The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by martiniflightlikedon

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    She didn't wear a mask at all on her cruise so I won't be surprised if she doesn't wear one of the plane. Hope there aren't any babies on her plane. I hate her
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    QUOTE (Van Solo @ 1/3/2023, 07:48 PM) 
    anyone here care to try to decode what KB's trying to tell us in her "Spa Day" IG story? she's showing a page on her kindle from what i think is a Sarah J Maas book but i don't read anything by her and don't know what the book is about. Krusty is showing us this specific page on purpose. anyone here read this book and know what she's trying to hint at here? she also posted something about telling her husband what to do so maybe things are really bad between her and HB (how could they not be?).

    i don't think it means anything. its a fantasy novel, and shes not that deep
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    i hope she gets a nasty rebound infection and cant run the last race. Shes a **BAD PERSON**
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    please show us this 'good' modeling you used to do aaryn. Prove us all wrong
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    i'm late to this but i am gobsmacked how she compartmentalizes her life. solo travel jen and mom jen need different reels because they are two different people. Absolutely disgusting . I hope her kids never have an important game or performance when she has a disney race scheduled because they will be SOL
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    What absolute braggart to actually make a video showing what she gave. Like, she definitely thinks its showing how GIVING she is but its the complete oppopsite
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    is every single year going to be difficult for Jen or is she ever going to shut the fuck up and realize how easy she has it
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    Her micro managing the yo yos made me almost tear my hair out of my skull. Why buy them yo yos then?!?!?!?!
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    who actually cares what other people do with their christmas traditions? Even if you think its boring, everyone does stuff differently but similar and thats ok
    aaryn getting all high and mighty about her families method is on par with her attitude
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    QUOTE (AnnieBee @ 12/23/2022, 02:10 AM) 
    Does anyone else think that Jen might be interested in people of her same gender…?

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    She's gonna have issues flying in on Friday, i can almost guarantee it.
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    QUOTE (NoBagForYou @ 12/21/2022, 09:52 PM) 
    Honestly I don’t think there has been any Bakery chatter any different or worse than any other time. Not sure what specific thing hit a nerve. Perhaps the kid comments but there has been criticism of Harper’s horrible hair since she barely HAD hair. I was surprised at the direct attack message to a specific member… somebody is unhinged. Either Krusty hit a wall or Medhusa is banging her head a little harder than usual against her psycho wall. :confused-face-smiley-emoticon:

    I think the parenting stuff really gets to her, because deep down she knows we're right.
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    QUOTE (Nicksgreasyhair @ 12/21/2022, 07:53 PM) 
    If Ryan can’t spell maybe it would be more
    professional to get a second look/ spell checker before he gives his work back to the clients?
    Just abysmal quality work

    This is so embarassing 😂😂😂😂
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    but ALSO I've never seen someone be SO SAD CONSTANTLY who hasn't actually experience any real tragedy.
    Both her parents are alive, her kids are alive and healthy. She is healthy
    Grow up Jen!!

    QUOTE (BerthaGene @ 12/21/2022, 06:15 PM) 
    I like walking around NY as much as the next person, but in that kind of cold I'm taking the subway not walking for 45 minutes. What, is she afraid of the subway?

    I think her exercise obsession comes into play here
    Can't get as many steps on the subway
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    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 12/21/2022, 06:26 PM) 
    I don't know why she insists on visiting these places where she marinates in all her losses--her grandparents, NYU, her marriage. It makes for a melancholy Jen video as usual.

    all she has in her life is Loss
    I don't think she could go anywhere without those fEeLinGs coming up because it literally surrounds her like a little eeyore cloud
4894 replies since 6/12/2016