I'm having a baby! Watch me bitch & complain for 9 months straight! Pt. 15

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  1. Ican’twiththelikesofher
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    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    Nice title.

    I’m not a cake pop person I’ve never tried one nor have I ever attempted to make any they just don’t seem appealing. However, as I saw Alex making them in those silicone trays and how they turned out I knew Alex must’ve done something wrong?

    Yep, sure did. so I went on YouTube and typed in Amazon pink silicone cake pop trays and a 30 second video popped up of the same trays that Alex bought. What Alex doesn’t tell you in her video is these are “Baking” silicone trays. She was doing it all wrong. No surprise there. You’re actually supposed to put raw cake batter into one tray and then put the other tray on top as a lid and bake the cake pops in the oven. If anyone is interested in watching how she should have done it here’s a link to the 30 second video.

    In her vacation Vlog part 1 love how she puts that camera right below her bottom lip and leaves it there, which definitely means she’s ashamed of how fat her face has gotten. Specially when she’s laying down in bed, she’s deliberately keeping the camera up by her lip and excessively touching her face and looking in the viewfinder constantly. We all know she doesn’t have to show her whole face you can just tell by looking at how swollen her cheeks, and eyes look that Alex is rapidly gaining weight. Interesting enough she uses her cell phone to show her swimsuit and dress, that way she can use the skinny filters on her phone.

    A few highlights when Nancy and Alex both agree they don’t do loud, then says they’re a bunch of babies, noise makes them anxious.

    Right, says the mother daughter duo who are the most allowed and obnoxious two people I’ve seen in a vlog. Always raising their voices to talk over each other and grab attention.

    Oh the pool snacks, hope Alex enjoys feeding her baby matrix food. Alan Roberts calls it ultra process but I call it matrix food. Alex is over here, worried about sunscreen and facial cream. Yet, she as zero care in feeding her baby bioengineered food and dyes. Along with all the other processed ingredients. I wonder if Yarmayn is paying attention to the garbage his baby is getting in the womb?

    The cheez It’s


    Of course, Alex cracks me up with her granola just because it has protein on the front. Alex assumes it means it’s high in protein. No Alex! It’s a marketing deception to the consumer. One serving which I doubt she will have is 53% carbohydrates and the majority of those carbs are loaded with sugar, then 23% fat and only 19% protein.

    All that junk in her shopping cart is just going to make her more hungry and crave more of that stuff. It’s designed that way.

    Last, but not least those shorts that Alex keeps promoting, their actually suppose to fit like a skirt/skort but you would never know that by the way they fit Alex and notice how there’s no mention that it’s a skirt/skort
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