The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by leahh

  1. .
    Speaking of Utah, does anyone else watch the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City? This might be old news but I'm just catching up on it now. Jeff was on it on S03E07 :lol: They must run in the same circles because I also noticed him and his husband in the background at a party last season too. Too bad Jenny got dumped, she missed her calling.
  2. .
    I wonder if Tens cropped out CC because Jenny is trying to assert her dominance by telling her not to post the kids on social media. But the contrast in appearance between Tens and Jen is wild. Jen looks at least 20 years older than Tens. Though they both have a bit of crazy eye going on.
  3. .
    You're not missing anything, she was peak obnoxious in this vlog. Sooo much squealing over Hello Kitty junk, my ears are bleeding.
  4. .
    It's probably uncomfortable for her to fit in a plane seat at her weight. I wonder if that's part of why she doesn't like flying.
  5. .
    Ew sugar free cake? Why bother? That sounds disgusting.
  6. .
    Does anyone know how much that necklace was that she got? I'm sure it was several thousand dollars. Only the finest jewels to wear around the house with her ratty t-shirts and sweatpants while she ignores her kids and plays girlboss.
  7. .
    Woah I haven't watched her in a while. She gained a lot of weight recently.
  8. .
    QUOTE (HateWatcher @ 6/14/2023, 11:04 AM) 
    I know this was way back in May, but the poster is most definitely K's mom. Compare the writing styles, particularly the erroneous and excessive use of commas. The passage is from her blog ( What a pyscho--not surprised that K talks about trauma from her childhood.

    Also I don't know if the images are showing up, so the link is here:

    Fucking unhinged. What kind of grown adult talks like that? Go die? I know where you live? She sounds like a pre-teen. No wonder Krusty is such a mess.
  9. .
    Yikes, 3 guinea pigs. She showed their cage after 1 day and it was covered in poop already. She does not seem like she would keep up with that every day. Her house is going to stink so bad. If I was already struggling with my mental health that would completely overwhelm me.
  10. .
    I think quitting her job was a big mistake. Someone with her mental health issues needs the structure and human interaction of a regular job. She was putting out more and better quality vlogs when she was employed. Now she's just being a lazy shut-in and gaining weight and doing the bare minimum. If it weren't for the sponsors I don't think she would even bother putting anything out anymore.
  11. .
    And $800 on a perfume to spray over her unwashed ass :rolleyes:
  12. .
    Cackling hunchback psycho carrying Winnie like that. She should never be allowed to have another pet. I can't wait until her kids start protesting going back to stay with her. She deserves to be miserable and alone forever.
  13. .
    So no real crying? Bummer. Crying Jenny is my favorite.
  14. .
    RIP Winnie. I pray that this monster never gets another dog.
  15. .
    Wtf is the skoop? Just updates on her life that you can see on any of her other many social media platforms? Such narcissistic behavior to think her life is interesting enough for people to subscribe to an app just about her. She's gross.
922 replies since 9/8/2016