The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by gained2poundslikeJen

  1. .
    I think the Queen is rolling in her grave.
  2. .
    She looks like a French hooker in that faux leather newsboy hat. The red beret was ridiculous, too. She needs to wash her hair, it's so nappy.

    Dan honestly looks to be in his 60's- the blue jacket ages him, too. Before he goes obsessing over women's feet and whatever else that his wife DOES NOT have, he needs to consider some Bro-Tox and maybe some hair implants, and an eye lift. I said what I said. Judges women harshly, he oughtta look in the mirror. I guess the hot opportunists at work don't care though ;)

    Dan looks old enough to be Tony-Tone-Tone's dad.
  3. .
    We knew he wouldn’t be caught dead without the idiotic 6th grade baseball cap. You can already see she is going to be insufferable on this trip.#neverseetheendofit

    PS: is he in a contest with Kristina Braly to see whose legs are more dwarf-like??
  4. .
    Looking like he belongs on jersey shore
  5. .
    Nike Melty coming at you from The Louvre…
  6. .
    Chrissy0095 hahaha the beds!

    Is she on some new kick again with a different wellness/vitamin type product? What happened to the last brand that was a spin-off of Loser-Luisa's garbage?

    She tries to be all bougie and high-class, claiming to go to spas for her facial treatments, but won't buy their products. Then she has her faux doctor husband hahahahaha that isn't getting her hooked up on some good wellness products... She's a poser, fake, and only out to look for her next dollar.

    Did she say in a video the other day (IG stories) that she hoped to get a change to go to one of the companies "in Paris" for a tour? They'll see her zits, talk shit in French, and tell her to get lost. She's the last "face" they want, repping their products.

    For her being so high-up with the pirate loot brand Park LAME, she sure doesn't have a "team" or those below her in a MLM pyramid, being besties with her and on work trips together.. If Paris is a Park LAME earned trip, where are all the other pirate loot ho's at?

    I think Paris is happening because she's racked up travel miles or vouchers from being a total Karen-Bitch to the airline companies. Then for hotels, who knows. Probably some insurance check that came in. Spending money? Poshmark where her mom is listing and shipping slaving her ass off, for her ungrateful rotten daughter.


    Oh and I think she's prowling around her dungeon looking for shit too sell, that's the only reason to step in her kids' bedrooms this week, other than to follow up to posts here.

    She hasn't touched Melty in a few days. HAHAHAHA! The excitement from getting her way to go to Paris and Disney has worn off. He's outta luck now on getting any more sloppy tongue or quickies outta that bitch!
  7. .
    QUOTE (Chrissy0095 @ 2/12/2024, 03:15 PM) 
    Her hate for Taylor Swift is weird.

    Her jealousy is so obvious.

    I would never go to a party at Mojo Dojo Melty House. You can guarantee there's going to be gross food and not enough of it for the number of guests attending.
  8. .
    Her hate for Taylor Swift is weird.
  9. .
    QUOTE (BerthaGene @ 12/1/2024, 15:47) 
    Hahahaha, her power's out. Suffer!

    Haha! Maybe she could make a fire in her wood burning fireplace or something? Any chance this brain surgeon will think of that?

    Also, and this may be an unpopular opinion, but Donny was one fugly baby.

    *insert Seinfeld ugly baby gif here* 😂😂😂
  10. .
    Not me chuckling like an old granny on this fine Friday afternoon, trying to get some work done but watching gifs on loop instead. :snickering:

    Donny was such a please-take-me-back-to-the-mothership :alienff: baby and I can't fault him with the crazy human he got stuck with. Those gifs of him battling both his human body and Jen are priceless. They deserve their own page in the scrapbook.
  11. .
    What a clown. 10K steps a day ?? maybe she paces back and forth in her closet all day lol.

    I think it’s hilarious Dan turned A into a tomboy. I know she hates that, she wanted a girly girl.
  12. .
    QUOTE (Oatley @ 3/1/2024, 13:12) 
    QUOTE (StuffedFriend @ 3/1/2024, 11:56) 
    I'd love to know why she's always gripping her kids in photos. (I don't say hugging because it's not a hug, it's a full on death lock!) Is she scared they'll run away if she doesn't? It's not a nice look. 🫤

    Yea they are feral. The lovies, the fear of chocolate smearing on furniture, still needing a noise machine to sleep at 8 and 5, needing to put sticky note over toilets to prevent flushing noise, all indicates stalled development. The trauma of divorce and an unloving mother probably stalled their development to the point they are still toddlers in their brain. Someone here wrote probably Jen is keeping her kids so that they can act as caregiver post her foot surgery 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣such theories I tell you! Care giving by kids who still need sound machine to sleep and carry lovies. Jen ruined those kids just like she herself remained stalled at 5 years old. We only see posed photos at RM3, mostly taken by professional photographer, where may be for that moment lovies are taken away. Jen does not care about image of her kids, so she does not take lovies away for photographs or candid shots. I do not believe they don't carry lovies at RM3 but start carrrying them as soon as they are with Jen. If they stop carrying, they would stop everywhere. Jen can't manage or control her kids not to destroy furniture or go feral publicly, so I refuse to believe she can control them to make them forcibly carry lovies.

    I totally agree and believe that rather than trying to wean them off, Jen actually ENCOURAGES them to carry lovies, by saying "who told you big girls can't carry lovies? You can carry lovie at any age. See mommy still carries Jasper. You can wear micky ear publicly at any age. ". BUT, it's not just a question of not encouraging. A girl of CC's age also starts getting influenced by peers. At her age, I would be MORTIFIED to be photographed with a lovie. NOBODY could have made me caught with a baby's toy like that. I was already reading storybooks/novels at that age... much more responsible and grown up than these kids appear to be. Nobody is addressing their NEED to still carry a lovie. They themselves have to refuse to carry it and the fact they are still clinging onto it, indicates to me some sort of trauma.
  13. .
    QUOTE (StuffedFriend @ 3/1/2024, 11:56) 
    I'd love to know why she's always gripping her kids in photos. (I don't say hugging because it's not a hug, it's a full on death lock!) Is she scared they'll run away if she doesn't? It's not a nice look. 🫤

    Yea they are feral. The lovies, the fear of chocolate smearing on furniture, still needing a noise machine to sleep at 8 and 5, needing to put sticky note over toilets to prevent flushing noise, all indicates stalled development. The trauma of divorce and an unloving mother probably stalled their development to the point they are still toddlers in their brain. Someone here wrote probably Jen is keeping her kids so that they can act as caregiver post her foot surgery 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣such theories I tell you! Care giving by kids who still need sound machine to sleep and carry lovies. Jen ruined those kids just like she herself remained stalled at 5 years old. We only see posed photos at RM3, mostly taken by professional photographer, where may be for that moment lovies are taken away. Jen does not care about image of her kids, so she does not take lovies away for photographs or candid shots. I do not believe they don't carry lovies at RM3 but start carrrying them as soon as they are with Jen. If they stop carrying, they would stop everywhere. Jen can't manage or control her kids not to destroy furniture or go feral publicly, so I refuse to believe she can control them to make them forcibly carry lovies.

    Edited by Oatley - 1/3/2024, 01:20 PM
  14. .
    I know I'm going straight to Hell but Donny just has that I'm going to be a serial killer when I grow up look to me. Or maybe he just looks like the Grinch. I'm sure he a sweet little kid.

    The need for extra hugs at night makes me sad for CC.

    Jen going on and on about how much she loves her kids and just wants to be with them 24/7 reminds me of the love the baby entry in her to do list. She's trying to convince her self again that she loves and enjoys her kids.
  15. .
    QUOTE (Oatley @ 12/26/2023, 03:14 PM) 
    QUOTE (pinksims @ 26/12/2023, 15:06) 
    Whatever the reason she is going to start spiralling very quickly. Her travel is the only thing that keeps her sane, and this additional parenting time will quickly send her to a dark place. She has to show up for her Patreon so we will see it happen in real time. I predict lots of Peloton time ignoring the kids and complaining and whining about being the only adult present. She'll look even more of a mess than usual.

    Exactly! It's the kids who will pay the price. I hope by end of month 1, she does not do something actually harmful to the kids. She is going to go INSANE. If this decision was made by Don for anything like a second honeymoon or a new job, it's a very reckless and unwise decision. He should aim for full custody not expose the kids even more to that unhealthy relationship with their mom.

    If Don is judged by what his decisions appear on the surface, from having stayed with such an insane person like Jen for that long and having kids with her while she'd proven in every way she's an irresponsible person to marrying a newly divorced woman with three young kids after probably dating not long enough....

    Each to their own but all this reeks of decisions being made by someone who's neither wise nor thoughtful.
1087 replies since 31/7/2016