The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Suzanne’sBiggestFan

  1. .
    QUOTE (Breakdown @ 27/11/2023, 00:55) 

    She may not drink, but she clearly finds plenty to eat.
  2. .
    I’m getting “The Whale” vibes.
  3. .
    Just watched. Seek help, freak bitch idiot.
  4. .
    QUOTE (Oatley @ 25/11/2023, 15:22) 
    QUOTE (FakingIt_MakingIt @ 25/11/2023, 07:12) 
    Omg. That was the best Jen video I’ve seen since her olden days. That was basically a parking lot confessional in her dining room.

    What a nut job. If she could have unloaded the Boyles and kept the Ross family in the divorce she would 100% be her happy hosting self. She hates her family SO much!

    But she stopped hosting the Rosses too since 2015. She hated it so much that she had to host while 8 months preggo that she completely blamed Ross family forever for not offering to take the hosting duty off of her hand.

    I’m three weeks out from delivery, and I didn’t host, and no one got Butt hurt or
    Was anything other than understanding.
  5. .
    Why agree to host if you’re going to half ass it and shitquote in the run up to the event?

    Jen, you’re trash.
  6. .
    QUOTE (QuePasa @ 22/11/2023, 21:16) 
    I don’t mind eating leftovers the day after Thanksgiving, but she makes people eat leftovers on Thanksgiving. And she’s all worked up about what to do about crescent rolls. Just give your parents a can and let them make them. I think even with Covid they can handle that. Why is this so important. She freaks out about such minimal things.

    Again, bc she’s never had to think of anyone but herself.
  7. .
    QUOTE (Bespoke Poop Shovel of Vitriol @ 19/11/2023, 15:37) 
    QUOTE (Narcissism101 @ 11/19/2023, 08:03 AM) 
    She’s trying to convince herself that the reason we call her out on her shit is because we hate our own lives.

    What she doesn't understand is she's way off base. This is like Netflix for us but we don't have to pay for it.

    We didn't blow up our lives, Jennifer. We're good.

    YUP. And it’s not bc the patriarchy has me caged-I’m just happy. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
  8. .
    Tens’ house is blue and yellow.

    It’s not all that. But it’s better than Jen’s bc, well, low bar.
  9. .
    QUOTE (CryingGrayMarshmallowBlob @ 11/17/2023, 07:12 PM) 
    Why do her boobs look so saggy??

    Ummm, because she carried TWO babies to term AND nursed them the WHO recommended year.

  10. .
    Must have been flattened by the bike seat.
  11. .
    QUOTE (Bespoke Poop Shovel of Vitriol @ 11/16/2023, 11:13 PM) 
    QUOTE (ShiseidoCottonPad @ 11/16/2023, 04:04 PM) 
    Another example of Jen being a bitch to CC. This one broke my heart. "May I join you?" (she seems so tentative---aw). "Sure- I mean, I'm going to be chopping."

    loveosloveisloveislove-sure, Jan. 18 minute mark.

    Charlotte's bottom lip! I just wanna reach through the screen and hug that baby. 😭😭😭

    OMG, I wish I hadn't seen that. My little girl's latest thing is trash, which she says, "TASH!" She goes around identifying and throwing away trash....and sometimes it's trash, and sometimes it's not, but we clap and tell her how helpful she is and she just BEAMS. She glows from the inside out. Jen, it's not about whether you actually "need" the help or not. It's about giving your kid a sense of achievement and accomplishment from helping. Jesus. Motherhood is SO wasted on her fat ass.
  12. .
    Yeah. Her food sucks shit, and I wouldn’t touch it either.

    Team CC and Grinch Boy.
  13. .
    I bet baaaaaaab just loves that she’s broadcasting he got himself fired from his job.
  14. .
    QUOTE (poopette metis @ 11/16/2023, 07:54 PM) 
    Typical Krusty: buys a watch for Harper, but it's the one Krusty herself has been eyeing, she doesn't even like the strap, AND it won't fit Harper for a few years. She's so gross.

    Lol to her listing off the sMeLLs oF ItALy 😂 She's a clown. Are people really believing the bullshit she's spewing?!?

    Goyard not as ubiquitous as LV? I was in NYC in mid-October and every basic girl flagging down a cab had one. My friend brought me back a fake Goyard green card case from Vietnam (it's an inside joke). Not as ubiquitous 😂😂😂 Love the plastic on the handles. Luxury!

    I have a couple Goyard bags. You kind of just accept it for what it is, or you don't. She's a tool, no matter what she wears.
  15. .
    QUOTE (SoProudOfMyself @ 11/16/2023, 07:51 PM) 
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 16/11/2023, 18:51) 
    the wheelchair picture disturbs my soul. so creepy :1:

    It was a stroller! That's even more creepy. What 28 year refers to a wheelchair as a stroller?

    One that takes the scepter for pretties. That's who.
2510 replies since 23/3/2017