The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by UptownElegance

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    QUOTE (Clementine @ 5/2/2024, 08:08 PM) 
    Eric has been married how many times? Three was it? Of those women, how many passed away while they were married? Maybe I’ve watched too many episodes of Forensic Files, but I’d be real careful if I was Cindy…

    How about the trial of Thomas Randolph? No, you’re not watching too much tv, no, you have common sense just like I do. I’m certain she has been warned by family members who saw the handwriting on the wall but ignored their warnings. All it took was to kiss her ass and he had her eating right out of the palm of his hand. She had way more going into this relationship than he ever did, IMO, and she had the most to lose. You don’t see Cindy moving into his place? Interesting.
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    Next comes the life insurance policy.
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    Cindy can’t even have long lasting relationships with “friends” not to mention her own family so isn’t it funny that Eric seems to be the only one to stick around? I wonder if she’s ever given him any loans. I also wonder how much money she started out with after the divorce and how much of it she has now…..not even talking about her inheritance and the so called facelift. The woman has a beautiful pension and I feel certain she walked away from that marriage with other money that was split between Dana and herself……they lived very comfortably……and since she’s met Eric, all of a sudden, she’s crying the blues. Doesn’t add up.
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    Oh my, she’s the biggest fool that ever lived. I predicted that ERIC had a plan from the start. Cindy has outsmarted herself. Good for her! I’ve said it before…..once he’s in that house she will never get him out. I just can’t! She’s done.
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    QUOTE (LunchBox @ 5/2/2024, 01:47 PM) 
    QUOTE (Emmy Lou @ 2/5/2024, 13:07) 
    I don't care if these two eat and drink themselves into oblivion. I do care about Poppy and I don't like how Eric treats her. Cindy should ask her niece whose little girls love the dog to take her. I don't trust Eric. I notice she never mentions her friend Cathy the dog groomer anymore.

    Go tell that to her brain dead, blind stans who JUST LOVE ERIC AND POPPY. 🙈

    The subscribers that leave comments praising those 2 alcoholic slobs most likely do so just to make themselves feel part of the show because I can’t think of any other reason. When I watched him on the couch sitting there with the remote in his hand….the huge belly pulling his shirt out as far as it could go……and breathing through his mouth I almost died. And to think Cindy thought that was worth filming?! Sick woman. Anybody that leads a normal life can clearly see what’s going on here. The only thing their lives consist of is overeating, consuming alcohol and laying around the house hung over. To get to her age and live your life in this manner truly is sad. Leaving her husband was a blessing in disguise for Dana but for Cindy it was one of her biggest mistakes. If any woman needed a man to keep her in line it was Cindy.
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    Gross is all I can say. At the beginning all she’s worried about is pulling that fake hair from the back to the front…it looked as though her fingers were getting stuck in it……so she’s worried about doing that but yet she stands there with smeared black mascara or liner in the corner and under her left eye.

    Did you see Eric plop down on the couch? My god he practically just fell into it and when Poppy got up into his face you could tell he wasn’t having it…..he put his hand on the dog as if to say “enough”. And ewwwwwww at the end when the music was playing that piglet was holding the camera showing herself laying on the couch making sick stupid facial expressions…..then she lifts that fat body of hers attempts to sit up and pans down to her feet in white socks…..and then over to Eric’s barefeet….*** shudder ***. They both lay/sit there breathing through their mouths! Two fat alcoholics…..nauseating! And you’re gonna tell me these two have sex. Ha!

    I see Cindy purchased Sally Hansen InstaDri polish and the InstaDri topcoat. Funny how I mentioned those two exact products in a previous post! No coincidence.
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    QUOTE (ZombieGrandma @ 4/30/2024, 07:11 PM) 
    I think it's 2 different earrings but she does that all the time.
    Did you notice how she stuck her tongue in the glass before she drank from it, I've never seen anyone french kiss a glass before. :sick:

    She wants to go on a 6-month cruise and never been on one before? Poor Eric, he'd lose his mind being with that idiot that long in a confined space. Can you imagine how much weight she would gain on a cruise, lol! I've cruised quite a bit, my favorite was a 2-week Alaskan cruise, while I did love it, I was ready for land.

    I just went back to look and how weird to stick your tongue into the glass before taking a sip. Ewwww! She looked like a bulldog at the water bowl.
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    QUOTE (Chopsuey @ 4/30/2024, 03:17 PM) 
    QUOTE (hotnbothered @ 30/4/2024, 13:33) 
    Daily grocery shopping. You’re looking pretty rough here, ARod. Woof!

    The hands on the belly. She's so fucking stupid.

    And she’s not even embarrassed. She knows that’s her fat….she’s been looking down at it forever. It’s just proof how mentally disturbed Alex is. What a schmuck.
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    Someone asked if she was wearing two different earrings. I’m not sure myself because at the beginning they looked the same but when I FF through to the middle and end I think one looked goldstone and the other silver tone. What do you think?
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    Why does she knowingly sit there with clanging bracelets! It’s annoying to have to listen to.

    Her husband gives her money as a present? And what woman her age would ask for money? A kid maybe but not a grown woman ! How weird is that!
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    QUOTE (RosieBelle @ 4/27/2024, 08:29 PM) 
    Honestly, I don't get any good vibes from the oldest Franke kids, Chad and Shari. Chad doesn't need to sell himself for gossips. The whole situation of Ruby-Jodi was beyond disgusting..but it's just my intuition, idk

    If the Ruby Franke case didn’t put a stop to family vlogging nothing will. How this is allowed to go on is beyond me.
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    QUOTE (Mary Mary quite contrary @ 4/25/2024, 08:31 PM) 
    QUOTE (EBLUE @ 25/4/2024, 19:43) 
    A pancake coffee table….and of course Alex liked the post LMAO

    🤭shes probably drooling..she knows she CAN'T EAT IT ,right?!😋

    Yeah, but I bet she went straight into the kitchen after seeing that and made herself a few stacks with globs and globs of syrup.
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    Whenever we get a glimpse of her walking all you see is her humongous chest (which mostly is all fat) and that wide load of hers. Yikes!

    That wig must stink after just laying around for so long. Does Cindy not know that wigs need to be washed and refreshed? It’s safe to say no she doesn’t know that and even if she did she still wouldn’t wash it.

    Cindy is definitely one person that should not be sitting there stuffing her face with a burrito….Eric included. 🐷

    I would rather die than be snuggled up to to a guy like Eric. He’s just so unappealing…..fat, sickly looking and just all around gross. I have a feeling she tried nesting herself under his arm to show everyone here that they are a couple of lovebirds. Sell it to somebody else….it was unnatural looking like somebody else had mentioned.

    Maybe they both should try taking a shower together….that’s if they both could even manage to fit in it together. :scared-smiley-emoticon: They’re a perfect match I’ll give them that.
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    QUOTE (ZombieGrandma @ 4/24/2024, 04:48 AM) 
    QUOTE (Sand&Sun @ 4/23/2024, 10:07 AM) 
    I looked up cheek implants. That is the exact lump on Cindy’s face that I see. Ill include a picture of them.

    New video up. I had never realized she had cheek implants until you mentioned it but it is SO OBVIOUS!! You can see them so plainly. I always thought those odd shaped areas under her eyes were fat pads that old, fat boozers like her get. Wow, good call S&S, you spotted them!!

    When she cuddled with Eric on the sofa, it made my skin crawl. Sooooo awkward!! It's obviously just click bait for her dumb subs. Cindy is not an affectionate person. A man would need an ice pick to get through all the frigid layers that narcissist is made of.

    What a nauseating sight to see her suck down a bean burrito. :sick:

    Eric DOES NOT look healthy. His eyes are blood shot and his voice is weak. Wonder what's wrong with his health.

    OMFG! I just love you! You are a riot! “A man would need an ice pick to get through all the frigid layers that narcissist is made of.” :hearty-laugh: I didn’t watch the video yet…tomorrow I will. I’m getting ready for my beauty sleep, lol.
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    Does anyone know if Tiffany and her sister are 1/2 sisters? I remember seeing her in one or two videos a long time ago and I think she even had her own channel…..they look so different….i thought her sister was very pretty and Tiffany is rather homely so I’ve always thought they were either half sisters or maybe her sister was adopted. I see no resemblance at all.
3042 replies since 1/8/2016