The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Queen Beeeee

  1. .
    QUOTE (ItsNotLazyItsGrace @ 11/5/2024, 01:38) 
    QUOTE (Sprout123 @ 5/10/2024, 01:22 PM) 
    Disaster is about to happen .... do they know anything about beekeeping at all ?


    The absolute AUDACITY to go into this, with the attitude of 'needing easy' when there is NOTHING easy about properly keeping bees is just mind blowing.

    I really, really, really hope that Josh 'n I is fully on board with this project and that he will be treating it with the utmost respect it deserves because I know she will not come close to taking the proper care those bees will require. If they end up with a hive that fails and results in the death of the bees there better not be a single video trying to displace the blame on anything other than themselves.

    For the sake of the bees and the bees alone (since we know they are going to go forward no matter what) I hope it is successful. I'll grit my teeth as she milks it for all the $$ vidoes she can, but I'd rather that then see harm come to the bees. Actually, I hope they do the equivalent of running away from home and finding a good place to live and thrive that isn't anywhere near her. Yes, that's a much better option in my opinion.

    If bees don't like their living conditions they will simply up and leave the hive.
    I knew someone who kept bees for 50 years and sold his honey.
  2. .
    Geisha done in chalk pastels

  3. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 11/5/2024, 04:33) 
    Discouraging your kids from collecting pins is a dick move.

    You selfish, selfish bitch.

    Absolutely zero awareness of what a horrible mother she is.

    Meanwhile, didn’t she just start collecting pins in her latest runDisney video?

    Donny’s had her figured out for years…

    “Whatever mommy wants, mommy gets.”

    Jenny has actually said that to the kids. Probably many many times.
    Donny didn't make it up, Mommy did.
  4. .
    The comments on that vlog made for interesting reading!
  5. .
    Al needs to read this, then read it again. Reposting

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    QUOTE (omg smh @ 10/5/2024, 05:29) 
    Why would it take her 3 days to make croissants?

    It took Becky 3 days to make croissants.
    Everyone else, made in a couple of hours
  7. .
    Despite the two tone we can still see those huge thighs!!

    Plus hips, stomach and saddlebags
  8. .
    QUOTE (EBLUE @ 10/5/2024, 03:34) 
    Is this a recent photo?

    QUOTE (B Honest @ 9/5/2024, 15:51) 
    Here's a nice visual from YaYa's point of view... explains the whole turkey baster theory.

    From yesterday's vlog


    Al is certainly back up to her pre wls weight plus some.
    No doubt about it.

    She said she lost 100lbs
    Gained 40lbs in June after the miss.
    From those photos she has just piled the weight on.

    Now she is eating anything and everything with abandon, snacking all day.

    At this rate when she has the baby in another five months (just under) she is going to be 500lbs.
    I don't think she gives a damn either.
  9. .
    This is from IG August 2023.

    To me there doesn't seem much difference between then and the swimsuit shot today, other than weight gain

  10. .
    QUOTE (bleucheese @ 9/5/2024, 20:55) 
    it’s taylor weekend in paris - better get a move on, jen.

    in my experience, flights to europe generally leave in the evening. my flight to gasp italy will be at 8pm.

    All the flights I have had from Chicago to London have left at night arriving at Heathrow by 6am ish
  11. .
    Have we a photo of Alex in her swimsuit from 2023 to compare to now by any chance???
  12. .
    Stupidity brain strikes again....

    Nothing to do with pregnancy brain

    Yar seemed to be really annoyed with her through this vlog
  13. .
    He bio used to say 55" chest.

    That certainly doesn't equate to a 40DD
  14. .
    QUOTE (Tears_of_a_clown @ 9/5/2024, 02:29) 
    QUOTE (Gnat411 @ 5/9/2024, 12:04 AM) 
    She says he can’t reach her even from behind which is why I think she had to use an insemination kit.

    Wait, I'm confused ROFLMAO. He can't reach her from behind ... you mean he can't get it in cuz her ass is too big and gets in the way and he's not long enough to find it ?? LOL. I am picturing this in my mind and cannot stop laughing. Someone has to find the link to the podcast with Nancy where she said that.

    I seem to think it was deleted.
  15. .
    QUOTE (hotnbothered @ 7/5/2024, 23:42) 

    I have said before that she isn't a 40DD. More like a 44DD
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