The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by GrandmaSophia

  1. .
    Not to Jenfend, but PK and especially, his TLO come across as smarmy people. They need to lay off the hair gel and body oil too. LOL TLO and PK comes across as super unlikeable people on social media. PK thinks he is some superstar because he has a famous daddy. They both chase after the money like someone else said above. I believe that! Don't see what Don ever saw in PK as a friend other than PK parents are good friends with the Ross parents. PK is all about fame and showing off and so is his partner.
  2. .
    Beautiful wedding photos. Tens looks GREAT and I love her dress! CC is so cute! So happy for them! Thanks J&J for sharing.
  3. .
    I can remember one video of Jen shopping and having lunch with her mother at Whole Foods or somewhere else? Her mother would try to have a conversation with Jen and Jen kind of dismissed her mom as they were walking around the store. Her mom was trying to connect with her daughter and Jen wasn't having any of that. Jen was so busy yapping about the stuff in the store to the camera. I have a feeling that Jill is not as bad as we think. She probably gave up on Jen because Jen is really a selfish person. Jen is just so dismissive around anyone that tries to engage in a conversation with her. I can also remember she dismissed Don a lot in her videos when he was talking to her. Jen only wants to yap and listen to herself. Nobody else matters to her, not even her parents, kids or Winnie.
  4. .
    Congratulations to all of the new babies that arrived and soon to arrive here at the bakery!
  5. .
    Well, this video was a bore too. Don really made the old videos more fun to watch. I mean that's really sad considering he doesn't talk as much as Jen does. Just a very different vibe when you compare these newer Jen videos to her older ones. Her life is really a bore now, even with her travelling. Her "single" life is not as exciting as her married life was. She really needs to join some clubs, a church and volunteer to make some friends because this life on her own is really blah. Running with strangers is not the way to go, Jen. You really need connections with REAL LIFE people that mean something to you in order to have a full and happy life.
  6. .
    Could not finish watching her latest video. The chapped lips are so gross to me. Why does her face have to be so damn close to the camera? Buy some lip balm, Jen!
  7. .
    I don't feel bad for Jen at all. She created her own mess in her life. The way that she treated her family (Ross/Boyles) shows how she is with people. It is a shame that she even puts her own children on the back burner in order for her to focus ONLY on herself. She should be ashamed of herself and how she is parenting her two kids. So glad that CC and Donny have Tens and Don in their lives. At least they will see how a loving couple/family acts with their dad and Tens and their step-siblings. Jen will always be on her own and alone. I don't think there is a man out there that had the patience that Don had with her. Jen has too much baggage she continues to carry around in her head.

    My hubby and I have been married for almost 43 years this summer. He was only 21 and I was 22 when we got married. It helped that we are firstborn children due to how much responsibilities we had as kids/teens growing up. Jen was either too coddled or ignored as a child/teen. It is interesting that her older brother and his family seems to have a much happier and closely knit life despite his finances are not up there like Jen's who got her $$$ from Don and Rosses.
  8. .
    Bought two new tops for myself today. :) Would not give Jen a penny for her thoughts. I don't even like Starbucks so why would I give Jen $5 for a drink? LOL Like everything else in her life, I see this new venture floundering after a week or two.
  9. .
    Videos Jen could make and produce:

    Buy drapes and have them installed in her home.
    Have the backyard fixed up and some trees planted and a garden.
    Buy large area rugs for her home.
    Learn how to do flower arrangements or other crafts and show how she has done them.
    Cook a few meals that she has never tried before such as pot roast, soups with real meat/chicken in them.
    A sewing video.
    A crocheting video.
    Jen actually doing some house cleaning and not only washing the dishes or folding her laundry.
    Jen mowing the lawn.
    Have a large canvas shade installed to cover her patio so she and the kids can have some shade this summer in the back of their house. Buy some nice backyard patio furniture that is not plastic chairs.
    Shopping for new make-up. Getting her hair cut and styled.
    Having one of her family members choose an outfit for her to buy at a store.
  10. .
    I did like her latest video on YT about her new cookware and some of her recipes that she made while she was losing her weight this past year. She needs to do more of those videos and less in the face IG stories. It is annoying to see people with their camera two inches from their face in IG stories.
  11. .
    Boring video. Boring content creator. All of these places are cold, empty, stark and haunting. Pretty much like what is in Jen's head.
  12. .
    No way that Tens and Don were there. Jen would have taken video and photos if they were. I think it was most likely her parents and maybe Don's parents. I doubt it if Emily was there since no pics of any of the other kids other than CC arm and probably one of the grandmother's arms in that one photo with Donny. I honestly do not think Emily hangs out with Jen that much anymore. Emily seems to be besties with Tens.
  13. .
    The poor girl is so desperate for attention. Those IG stories are so weird.
  14. .
    Sorry but she looks like a complete idiot in those photos. For all of the exercise she does, her calves and thighs still look huge along with her double chin. What a waste of money! Spends $$$$'s for cheap medals a trip without her children who are old enough now to really enjoy trips to Disney with their mom. Fake smiles for the camera. She knows exactly what she's doing. Trying to show Don and Tens that Jen is truly happy. LOL Fake Jen every moment she is on camera.
  15. .
    On the plane, there's clearly a large bag from McDonald's sitting on the floor in front of Don. Would not be surprised if he did order extra food to take on the plane with them. The bag looked full and not empty.

    If it were my husband, I would have given him the hashbrown or shared it.

    Jen Ross constantly shows the world how truly selfish and greedy she really is.
299 replies since 2/7/2017