Plus Size in Canada Pt 4

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  1.     +4   Like  

    Hoe Wheat Bread
    Hoe Wheat Bread

    Tim BucK Too

    Wow, wow what I just watched and read has me a bit dumbfounded! First I want to be clear, I do not wish illness on anyone, I understand what it's like to live with a rare medical disease and what it is like to undergo testing and await a diagnosis. I feel sorry for her family, her children, and I do hope she will physically be alright. She said she has fluid on her brain which is hydrocephalus, she then states it could be cancer, a brain tumor, it could be MS. Why is she not being seen by a psychiatrist and a therapist her mental health and physical health need a full team approach. Miranda has mental health issues, throwing more drugs at her might numb her a bit but then she will back into her panic, ruminating thoughts, the negative self talk then on doctor google, which will lead to more pill popping. she needs coping skills which she has needed for a long time, cognitive behavior therapy and parenting skills.
    i am not surprised she spoke about money, spare us you just took a family vacation, which was not a budget vacation it was a shop till you drop from the time they left till, and Miranda is still shopping. Miranda needs to be reminded , she retired from daycare(one full time child one part time) to go full time social media. Full time social media lead to more issues with her mental health, no surprise. Those were her choices, she needs to get herself well mentally and physically this will help her shopping addiction, give her family more money. Self help can be a powerful way to de-stress yourself, energize the mind and grow personally. Despite preaching self care activities and knowing its importance for better mental health, understand that it can take a form of self care addiction and may even show considerable problems in one’s personal life.
    My heart breaks for her children's mental health, they are suffering and may develop mental health disorders. Shame on Curtis for not stepping in to do more to protect his children. The children are controlled and manipulated do they even know what they like in life she controls the brands they love, we see this this all the time when one says oh did i say I liked that or wanted one, Build a bear with the barbie bear, who wanted that bear not Whinny. I pray someone pulls it together for the children, they did not ask for this, their behavior is what they have been taught and it is sad.
  2.     +9   Like  

    Sugar Coma
    Sugar Coma


    QUOTE (Lacrosssemom @ 29/8/2023, 00:35) 
    Wow, wow what I just watched and read has me a bit dumbfounded! First I want to be clear, I do not wish illness on anyone, I understand what it's like to live with a rare medical disease and what it is like to undergo testing and await a diagnosis. I feel sorry for her family, her children, and I do hope she will physically be alright. She said she has fluid on her brain which is hydrocephalus, she then states it could be cancer, a brain tumor, it could be MS. Why is she not being seen by a psychiatrist and a therapist her mental health and physical health need a full team approach. Miranda has mental health issues, throwing more drugs at her might numb her a bit but then she will back into her panic, ruminating thoughts, the negative self talk then on doctor google, which will lead to more pill popping. she needs coping skills which she has needed for a long time, cognitive behavior therapy and parenting skills.
    i am not surprised she spoke about money, spare us you just took a family vacation, which was not a budget vacation it was a shop till you drop from the time they left till, and Miranda is still shopping. Miranda needs to be reminded , she retired from daycare(one full time child one part time) to go full time social media. Full time social media lead to more issues with her mental health, no surprise. Those were her choices, she needs to get herself well mentally and physically this will help her shopping addiction, give her family more money. Self help can be a powerful way to de-stress yourself, energize the mind and grow personally. Despite preaching self care activities and knowing its importance for better mental health, understand that it can take a form of self care addiction and may even show considerable problems in one’s personal life.
    My heart breaks for her children's mental health, they are suffering and may develop mental health disorders. Shame on Curtis for not stepping in to do more to protect his children. The children are controlled and manipulated do they even know what they like in life she controls the brands they love, we see this this all the time when one says oh did i say I liked that or wanted one, Build a bear with the barbie bear, who wanted that bear not Whinny. I pray someone pulls it together for the children, they did not ask for this, their behavior is what they have been taught and it is sad.

    I don't believe 99.9% of what she says...she is doing it for attention, sympathy & YT views. Nothing more. She is cunning...have you not noticed none of her "health issues" manifest when she is shopping or on yet another vacation? (vacation from what I'm not sure). I believe she is bat shit crazy...and those poor kids have grown up in her dysfunction since they were born. Moronda isn't going to "pull it together" now or anytime soon. This is the pathetic life she has chosen....and whatever bizarre health problems she can dream up...she does. Her "friends" and idiot of a husband go along with it all....
  3. Greensmoothie
        +5   Like  

    User deleted

    She has been saying this for so long I really wonder if she has anything or will say anything. It's too convenient that she doesn't suffer on vacation. And now she's not driving. is starting. Will Curtis always drive? Will he be home for all school mornings. Maybe someone will car pool the kids. I just don't know if she will have a diagnosis ever. She's so dramatic but a few weeks ago she was running to and fro buying up all the stores for their vacation. She didn't seem sick then.

    Miranda self care is a nap, a healthy dinner (not yours) a walk to de- stress and collect your thoughts, a warm bath. All you do is spend money for self care. That's a dead give away you are addicted to buying. You need help. Throwing boxes behind you so flipping arrogant. It's sad to watch you. Your cultish groupies you call subs haven't a clue what they are supporting. Their eyes are veiled. It's like your personality just flipped a switch now that your back from this vacation you have been building bigger than life for months. Wow, sick.
  4. Whowhatwhen
        +7   Like  

    User deleted

    I’m not an internet psychiatrist but she definitely acts bipolar. Major mood swings from manic in high mode and crying and depressed when in her low mode. Extreme shopping, extreme overeating, extreme drinking, extreme dieting, extreme rambling. In fact, this is straight from a psychiatry book, sound familiar?

    Some individuals are naturally chatty, but one of the most prevalent signs of bipolar disorder is forced speaking. If you cannot catch your thoughts because they are rolling off the teleprompter screen in your brain, resulting in a lot of incomprehensible babbling, you may have bipolar disorder. In addition to speaking rapidly and switching between thoughts, a person in a manic phase may also be easily distracted.

    I have a feeling her doctor(s) know but are running a couple of precautionary diagnostic tests. She took that and ran with it, googled every possible illness, made vague click bait references to dramatic health issues for views and one day soon will celebrate with her subbies because she’s healed, until she needs attention again. In the meantime, she’s vacationing and spending megabucks shopping and Curtis is too cowardly to try to slow her down because she’s manipulating him with “possibly” going blind or having cancer. Narcissism at its ugliest.

    You’re right that self care is caring for your health, taking a walk, eating properly, meditation, prayer, not self indulging in every vice she has. She’s spending more and earning less and oh well, she deserves it because she’s “the only 10 in the room.”

    She has to be the most immature, selfish, almost 40 year old mother I’ve ever seen.
  5.     +2   Like  

    Spinach Square
    Spinach Square


    QUOTE (Whowhatwhen @ 29/8/2023, 03:05) 
    I’m not an internet psychiatrist but she definitely acts bipolar. Major mood swings from manic in high mode and crying and depressed when in her low mode. Extreme shopping, extreme overeating, extreme drinking, extreme dieting, extreme rambling. In fact, this is straight from a psychiatry book, sound familiar?

    Some individuals are naturally chatty, but one of the most prevalent signs of bipolar disorder is forced speaking. If you cannot catch your thoughts because they are rolling off the teleprompter screen in your brain, resulting in a lot of incomprehensible babbling, you may have bipolar disorder. In addition to speaking rapidly and switching between thoughts, a person in a manic phase may also be easily distracted.

    I have a feeling her doctor(s) know but are running a couple of precautionary diagnostic tests. She took that and ran with it, googled every possible illness, made vague click bait references to dramatic health issues for views and one day soon will celebrate with her subbies because she’s healed, until she needs attention again. In the meantime, she’s vacationing and spending megabucks shopping and Curtis is too cowardly to try to slow her down because she’s manipulating him with “possibly” going blind or having cancer. Narcissism at its ugliest.

    You’re right that self care is caring for your health, taking a walk, eating properly, meditation, prayer, not self indulging in every vice she has. She’s spending more and earning less and oh well, she deserves it because she’s “the only 10 in the room.”

    She has to be the most immature, selfish, almost 40 year old mother I’ve ever seen.

    I agree, my brother was married to a bi-polar woman and she wasted so much money when she went on one of her more manic bends. She was a nice person and I want her no harm but it was very hard on him to live with her doing stuff the way she did. He lost at least 20000 dollars having to rescue her out of credit card hell, it might have been more, and she still could not keep herself out of doing it again, on a smaller scale that time. In the end their marriage failed and money was part of it but not all of it and while I as I said, do not hate her, I can see the difference in my brother before and after so to speak. If Miranda does have bi-polar, it is a bit tricky to medicate, my former SIL never fully got things managed by medicine although it helped greatly. She didn't go on and off meds as some do but she still had pretty severe fluctuations with medicine and the doctors really could not offer a higher dose or another type of medicine in her case. It still clearly helped to a degree.
  6. Whowhatwhen
        +6   Like  

    User deleted

    Dealing with a bipolar partner has got to be torture, it’s similar to an alcoholic, they have to hit bottom and want help before any treatment will work. Even then it’s a battle every single day, I’m sorry your brother had to experience that and it destroyed his marriage. I think Curtis realizes the so-called stuttering is bs, it’s very likely her manic, running off at the mouth before thinking clearly habit is her manic stage and she doesn’t give a damn, she can blame her “broken brain.”

    Her latest grocery haul of Winnie’s favorites is just depressing. Not many children in North America starve to death so she’ll be fine without cupcakes and candy. We had an ice storm that knocked out power for 10 days once, my kids weren’t as picky as Winnie, maybe because I didn’t buy a lot of snacks, but during those 10 days they learned to like a lot of things they wouldn’t normally prefer. Winnie isn’t allowed to experience true hunger and appetite, she gets an ice cream sundae for dinner if she wants. It’s neglectful and unhealthy. Everyone, including kids, will eat simple healthy foods if there’s no candy or chips before dinner. Wouldn’t hurt the rest of the family either. Love doesn’t mean abdicating parental responsibilities, just the opposite.
  7.     +9   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    QUOTE (Whowhatwhen @ 8/29/2023, 09:24 AM) 
    Dealing with a bipolar partner has got to be torture, it’s similar to an alcoholic, they have to hit bottom and want help before any treatment will work. Even then it’s a battle every single day, I’m sorry your brother had to experience that and it destroyed his marriage. I think Curtis realizes the so-called stuttering is bs, it’s very likely her manic, running off at the mouth before thinking clearly habit is her manic stage and she doesn’t give a damn, she can blame her “broken brain.”

    Her latest grocery haul of Winnie’s favorites is just depressing. Not many children in North America starve to death so she’ll be fine without cupcakes and candy. We had an ice storm that knocked out power for 10 days once, my kids weren’t as picky as Winnie, maybe because I didn’t buy a lot of snacks, but during those 10 days they learned to like a lot of things they wouldn’t normally prefer. Winnie isn’t allowed to experience true hunger and appetite, she gets an ice cream sundae for dinner if she wants. It’s neglectful and unhealthy. Everyone, including kids, will eat simple healthy foods if there’s no candy or chips before dinner. Wouldn’t hurt the rest of the family either. Love doesn’t mean abdicating parental responsibilities, just the opposite.

    Amen sister!

    I can't believe how unhealthy they eat, especially since she has two athletes to feed. That little girl is going to grow up and look just like her mother because Miranda only "PLAYS" at trying to be healthy. Also Curtis does a job where he should know so much better, shame on him.
  8.     +9   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    Winnie picked out junk food as her favorite foods because that is what Miranda buys her kids. Children learn by example.

  9.     +9   Like  

    Muffin Warfare Survivor
    Muffin Warfare Survivor


    That grocery haul of all of Winnie's favs looks identical to pretty much every grocery haul she posts. Not at all surprising considering this kid doesn't know what healthy eating looks like since her parents don't.

    I really can only take her in small doses. Her stupid rant towards the end where she says she will buy all the convenience foods as long as her kids eat something, and then proceeds to tell her audience that if they felt aggression towards that they should because she is tired of it I'm pretty sure she only said that because she knows in the comments she is going to get people praising her because she is such a great mom.
    Also I got a good laugh at her saying they only eat one treat a day, okay Miranda keep telling yourself that.

    Someone in her comments asked, When will it be Coopers turn to get his favorite foods. I thought that was funny because it seems like she is always buying cake for the Queen.
  10.     +11   Like  

    Donut Crawl
    Donut Crawl


    How does one get a brain tumour , does that not require a brain to start with ? !! 😵‍💫🤦‍♀️
  11.     +12   Like  

    Marnie's Cookie Jar
    Marnie's Cookie Jar


    Miranda, you can delete your stuttering and then no one would be the wiser. But do you? No, that fake shit is all for the camera so that your minions know you have something wrong with your brain. Your brain is full of shit, so is your mouth.
    Also- veggie straws are chips! Not vegetables. Surely you aren’t that dumb. Oh ya, you are.
  12.     +10   Like  

    Donut Crawl
    Donut Crawl


    Ugh my Goodness she is notoriously excruciating !! I couldn’t even get half way through her health issue video , you can damn right tell she is a pathological liar with all these health issues & doctors & appointments etc etc etc 🙄!! Moronda maybe try YouTubing on how to tell when someone is outright lying & try to master the art of lying better than you’re doing ! You my dear can 💯 add Factitious Disorder to your long list of “health issues “ bc its a proven fact that you’ve got that !! 🤦‍♀️😂🤣🤡🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥
  13.     +7   Like  

    Hoe Wheat Bread
    Hoe Wheat Bread

    Tim BucK Too

    Excuses one after another, i think her aggression is not with her children but with those who leave negative comments. Her anger should be with herself. You need to shovel your way through the video with the amount of bull that comes out of her mouth.'I do not make meals because they do not like meals', sure. Most people are struggling to put food on the table for their children,Miranda brags about buying junk food her children are addicted to processed food full of salt, salt,sugar, and chemicals yum Mom! Does anyone know what the heck she fed the children in her daycare, i am willing to bet processed foods?
    I wonder if the act she puts on for YouTube is the same act she puts on for the doctors. i wish no one harm but karma is a bitch!
  14.     +1   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    Maybe Mirands has a parasitic worm in her brain.
  15.     +10   Like  

    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting


    Every time I see one of her hauls I’m puzzled what they eat for meals. It’s always an assortment of junk food and snacks. Carbs and sugar, that’s it. Expensive organic fudgesicles from Costco aren’t any healthier than the cheap grocery store brand.
1130 replies since 3/6/2023, 14:58   187207 views