The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by patterndiscontinued

  1. .
    I agree with everyone who says this is what makes Jen happy—and I’m glad to see a departure from the camping/glamping/outdoorsy Jen. It just doesn’t resonate with me. I think Jen has been trying to “find herself” post-divorce by fashioning a new persona which is just what she does every time she has a major life change. I think the divorce was a shock to her system and she had to pivot from her life as she and we all knew it as a coping mechanism, but it seems she is slowly coming around to the fact that she is actually the same Jen she’s always been (shopping, fancy hotel stays, eating at nice restaurants), just now without Don.

    I want her to stay in this lane, even though it’s excessive and gluttonous, for one reason and one reason only: the kids. It seems to make her happier than anything else, and those kids deserve the best version of Jen they’re gonna get, considering she’s, well, Jen. Hopefully she comes back from these jaunts better rested and kinder spirited than she does when she’s off on her sweaty & stinky outdoorsy trips, and hopefully that happiness bleeds over onto how she deals with the kids. Fingers crossed.
  2. .
    Okay Jen, I’m going to let you have this manic pixie dream girl moment if only because I’m so fucking sick of the dreary travel. Go fish out your Garden State DVD and have a field day, girlfriend.
  3. .
    She’s in the manic oversharing cycle. Her playlist was interesting. Also interesting the songs she highlighted…do we think she’s in the very very early stages of “dating” meaning possibly exchanging messages with a man? Would explain why she seems chipper.
  4. .
    Niche opinion/observation but I am pleasantly surprised to see her ordering pizza for the kids/commenting that CC is enjoying fried shrimp lately and then ordering CC the shrimp. Also enjoyed seeing the burger boat/that the kids got a hot dog. After years of sad soggy grilled cheeses, it’s nice to see her letting them eat normal food. I was also glad to see Jen eating normal food. Mealtimes as a family can be really powerful, I’ll give her begrudging kudos here for eating normally with her kids from the glimpses we saw in the video. I genuinely hope she’s working on her relationship with food while the kids are around. I think their being in the house with D/T has been good for them to see what I’m assuming are more normal attitudes around food (clearly I don’t know that for sure, but odds are no one can be as weird as Jen about food so I’m betting on an improvement).
  5. .
    I know I’m just repeating what has been said 100x over, but Jen’s lack of real life exposure to conflict is showing. Had she had a real job, career, or hell, even a semi-regular volunteering job or a semi-regular hang out with a group of peers/friends, oh, I don’t know, ever—we wouldn’t be seeing this tantrum.

    She has no real life conflict resolution to pull from because the Rosses and Don tiptoed around her for years. If her goal were to truly stop what she sees as invasive, she’d have reframed this hissy fit to something along the lines of:

    “In retrospect, by using YouTube as a way to treat my anxiety disorder, I inadvertently caused myself and my loved ones a lot of trouble. I didn’t anticipate that by sharing my day-to-day so frequently that I would eventually come to a point in my life, as all adults do, where my day-to-day looked not-so-pretty-neat. As many people do when times get tough, I tried to pivot to highlighting different things, but where I went wrong was not addressing those pivots at the time and instead trying to paint an “everything is fine” picture. I should have stepped back then to really reassess whether or not YouTube was fulfilling any purpose for me, or if it were truly making my life better. I can’t change the past, but I’ve had time to think about where this call to sharing fits in my life and I think I’ve found it in terms of travel.”

    The rant about the Bakery/intrusiveness/“stalking” should’ve been a rant reserved for close friends, not something that went on her channel. Jen calls her YouTube/social medial platform her “career,” and I won’t begrudge her that. What I do begrudge her for is leaving all sense of professionalism at the door and refusing, at nearly 40, to hold herself accountable or to exhibit any integrity. What a piece of work. Again, I’m so glad this woman isn’t inflicted upon very many people in the real world. How exhausting it must be to know her, much less to know her as something not family related. Imagine Jen the coworker, Jen the room parent, Jen the co-volunteer, Jen the church small group member. No thank you. If God is involved in the cosmic web of Jen’s life, it’s no coincidence that she is an e-version of an adult. Seems like he’s protecting his flock from experiencing her in real life.
  6. .
    Damn it, I had been enjoying this reprieve…lol yeah right. Diving in to this hot mess ASAP
  7. .
    Interrupting this to pop in to say I was in TJMaxx earlier this week and saw the Shiseido facial cotton big pack for $7.99 and said to myself, “what the hell!” and bought it. Jen really missed her opportunity to cash in on the swipe up feature on IG as an influencer. Can’t believe how badly she bungled a now-lucrative (and coveted by many, judging by the fledgling “influencers” all over socials) career.

    The facial cotton is pretty damn good, I have to admit.
  8. .
    Do we have an official poll going à la the train/hayride on whether or not this is it for Jen? I’m solidly 50/50, but leaning towards this is the end.
  9. .
    Since we’re still discussing dresses, I got the impression that T’s dress was a holiday dress (perhaps New Year’s?) that she either had already bought around the appropriate holiday time full-price and wore a second (third?) time for the engagement party, or got on sale since it’s a holiday dress. I could be wrong, but the long sleeves, length, and sequins scream New Year’s dress to me. And under either scenario, good for T. We were/are in a pandemic. Why buy more than 1 “fancy” dress with nowhere to wear it to? Hope she got it for a bargain price or got a lot of use out of it at full price.
  10. .
    QUOTE (Chef Elzar @ 5/31/2021, 04:53 PM) 
    Wonder how long it will be before someone from the Ross clan has to tell her since Don has moved on, she is only to show up to drop off or pick up the kids.

    Probably never, I’m sure the Rosses have gotten very adept at preventing Jen meltdowns and that won’t stop now. I feel like they’ll just start changing how they all gather if she doesn’t get the hint soon, ie all of the holidays will be moved to D&T’s new abode, and chock full of T’s family. Jen won’t subject herself to that. It’s always been so surprising to me that there isn’t a single “blunt” member of the Ross clan to set Jen right (I think Poopsie is as close as it gets, but he’s still overwhelmingly passive). I’m the blunt one in my family, and my husband is the blunt one in his. If we had a Jen anywhere in our family, she’d have run for the hills years ago.
  11. .
    Potentially unpopular opinion but I’m Team “Secure the Bag.” If Tens was a former Jenion who set her sights on Don and pursued him using, uh, dubious methods...she should at the very least be commended for her flawless execution. I thought the dress was fine, I just wished she would’ve gotten a spray tan and had a more obvious mani/pedi but that’s the southerner in me. I’m as pasty as she is and I’d never show that much leg pale. Tanned, sure. But maybe I’m a bit more of a ho at heart than some of y’all.
  12. .
    Let’s pretend I can count...7 hot rollers. 3 on top, 2 on each side = 7. Anyhoo, glad y’all got a giggle! This really is solid advice, and it works for all ages (I’m in my early 30s) and skill levels. I always said that if I just had great hair I’d be unstoppable, first female President-level unstoppable. The cosmos gave me bad hair to keep me humble. I believe it gave Jen bad hair for similar reasons. Can you imagine how insufferable she’d be with hair as thick as Don’s?
  13. .
    Jen’s unwillingness to understand how to make her hair work for her infuriates me. Just finished the wedding weekend blog—that hair! My jaw dropped.

    JEN. I know the rewatch thread majorly chaps your ass, and I also know you’re lazy so I hope you check this thread more often and see this. My hair is baby fine and I live in the very humid Deep South (I was in NOLA two weekends ago for the first time since the pandemic and had dinner at Domenica....yes, I may have gotten misty-eyed from pure happiness anyhoo) so listen up, ya bald-headed bitch:

    -take yourself to the salon and get lowlights one shade lighter than your natural color to roughen up your strands/add dimension
    -stop washing your hair so often (this may not be applicable since you’re a nasty ass but I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt)
    -VERB dry shampoo/volumizer at your roots—the powder, not the aerosol. They even make a dark one that’ll help cover your bald patches
    -spray your raggedy head down with a grip-y hairspray (VERB is great)
    -hot rollers. You’ve got like 3 strands. That’s okay, I’ve got like 9 strands. Six curlers. 3 on the top of your head, 2 on each side.
    -let rollers out and spritz your doo doo lookin’ curls with hairspray again. Let dry
    -brush those suckers out underneath for a voluminous look. We aren’t going for Gollum cosplaying as Shirley Temple. We are going for BULK. HEFT. VOLUME
    -spray the shit out of them one last time

    The next time I see your ugly mug on IG or YT I wanna see some VOLUME, you’ve personally victimized us all enough over the years with your tiny buns and ponytails. DO BETTER
  14. .
    Gold medal for pot-stirring goes to Poopsie in the Hamptons blog when he said said (as a follow up to his remark that plant-based seemed prep-heavy) “well that might be therapeutic.” What a GEM. Team Poopsie leaked the D&T pics.
  15. .
    Ugh, I’m home from work and dug into the Hamptons vlog and it was more depressing than embarrassing. This needs to be standard watching for anyone (myself included) who ever feels sorry for Jen. She absolutely terrorized every single member of her family, it’s abundantly clear how they all tiptoe on eggshells around her. Breaks my heart for cute little CC, I will never EVER understand not only how much disdain Jen shows towards her but also why she ever found it appropriate to keep video proof of it around as long as she did. What a freaking idiot bitch.
77 replies since 11/8/2016