The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by deltaburkefan

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    Don was always going to win the divorce because he’s a rich man who likes being a dad and has all his hair. 🤷‍♀️ And Jen can’t even find someone to go a concert with her.
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    QUOTE (SoProudOfMyself @ 19/6/2022, 00:15) 
    I've thought why didn't she ever go to a concerts with Don (besides the Celine show in Vegas)? Why didn't she ever go for a walk along the lake if it's so magical and beautiful? Why not go for a hike in Utah? Maybe because she caged herself in.

    She told everyone she had social anxiety, she was nervous little Piglet. She couldn't possibly do things like that because then that would mean she was capable enough to do other things. I know she went to Utah, but a flight there and she was alone in the house was her justification. Sometimes on her birthday she went shopping in Chicago, often Don went with her. Once she flew to LA for a few days first and then Don met her and they went to Disneyland.

    She was just lazy but her gray mausoleum is too depressing to stay at home for very long.
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    QUOTE (Dolly_Girl @ 18/6/2022, 22:31) 
    QUOTE (deltaburkefan @ 6/18/2022, 10:10 PM) 
    I don’t share her taste in music, but I think insisting that everyone share your love for Paul McCartney or they have no taste is a bit much. Somebody going to see the Dixie Chicks who was in high school in the late 90s/early 2000s makes sense to me. Personally, if I could spend a couple hundred dollars on seeing Paul McCartney or going to Laker game, I’d go to the game. But I would go to Depeche Mode. PAUL MCCARTNEY OR BUST is a very boomer hill to die on.

    Hold on - I am not "insisting everyone" share my love for Paul McCartney. Jen has shit taste in music as she does in everything else - clothing, home decor, etc. Fine if it makes sense to you that she would like a girl group that was formed when she was a child. However, it seems like you are the one who is insisting people agree with your like, or more like it your dislike, of McCartney and The Beatles. It doesn't change the fact that they are both legendary as I said. Go ahead and go to a Lakers game (can't stand LeBron James and wouldn't watch him if you paid me) nor I would I be caught dead at a Depeche Mode concert. And calling someone a Boomer in that tone is a just a bit nasty.

    So I could say that you don’t appreciate greatness because LeBron James is in the GOAT argument and seeing him play even in his late 30s is a transcendent experience. It tells me you don’t understand basketball, which is fine, because I don’t expect everyone to share my interests. I don’t hate or dislike the Beatles, actually; they’re just not something I make a point of listening to, nor would I go to a concert. And most people tend to like the music of their childhood through their 20s because that’s when people have the time to be really into music.
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    QUOTE (Cookie Marnster @ 18/6/2022, 22:18) 
    Personally I think concerts are overrated. I would rather enjoy music in the comfort of my own home. :embarrassed-smile-smiley-emotic

    I loved them when I was a teenager/early 20s. But now… it’s just not a big draw for me. I like sitting, going to the bathroom without lines, and quiet.
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    QUOTE (Dolly_Girl @ 18/6/2022, 22:03) 
    QUOTE (deltaburkefan @ 6/18/2022, 10:00 PM) 
    Maybe because she wasn’t even alive for Wings, let alone the Beatles? I like later Beatles stuff okay, but it’s not my era and I wouldn’t prioritize it.

    Doesn't matter if The Beatles wasn't "her era" or if she wasn't alive -for Wings - Paul McCartney AND The Beatles are legendary and timeless. There are kids today less than half her age who love and know about both of them. Jen just has shit taste in music. And that's a fact.

    I don’t share her taste in music, but I think insisting that everyone share your love for Paul McCartney or they have no taste is a bit much. Somebody going to see the Dixie Chicks who was in high school in the late 90s/early 2000s makes sense to me. Personally, if I could spend a couple hundred dollars on seeing Paul McCartney or going to Laker game, I’d go to the game. But I would go to Depeche Mode. PAUL MCCARTNEY OR BUST is a very boomer hill to die on.
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    QUOTE (Dolly_Girl @ 18/6/2022, 17:57) 
    During this concert "journey" Jen is currently on why doesn't she attend a concert by a true LIVING LEGEND like Sir Paul McCartney?? She HAS heard of him and The Beatles I presume??

    By the way it is Sir Paul's birthday today - 80 years old and still going strong and on tour, no less!

    Maybe because she wasn’t even alive for Wings, let alone the Beatles? I like later Beatles stuff okay, but it’s not my era and I wouldn’t prioritize it.
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    QUOTE (Dolly_Girl @ 18/6/2022, 21:47) 
    QUOTE (OstracizedLikeJen @ 6/18/2022, 09:42 PM) 
    Her hair looks absolutely pasted to her neck and chest.


    I always thought Jen looked better when she pinned her hair up and back so I think she would even look good with a very short, pixie-styled cut - ANYTHING to get that straggly, thinning hair cut and off her shoulders and neck. Can't she see how terrible it looks??

    A pixie cut wouldn’t hide her baldness. It would emphasize it.
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    QUOTE (Yetta @ 16/6/2022, 15:25) 
    QUOTE (The Ghost of Glenview's Past @ 6/16/2022, 08:06 AM) 
    What teen or young adult wants to spend time with an overbearing grown ass woman who monopolizes the conversation talking about her greatness, her woes, her, me myself and I.

    I don't mean now, I meant when she was vlogging and the girls were younger. They would have loved to come, play with her American Girl Dolls (as if that would ever happen), go swimming somewhere, go to a movie, go Downtown to some of the museums, go to the American Girl Doll Store, etc. She should have done that stuff with them when they were young.

    She’s not even doing this stuff with CC. All things that are going to be done on Don’s time and dime.
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    QUOTE (Chance86_ @ 1/6/2022, 23:05) 
    With all of the horrible rules and algorithms on YouTube that hinder smaller channels, I’m surprised Prissy still even qualifies for Ad revenue with how infrequently he posts. Don’t you have to maintain a certain amount of content to retain monetization? At the very least, I’m sure it drops the amount of money you are paid.

    No, once you meet the minimum # of subscribers and viewing hours, you’ll stay monetized unless you violate YouTube community guidelines. It doesn’t work like other sites in that a random old video can suddenly hit the algorithm and your videos will come up in search forever. It will help your new videos if you post consistently, but your old videos will come up if they’re relevant to what people are searching.
  10. .
    Emily, PK, Suze—take your pick. Jen is SHOCKED that they chose her cager over her. She has found out she was tolerated because she was married to Don.

    Edited by deltaburkefan - 6/11/2022, 03:28 AM
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    The school I went to now has a private website that only people associated with the school have access to. Just because it’s not being used for marketing doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist and actual parents of kids at the school can’t see it.
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    QUOTE (The Ghost of Glenview's Past @ 8/6/2022, 22:11) 
    QUOTE (Beetrix @ 8/6/2022, 22:06) 
    The Soup Kitchen has 3 Kindergarden classes
    The 3 separate ceremonies were this morning
    2 classes were shown on Instastories
    But NOT the class CC & Theo are in

    Jen definitely prevented that

    I wanted to see CC’s dress 👗 😢

    I am not sure one mother can request for the kids to not be shown and the other parents who wanted their kids to be featured get fucked. Either she was not on or they did not post (yet). I would be pretty pissed if a parents did not want their kids to be featured and so my kids din t get featured either. Who the f. Does she think she is?

    I wouldn’t want my kids splashed all over a school’s Instagram either. I wouldn’t be worried about a gossip board, but there are a lot of creeps out there and I bet that a lot of the people who follow the SK aren’t local parents interested in their school. Whoever put their foot down and said “no more” is well within their rights to do so.
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    QUOTE (DonsiPad @ 6/6/2022, 04:18) 
    It’s obvious that Jen used any chance she got to make don look like an absolute bumbling idiot with zero skills. Dressed him like a 90 year old man. He never changed a lightbulb or unloaded the dishwasher. Lord forbid he pack his own luggage.

    1. Does don pack his own suitcase now?

    2. Did Don get the XXXXL packing cubes in the divorce? Since, you know, Jenbo is so petite and doesn’t need those big ones for her tiny clothes.

    Don pays the housekeeper to do these things now.
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    QUOTE (Breakdown @ 5/6/2022, 19:52) 
    QUOTE (zizizouzou @ 6/5/2022, 01:35 PM) 
    Watching a 40 yo, especially a mother who doesn’t share this with her kids, wearing this and acting so giddy is beyond weird, IMO.


    Exactly! I would be less judgy about it if it was something she shared with the kids. But it's creepy and weird that she keeps it separate from them. Then when they do eventually find out, how do they not feel left out? You have to be really cold hearted to keep this from your own children. SOMETHING MEANT FOR CHILDREN!

    I’m a “Disney Adult” without kids and it’s still so strange to me that Jen would regularly go without her kids. It’s like she’s doing it on purpose. Especially when the kids are little like hers are now, those moments are so precious and it’s so off that she would forgo that for whatever it is she does in Disney World alone. It’s like the cruelty of her kids knowing that Mom is in Disney World without them is the point. I recently got to go with my toddler niece and she’s not even my kid and I’d choose that over going with just my partner any time I had the choice.
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    QUOTE (Peach @ 31/5/2022, 22:34) 
    QUOTE (ChooChooTheDivorceTrain @ 31/5/2022, 19:55) 
    I sometimes wonder if Laken has undiagnosed ADHD, autism, or a learning disability because she seems like she schtruggles with executive functioning. She gets so weird about certain tasks--like the big dilemma of having to finish her coffee during her morning routine, the light bulbs, and about 500 things that she always seems to be challenged by. It's exhausting to listen to her spend all this mental energy and she goes nowhere.

    I think she is just that self absorbed that her mental energy has time for stupid details like that because she isn't using her brain capacity to care about others or for real personal or professional development

    Yes, very similar to Jen Ross in this way. Most adults are busy with career, family, etc. and don’t have the time or energy to think so much about all these minute details.
8784 replies since 31/7/2016