The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by WhereDoesDaddySleep

  1. .
    Good morning friends. Some dummy already published her fugue state vlog for the poors.
    SPOILER (click to view)
  2. .
    Spring: sadly not yet available for Jen.
  3. .
    I will be switching out my St. Patrick's Day board books for the Easter board books.

    I don't have young kids I just like the feel of board between my pointer finger and hitchhiker thumb.
  4. .
    QUOTE (ShiseidoCottonPad @ 3/18/2024, 01:25 PM) 
    Holy Schmoly---is that the Ssame cowl as her 2024 pd?

    No, there's no way she would fit into that one these days.

    The other sweater she hauled 2015ish.
  5. .
    "cell core practitioner"

  6. .
    I wonder what percentage of her patrons watch these updates.
  7. .
    It's strange too how Concerned About Global Warming Like Jen hasn't planted a damn thing in that ginormous, unused yard of hers. Especially since she's playing at Plant Mom on IG (I just thought of this because I'm in a rush to get stuff in the ground, and I have, like, 1/100th of her planting space - it's obviously far far from Jen's radar.)
  8. .
    "don't get me started about climate change" <books a flight to her rumpus vehicle>
  9. .
    Here's one:

    Does your request include PD hauls? Like Vegas with the nail tech?
  10. .
    So this is how Jen will bankrupt herself - multiple concierge-level cruises every year.

    Because she can't parent her children :snickering:

    Srs, one of two things:
    1. She will only ever cruise concierge level from here on out.
    2. She will wistfully reminisce about concierge level in every future recap, and talk about doing it again in the future once her "circumstances" have changed.
  11. .
    QUOTE (_withblunder_ @ 3/17/2024, 10:33 AM) 
    She's back home and she's blathering on about how she never really has enough time to complete her tasks and all she wants to do is watch Harry Potter so she tweeted about it and people told her to just watch the movie so the next blog post will be late. Wow, what a loser being beholden to self imposed deadlines to appear productive while working no job and having no real responsibility and begging for guidance from absolute strangers.

    lolol I love it when the rewatch backs up what we're discussing in the main thread. This is the dramatic reading I posted of Jen's August 2019 OLD:
    SPOILER (click to view)

    Childless stay-at-home-wife Jen of 2013: I need to honor my need for "me" time.
    Bitter stay-at-home-mom Jen of 2019: I need to honor my need for "me" time.
    Divorced with no life Jen of 2024: I need to honor my need for "me" time.
  12. .
    I was playing with AI text-to-speech so obviously decided to use Jen's MeMeMe journals as sample text.

    Behold! Jen complaining about how caged she was by ~LAUNDRY~ in August 2019.
    SPOILER (click to view)

    She hates doing the kids' laundry. She wouldn't be fantasizing about building them their own laundry room otherwise.

    I especially love that she can't even take ownership of resenting her responsibilities: "I have come to find out"
  13. .
    QUOTE (_withblunder_ @ 3/16/2024, 09:25 AM) 
    What boggles my mind was how EXPENSIVE the Stoney Clover stuff was. It looked cheap, childish and easily duped at Walmart or Target but was like $200 for a mini backpack.

    The whole vibe with the customizable iron-on patches is very sorority to me. I would bet you anything the Stoney Clover founders were in one.

    It's been a thing since at least the 90s (any 80s girls want to chime in?) to customize shirts, bags, whatever with your letters. Like this. The biggest bookstore at my university had its basement dedicated to just that. In retrospect, it was a bit wild.

    I could see the line starting off targeting current sorority members (the stereotype of the co-ed with daddy's credit card is not wrong), trickling to alums, then the wider influencer sphere.

    If you want to talk about landfill fodder...omg sororities. T-shirts, bags, FLIP FLOPS. I was only active for one year and I had it all. Trends are non-optional in groups of 18-22 year old women.
  14. .
    QUOTE (Urbane Bronze @ 3/16/2024, 08:46 AM) 
    90210 just posted a sneak peek of new clothing for the faux mountain climbs. I bet Gene buys all the things.

    Oh no, she's going to have to organize her closet again :cry:
  15. .
    I wanted to find the part with the Stoney Clover discard--because the question is which Stoney Clover crap? The Star Wars or the Target?--and ended up starting the video from the beginning.

    First off: the pants. OMG.
    What's the joke about getting a bikini body? Take your body and put a bikini on it. Done! Versus Jen, who can't even say that her pants don't fit anymore. We've all seen her ass, we know she's gained 10+ pounds in the past year. Just buy some fucking pants that fit! Start here, for instance (I'll add, that woman is heavier than Jen and looks fab. Someone needs to quit her body dysmorphic bullshit.)

    I feel bad that YouTube isn't getting this video. So many bins! YouTube loves bins!

    LPT: if you're constantly reorganizing, it's because you have too. much. stuff.

    And now I'm bored and I'm not going to finish. So here are Stoney Clover receipts:

    April 2, 2022:

    May 2, 2022:
    (IIRC someone tallied up what she wanted to spend on this drop.)
2756 replies since 17/12/2016