The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Chance86_

  1. .
    I think BB has a real job and only does YouTube when she sees the dollar signs and genuine motivation to decorate.

    I didn’t mean the bookshelves literally had bad feng shui (although they probably do). I’m not an expert. I meant just in the natural flow of a room. It feels intrusive to that space like it doesn’t belong. It blocks the hall and it’s so heavy for such a weird angle of a space. I really hope she isn’t going to keep her Mother’s ashes so close to where her kids play basketball. It’s insanity.
  2. .
    Karen is the most predictable person I have ever come across. I think we all said when she turns 60 it will be her signal to exit stage right and retire. Maybe she will finish out the year with *the fall season*…*nature’s best performance* (lol…copyrighted material). Perhaps she will gift the church ladies with one last Vlogmess before taking her final bow. But I think she is over it all and is hoping Instagram gives her enough of that validating dopamine rush while Fourtch funds her dental appointments.
  3. .
    I checked out Karen’s travel vlog and she hasn’t hearted or responded to any of those comments (well, minus the one asking where Lauren is, lol). That was posted nearly 2 weeks ago. Then she skipped a Sunday video, said nothing about it, and eventually brought us the punishment talk. It sounds like reverse psychology to me. She is feeling guilty for how bad her channel is but blaming the viewers and threatening to quit. Can you imagine Karen stepping away from sweet gifts, spending money, and ‘round the clock validation? If she said herself few people comment anymore, what is her excuse for her lack of engaging with those who do leave something?
  4. .
    How about stay single until you find true love…be that at 25 or 45. She’s so worried about beating everyone else. Had to be first to walk down the aisle and have children. Now wants to relive her 20s that she squandered and be the hip, cool Mom who is free to travel half of the year. Good luck with that! We are all on our own timelines. She is miserable.
  5. .
    This country is a mess. It’s now $5K to rent in Charlotte, NC? lol. Wow. I remember a time when people flocked to the Carolinas bc it was still affordable. It’s like this everywhere.
  6. .
    Those bookshelves look horrible! Terrible location with bad feng shui. The styling was also a cluttered mess. I’m a book lover. Lauren clearly never reads. The only mention of books we have ever seen or heard from her are how to get rich guides or fake books for the holidays. That collection was clearly lifted from her Mom’s house as well as Ron’s family. She acted like they were in storage from her old house but they all came from her Mom’s home, which the sale of, is probably how she is funding all of the renovations. This cheapie bookshelf display looks janky and doesn’t fit the vibe of her house. These two are clueless.

    I’m also confused. Didn’t she say those bookshelves were going to flank either side of the fake fireplace in the living room and go all the way up the wall with the ceiling to nowhere? And wasn’t the hall where she put that Ikea-looking monstrosity supposed to be the new dining room? Nothing makes sense with this manic phony.
  7. .
    You hit the nail on the head shadowkeren! It truly was so rude of Bliss to speak down to her viewers bc they aren’t kissing her ass in the comments. That entitled behavior would make me want to never leave her a comment. You have to wonder, with Karen being a monkey see monkey do kind of person, maybe Mark is talking to her like this and she is taking it out on her subscribers. “I have better things I could be doing with my time, Karen. Either you drop the weight and help out around the house or I’m taking the SUV.”
  8. .
    It’s crazy to me that she is having this episode now when her views are actually fairly good, all things considered. Some of her videos still get hundreds of comments which is pretty good. I think she expected her St. JOHN’S vlog to perform better but people are disconnected especially with these randoms that she never bothered to properly introduce. It’s a shame that Jodes took one or two snide comments here to heart over all of the praise and presents she received from 99.999% of Karen’s followers. We were mostly pretty fair toward her and at one point were even cheering her on. I think she has Queen Bee energy and couldn’t stand the idea of Karen out earning her while using her for content and getting validation for days. Get some new friends, Karen! Live your best life. Travel solo to see your *sweet friends* all over the country and the world.
  9. .
    Welcome, Burning my biscuits! We are glad to have you out of lurking and on the thread. I’m shocked more people haven’t joined you after that condescending video Bliss put out. I’m still amazed that after 3 failed marriages and countless personality shifts that more people who know Karen personally haven’t posted here. She must be the luckiest person in the world to be standing on two feet with a roof over her head after all of her failures yet she has the nerve to expect more compensation for less efforts.
  10. .
    She is probably making more than some people who are educated and work full-time at a real job. She’s completely lost the plot to feel entitled to 100K followers and $100K/year. She could get there if she put the work in. Doesn’t her daughter need more money, too? I know she isn’t the golden child, but why not feature her on the channel a couple times per month with Seasons of Life/Mother-Daughter talk? Day trips around Ohio and PA with little CJ. There are so many opportunities but she wants to do the bare minimum. I bet tons of business owners in Ohio and PA would love to be on her channel. Forget about Jodes and Fourtch’s friends. Introduce fresh faces and make new pals.

    I get that she isn’t 50 anymore like she was when the channel first started (even younger, actually). The past several years have been really challenging for everyone. But to scale back 90% of her efforts then sulk that the viewers don’t care anymore is completely placing the blame in the wrong direction.
  11. .
    I have a feeling she isn’t being given more sponsorship opportunities because her engagement is fairly low. She doesn’t post to social media (Pinterest, Instagram) unless she is linking something that quickly disappears. After a decade as a link con, she hasn’t learned much.

    To those who need a refresher, this is what Karen used to do for her brand yet she wonders why people are tuned out:

    - 2 fashion/beauty/decor/lifestyle videos per week averaging over an hour of content
    - 1 full-length vlog per week averaging 30-45 minutes
    - A blog
    - An online bow teek
    - A perfume/body care line
    - A Subscription Fashion Box
    - Several MLMs
    - A unique approach with sharing the channel with a friend

    Now we get:

    - A weekly newsletter written by her assistant which is just links that mentions what she won’t show us
    - One or two 10-20 minute videos sitting on her couch vaguely talking about what she won’t show us
    - An IG broadcast channel that never stops asking stupid questions to get you to use her links for a *lippie* that went out of style 8 years ago
    - Weight gain yet has a defunct fitness Facebook account
    - Horrendous eyebrows
    - A changed personality with no true passion for anything but validation and easy money
    - Phony promises of sweet friendship, I love yous, and more content to come

    GET REAL, Karen!
  12. .
    MeeMaw minions, lol!

    I have never seen someone cut their work load by 90% but complain that they are working harder than ever and need to scale back more! She expects growth when she offers nothinggg of substance or creativity! Big Bliss won’t share her life and is smug about it. It’s truly unbelievable! She still gets 5-10K views on her videos. Given her output and effort, I’d say those are fantastic numbers! Talk about entitled.
  13. .
    Audra must really love Adam. 3 potential step-kids at her age with none of her own is a lot to take on. I wonder if she wants her own children or if she will appreciate the time they are able to enjoy alone when Bri gets her custody time.

    Bri’s remarks about Adam are seemingly so out of touch with reality that the only conclusion we can draw is that she tried to put the moves on him but he rejected her. I truly think she expected him to come crawling back to her after she dumped Boat Boy. She is a terrible, manipulative person and probably tried to seduce him or destroy his relationship with Audra, thus all the shade about praying he finds someone she can be friends with. Bri is an unstable nightmare. Why would any sane woman want any sort of “friendship” with that level of crazy? People aren’t as stupid as Bri wishes they were. She’s actually the dumb one in the situation and now she’s left to whine like a petulant child for not getting her way.
  14. .
    It was incredibly dumb and rude of her to brag about her social life and how she doesn’t share that anymore. That’s what people subscribed for! Don’t call someone your sweet friend and tell them you love them but inform them that they just aren’t welcome to share her real life. She isn’t a friend. She’s a shill. All she cares about is making money from her audience and that requires a certain amount of clicks.

    I always compare it to speaking in an auditorium. She has thousands of women who watch her. Yes the numbers are down but that’s because her presentations are phoned in and repetitive. But even if she lost 90% of her viewership, that is still a lot of people who are interested. If she’s connecting with even 100 subscribers, that should mean something to her with what she is bringing to the table. Her ego and entitlement are out of control.

    Either share your real life and be consistent to hope for growth or share nothing and be satisfied with less.
  15. .
    Thanks for the confirmation. I have loved snail sheet masks for years. Not sure if it’s the same principle. I have a sunspot on my face that I want to fade and will give this a go. It seems affordable.

    Karen truly is a piece of work. She always poses these changes as if she is doing us a favor instead of acknowledging her own failure. Then you have all of the minions blessing her choice as if it’s a step in the right direction. Her views are down because she isn’t working hard or smart at her channel. You can’t expect growth if you don’t put forth the effort. People want to see vlogs. That requires sharing your real life or creating new content with fresh faces. She just wants to sit on the couch and link lippies. It ain’t gonna work.
14952 replies since 7/9/2016