The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by grilledcheesesandwiches

  1. .
    Megan never compromises her wants in preference of her husband or kids. She sure as hell ain't going to give up something she wants for her unborn kid!
  2. .
    They wouldn't be half as bad if they stopped frankensteining old videos together and presenting it as a new one
  3. .
    QUOTE (Vamomof5 @ 14/2/2024, 15:27) 
    This is one of my pet peeves. She knew she was going to be trying things on!!!🤪🤪🤪🤪

    Putting clothes on and posting it to the internet is not my job (thank god!) but even if I think there is a chance I could be trying clothes on I make sure I wear nude underwear in case anything I pick is light coloured or thin fabric.

    If I can do that on a random day wandering through my local shopping centre, Taren sure as hell can do it when she is being paid to present clothing.
  4. .
    For someone who talks about community (not that she genuinely wants it, just to be revered without giving anything back)… it must really grind Jen’s gears that we have a much more real and natural (and hilarious) community here without even trying.
  5. .
    Taren, this is your job.
    You knew you were going to try on clothes.
    Put on nude underwear (preferably a g-string, but hell I'll take nude briefs) and a convertible nude bra.
  6. .
    QUOTE (Good Morning Friends @ 12/2/2024, 20:07) 
    D** cheated by removing his ring before the divorce was finalized! Jen is a rule follower!!!

    Jen’s just pissed that Don was getting laid before the divorce (the hill I’ll die on is if they were separated but not yet divorced, he didn’t cheat) whereas several years post divorce she *still* hasn’t had any peen.
  7. .
    Taren is everything that is wrong with consumerism. I appreciate she does this for her job so I don’t expect her to have 2 bikinis that she rotates between, but no one needs totes of swimmers nor do they need multiple new swimsuits to take on holiday when they have hundreds at home in said totes they could choose from.
  8. .
    Holy guacamolay, my first title :celebrating-smiley-emoticon:
  9. .
    Leighann is the mum Jen Ross could never be. I’m so glad Lucy won the family lottery given the challenges she faces.
  10. .
    It says a lot that Emily, with all of her own quirks, still only engaged with Jen when she had to in large family settings.

    I’m not saying SILs automatically need to be besties- I don’t talk to mine (for very good reasons)… but they are similar in age and seemed to both have eccentricities that were similar and unusual when compared to other women their age.

    So if even Emily avoided Jen… I’ll take that as confirmation of what we already know; Jen is incredibly difficult and unenjoyable to be around
  11. .
    Roses are red, violets are blue, here’s a lesson Jen - the problem is you!
  12. .
    I mean I don't know the stats, and lets face it there are a lottttt of fat people in the world generally, but also specifically, America... but I kind of assume there are more people that fall in to a mid-size (bleurgh - not a thing!) bracket than the size Taren is right now - so sure she might lose some of her following (though they'll probably still watch vlogs) but could potentially pick up a whole new market of watchers for the 'fashion content' (which it definitely is not!)
  13. .
    Yes they did. Which is why they're seeing dollar signs and knowing how much they can get having multiple breeding pairs, especially with the younger pair still being young enough to pump out a whole bunch of pups. Backyard breeder disgust me.
  14. .
    Give it 5 seconds and the young dogs will be having a litter. She sees dollar signs. They are uneducated, unethical backyard breeders.
  15. .
    QUOTE (Connect To Dons Money Like Jen @ 29/1/2024, 04:37) 
    If CC is taking dance classes Jen could ( but won’t) get a ballet bar set up in her gym next to the mirror she would been thrilled. But you know Jen she is selfish.

    Jen: it’s MINE!!!!!!!
1096 replies since 8/11/2016