager who just discovered girls and just wants to eat, sleep and play video games. It is total role reversal and it is going on for almost 4 years since Andrea passed. I do not know how any adult can be like that.

    But hey, maybe he is waiting to see what Jen Mosely mails for the kids before he goes clothes shopping.

    Then whatever Jen sends that doesn't fit or he doesn't return, he can send to Cinderella for her kids.....from him of course. Keep her sweet!
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