The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Marnie's Knees

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    Made a comment about the nasty tooth on the 18yo and got blocked. Oh well, I was going to stop following her anyway.
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    QUOTE (Gonorrhea in Boat Shoes @ 8/28/2022, 12:54 PM) 

    A reel of hers was just suggested to me: WHY DIDNT SHE WEAR THIS DRESS IN FL? It actually looks good and I’d be willing to bet she returned it.


    Always with the wrong side tucked in…

    Always - shoes are too big. At least an inch of room at the front. Why??
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    I was diagnosed with messed up cortisol and the very first thing the dr said was to stop cardio and start yoga, specifically restorative yoga. But of course, I can't say anything because she doesn't want anyone's input. My information is from a trained medical professional!!!
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    QUOTE (Rigamaroll @ 4/26/2022, 07:10 AM) 
    Um… her chest skin looks absolutely horrible! I feel like the last couple weeks she has the chest of a 60-year-old woman!

    I'm a 62 yo woman and my chest doesn't look like that!!
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    QUOTE (WhyAmIHere @ 3/18/2022, 06:54 PM) 
    Didn’t she not have the kids last Mother’s Day and we found it odd? But then Jen is the sort that would prefer to celebrate herself kid less on Mother’s Day. She’s probably happy to give them up for the weekend so she can go get her mind off things at some rando air BnB.

    Wonderful pic. Don looks like a new man. Maybe they truly were just toxic for each other, and tried to be people they weren’t.

    That is my ex and I. Even our girls have said that we both are totally different people now that we are divorced. I tried for 22 years to make him happy and then realized that it really wasn't me. The last 6+ years have been glorious and I feel like me again. I've lost weight, changed my hair color, in a career that I love after working with him in our businesses for 20 years. I am a different person and I understand the weight of someone in your life who treats you with distain at times and is unappreciative for all that you do. I have been 100% on the "Don left" train from the beginning. It wears on you after awhile, being married to someone who is a constant Taker and does little to give, yet thinks they have given you a wonderful life and that it's your privilege to be married to them.

    Good for Don! She looks like a true gem and a bundle of fun. Glad they are out there living their best life!!
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    QUOTE (Gene Is Sis Concert @ 12/27/2021, 02:38 PM) 
    I, for one, was thrilled when my ex-husband got engaged & remarried. Without getting into too much detail, he was everything Jen wants us to think Don is but a million times worse so when someone else took him, I thought, “May the odds be ever in your favor” and did a happy dance :eusa_dance: I could never imagine expressing that kind of devastation over an ex-husband who treated me so horribly getting engaged. So maybe, just maybe, Don wasn’t all that bad, now was he, Gene? I hope the regret is still eating you alive now that Tens is making Don happy in a way you never could

    It's been 6 years and I'm still waiting for my ex to find someone and remarry. He keeps chasing them off. One of the last ones dumped him March 2020 - a week before the Stay at Home order in our state. Now I find out he's going to get a brow lift!! HA! Not sure that's going to help. Maybe, just maybe, he'll realize that he's not the prize that he thinks he is. I left for a reason, well, lot's of reasons.

    And Jen, if you're reading here, I chose not to receive child support or spousal maintenance. We just divided the assets, which left me comfortable. But I worked for 20 years as a co-owner of our businesses, so I deserved every penny. And guess what, Jen? I work now! I don't need to but it fills my life with joy and friends and experiences. I don't have to "Trust" or "Breathe" or whatever the hell your One Little Word of the year is. I'm busy living my best life, enjoying my adult children and FRIENDS!! Please, get a life!! Find a Friend!
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    One of her words is COLLABORATIVE. The definition is "to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor." Collaboration happens when you work with PEOPLE. How is that possible if you never do anything with people, other than to ask for a spork??
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    QUOTE (Anywho @ 12/10/2021, 08:26 AM) 
    QUOTE (IDon'tEatSugar @ 10/12/2021, 17:25) 
    She’ll keep it and say she’s doing it to have the same last name as her kids.

    Yeah, she'll never drop that name.

    Especially if it means returning to BOYLES! Don should've required it as part of the divorce decree!!
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    QUOTE (Textbook Stalker @ 12/10/2021, 07:42 AM) 

    Ooo.. That really makes sense!! I just went and skimmed over the videos she posted that were done presumably after labor day that year, and I've said it before, but that is really when she seemed to change to me. I can't explain it, but her videos had a different feeling to them that fall. If you watch her Vlogmas 2018 videos, they all seemed so happy still. Those vlogs are actually very mundane - baking, advent calendar stuff, Don trying to play with the kids, a party here and there, etc. - but they had a very cozy/comforting/happy feeling to them. It was a completely different tone in fall/winter 2019. And as someone else mentioned forever ago, she was talking of redoing a bathroom or something, but then just a few months later came the divorce announcement. She had no idea. She wasn't caged, she was blindsided and has tried like mad to build up a different story in her head ever since.

    Then she feels ashamed that she was dumped, and created this fake narrative (and continues to play in it) because: 1) she is ashamed if people were to know the real truth, and 2) he own psyche is too fragile to handle the truth.

    Real psychotherapy with a real therapist would help her see that there is nothing to be ashamed of if you were dumped. Just stand up and own it, accept it, tell the truth and make it a part of your own life story.


    Narcissists are never ashamed, don't think they're dumped and they definitely don't create fake narratives. It's the other person's fault, issue, problem, etc. They just move on because they're done. They're not interested in making any changes to make it better or make it work. I know from 22 years of living with one. I'm no longer married to that one and my life is wonderful! In her mind, the divorce is all Don's fault.
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    QUOTE (Lucky_Me @ 12/6/2021, 06:18 AM) 
    Any guess what Jen's word for 2022 will be?

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    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 7/2/2021, 07:06 AM) 
    Guys, I’m not saying Tensleigh actually shows Don everything. But Jen thinks everything she does is the most important thing in the world to everyone. If she believes Tensleigh shows him all of it, then she could hold back. Of course she could block her from stories, but why bother? She can just log out to see it anyway. Jen’s page is public.

    Everything Jen posts is public. If it's important to Don to see what she's saying and doing, he has direct access to all of her SM. Don doesn't care and I doubt that Tens has the time, with a new marriage, her own business and 5 kids even part time, to keep a close eye on what's going on in Jen's world. Don knows what she's like.
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    QUOTE (Unicorns&Rainbows @ 6/13/2021, 08:39 AM) 
    You’re right. Capers may be too salty. Marnie doesn’t need to retain any more water weight in those knees.

    You rang?
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    I must say that I'm surprised that some of the Jenions haven't shown up to shame The Bakery for driving Jen away from SM. You know they lurk.
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    QUOTE (Yetta @ 5/29/2021, 08:39 PM) 
    We joke about Marnie's weight. She's doughy and spongy, but not overweight, but that leg looks like it belongs on a much larger person! Seriously! Look at the knee area! It's so odd!

    You rang?
341 replies since 6/8/2016