The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by lalataz

  1. .
    Yes it is and a huge money maker. I have Autism and other issues too. It pisses me off that people get away with so much if they claim they have Autism or another mental illness.
  2. .
    Autism and other diseases are the new thing to be diagnosed with. It's the new way to get money. Check out illness fakers on Reddit.
  3. .
    She is so much worse than Kisha. At least Kisha left the idiot and is trying to get her own place again. Niki needs to give little D up for adoption as neither one of them can raise him.
  4. .
    How can Nikita get any welfare when she's not a permanent resident here? Is she on a visa still?
  5. .
    I hope all the affiliate companies pulled away from her permanently. She thinks that everything she says is gold not.
  6. .
    This idiot doesn't know anything about planner hobonichi will always be in
  7. .
    Holy cow why would she bring another child into this mess. I'm surprised that CPS isn't involved with them. Are any of the kids still homeschool?
  8. .
    Mack is married too and your right about that Barbie is something for him
  9. .
    My two favorites are Auri and MMC. Barbie gets on my nerves and the other two I am still trying to figure them out.
  10. .
    "FYI CYS actually has given me other people children" calling bs on this because you can't have a record with them to foster other children especially if your children were removed from your care. So continue with your lies
  11. .
    Oh she knows people in high places that could find out who we l are..yeah right
  12. .
    She's live and bitching about the Bakery. We all butches that got no life other than to gossip about others. Oh we are a bunch of rich preppy chicks... 😂 where's my money. She doesn't want her subscribers not to be open with her. The 8 people watching
  13. .
    She's far from famous on here
  14. .
    Dumbass bitch thinks she so much better than everyone else.. her parenting skills suck

    To add whoever that person is Courage 101 suing for liable.. nothing we say on here puts anyone at risk in their dreams
  15. .
    It's funny as hell 🤣🤣 she got told in the store not to cuss
554 replies since 10/3/2017