The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Nefarious DisneyPrincess

  1. .
    Who looks at that image of themselves and doesn't try to rejig and alter the hairstyle and parting side to try and hide the thinness? It's so bad! Yet in 2024 here we are still amazed how bad it looks scraped back.
  2. .
    The wallpaper on its own. Fine. OK but with the weird curtains it's.... a lot. A plain set of blinds in green, yellow, red or best case scenario - a plain grey/black tone barkcloth to match the theme? Maybe. No one will ever be hiring this Red Queen for her interior designs. I'm thinking of the rest of the room with that filthy floor tile and that gaudy back splash tile as well.
  3. .
    New video and Ole meemaw hair is banging on with all the issues. Lots of work drama. An undocumented worker lost a foot! She's working beside a pedophile and got lippy about him, got written up at work for being mouthy. Bitches about her boss taking on losers like the pedophile however isn't she in that category? Her background checks wouldn't be great? She runs people over in car parks. She's trying to change the Jaggers name back to Watteau but IRS isn't depositing her cheques. Rhine is contributing loads of money and food. It's a classic Kishit rant about everything in her life. Meemaw is looking really grey around the roots and her hair is thinning. Lots of F bombs, it seems this was a Patreon video but she's put it out for the rest of us.
  4. .
    Ha! Someone in the comments above on the double tea post was replying to Sophia of My Great Challenge who must've popped in to tell people to not be nasty! Sophia is a snarky bitch herself.
  5. .
    She probably just ordered those bracelets from a custom Etsy shop. I can't imagine Princess taking time off wogging in the gym or binging to actually sit down and finish crafting anything. She's that lazy and disorganised.
  6. .
    Someone made an offer they couldn't refuse I'm guessing and the video and listing etc are all to keep the narrative going. That's why they're so smug, sneaky about it etc and already packing and ready to skedaddle right out of there.
  7. .
    She's going to be 60, 70, etc. Hobbling over to the treadmill, crowing on social media that she can fit into 2012 shirts, talking about finishing those scrapbook pages, that bookcase box will still be leaning against the wall.....
    Zero growth or change. Jenbot will be chugging along in this lifestyle forever.
  8. .
    I thought about her dog but honestly haven't seen it much in her vlogs. I must miss the really doggy ones. So her needy dog will have to drop a level in the pecking order as well which will also be fun.
  9. .
    Genuine vintage fabric would be so much better. Cafe curtains from genuine barkcloth or an old 50s tablecloth or bedspread. I recoiled in horror as she unfurled that nasty shower curtain. It's easy to find real fabric or curtains thrifting or source online from vintage resellers. Oh, but then she can't link her Amazon links. Which is the real goal I feel. Always looking for $$$ kickbacks. The cute little speaker was cheap looking and not genuine either. I have a real 1960s set of a 60s countertop mini jukebox that could be fitted out as a Bluetooth speaker. A genuine milkbar/diner item. That's how you modernise vintage.
  10. .
    Selfish people rarely can. They think their little Instagram Accessory they are gestating will fit seamlessly into their schedule, look pretty and cute, never get sick, sleep on cue, be quiet and not touch anything. Sort of like a well trained chilled out dog. Birth itself will be textbook easy and so on. She has no idea.
  11. .
    It's worse than I could even imagine. WTF is going on? What are her comments section smoking? It's hideous. The polyester skimpy ex shower curtains are so nasty and cheap looking. The acrylic suspended shelf is horrible, tacky and is going to be bumped constantly it's cluttering up the window space nicely. Wallpaper next! It's tacky and cheap and I like retro design. This is not it. Not even close.
  12. .
    Yeah the land value with a nominal price for what is a useless house without a kitchen and with bodged renovations. The house itself is full of red flags. It's a lot of work to finish everything and then it's still a very small, ordinary home with no garage whatsoever, a deck, anything extra or nice. Nothing in the way of landscaping either.
  13. .
    That pantry is silly and purely for looks. The bulk of her food has to be stored downstairs. It's a cleaning cupboard created from the space behind the stairs. It is not a food storage space for a family of 6. An L shape of floor to ceiling slim shelves would store more stuff or a sturdy rolling pull out shelf unit. The dinky three drawers didn't glide nicely and the upper space was totally wasted.
  14. .
    Jude is probably copying his big brother Daniel in current hair style.

    Nutmegs mouse nibbled furniture treasures are from the thrift shops and it's very unlikely they are the quality she hypes them to be. They are damaged in ways that antique stores won't touch or were priced at a level they are worth. People are rarely dumb about value these days as you can look up everything.
  15. .
    How does Jenbo with her ED and weighing of 100 calorie bags of snacks (and sharing sandwiches with her mom) not know exactly the calories in that most calorie saturated croissant? It's obviously a current obsession and a really weird thing to want to seek out and show off? Chocolate maybe, icecream, sure but to drill down to a specific bread is kinda odd.
3414 replies since 30/7/2016