The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by fiercelyprivate

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    I’m really looking forward to 2024 with Jen. She will definitely unravel at having to stay home and face the shambles of her life. The Run Disney/Blue era held zero appeal for me.
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    Our neighbours were going to host NYE but they came down with Covid. My husband made steaks for us instead. I also bought all new ornaments for our tree today (for next year) so I took the existing ones off and redecorated the tree with the new ones to see how it looks :lol: The whole thing will come down tomorrow.

    Happy New Year!!
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    QUOTE (ID**’tEatSugar @ 31/12/2023, 18:56) 
    Let's move along from the fashion discussion. It has gotten quite ugly in the past so it's best we go ahead and move on now.

    And the “gold digger” commentary as well, please.
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    Speaking of custody though, Jen had mentioned ages ago (at least a year?) that they ultimately planned to transition to week on and week off. Wonder why that never seemed to happen - perhaps because she came up with her insane travel plans and Don just accommodated that? Either way, bitch’s time is up!!!
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    I dgaf what the reason is but I’m living for the fact that Jen had to cancel “run” Disney and stay her ass home for a while. Time to face your life, bitch :lol:

    I think we are in for some meltdowns :rubbing-hands-in-excitement-smi
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    QUOTE (ZizizouzouTWO! @ 27/12/2023, 17:12) 
    Bakers, please don’t make me sound like a broken record. Do NOT mention specific things from Tens’ social media on the thread. Discuss in PM all you want. I keep having to edit posts and it’s not on.

    Please play nice and play by the rules or we will all get red fonted by fiercelyprivate :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon Thanks.

    Thanks, Zizi. It’s the holidays and no one wants to spend time (that could be spent eating) moderating any more than necessary.
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    She was very pretty in her platinum blond hair days. Always ugly on the inside though.
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    I didn’t know Seche Vite had a gel effect top coat. I’ll see if Sally’s has that too!
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    Haha now I don’t even think I can wait to use up by OPI drip dry before trying out the door. I’ll have to go to Sally’s soon!

    QUOTE (Cookie Marnster @ 2/12/2023, 21:32) 
    I never knew about shrinkage until recently. I wear Out the Door topper and I notice sometimes it happens sometimes it doesn’t. I think people say the KB Shimmer one doesn't shrink but I have never tried it.

    Last night we had our work Christmas party. I bought two red liquid lipsticks. One from KVD and one from Makeup Revolution that was on clearance at Walgreens. I bought it as a backup. Guess which one looked better and performed better? X)

    Makeup Revolution 😋
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    My issue with Seche Vite is that I experience a lot of shrinkage with it. I ended up buying OPI Drip Dry drops! And it’s perfect. Dried instantly but no shrinkage. However my nail polish ended up chipping a bit - not sure if it’s because of the drip dry drops. I’ll have to pay closer attention this time as to how soon after painting they chipped.

    I will definitely try Out the Door next!
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    Not entirely sure (haven’t noticed) how it holds up to hand washing but I love Gold Bond Ultimate skin protectant cream with 2% colloidal oatmeal. Says eczema relief on it. I do get a bit of eczema now and then on my hands and the cream is so soothing.
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    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 26/11/2023, 19:40) 
    FP another peace sign from the peloton. your favorite! :snickering:


    I seriously want to break her fingers when she does this. Every time she pans over to herself in the mirror, I hold my breath “don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t do it” and she does it :smashing_computer:
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    I’m way behind on this thread. But I want to say that it’s bizarre how engrossed she is with the Peloton when the instructors are talking. She is fully immersed in it like they’re in the room with her. As soon as the ride is done and they start babbling, I exit the class. But not Jen - she’s sat there red faced, sweaty and cackling away throwing up peace signs. She’s so embarrassing.
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    If you have a king bed, you could change the single mattress to two twins so you have a split king. As long as the mattress depths match, you can each then select your own firmness. We just did this recently. We still use king size sheets to encase the two mattresses and it’s working out well.
15035 replies since 29/7/2016