The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by ReallyReallyReally

  1. .
    Maybe her word will be “First” cuz you know, even though she hasn’t put her self first for years….😂…she IS a part of the First Wives Club
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    QUOTE (Breakdown @ 11/11/2021, 23:27) 
    I would be shocked if she were to sell the house and move because of her stubbornness but I also don't know why she'd wait until spring with the insanity of the real estate market in certain parts of the US. Not sure if the real estate insanity is affecting her area but if it is, there would be no reason to wait. She doesn't know the value of a dollar anyway so what's the point.

    Maybe she could move in with her mom and dad!😬
  3. .
    Did any one else get “The Shining” vibe when she was throwing the ball down that looooong hallway ?😬
  4. .
    I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again…when God was giving out brains, she thought he said trains and asked for a slow one
  5. . many years would she of gotten in alimony and when would the countdown start? It would be scaring me to know there is a end to it and that I better be banking what I can
  6. .
    She just posted a pic on IG
    Ha! Beat me to it
  7. .
    QUOTE (BarefootNightmares @ 26/7/2021, 01:13) 
    Sorry Jen no man will marinate in your skin soup again.

    Skin Soup…good one!😂
  8. .
    We to watched Northern Exposure, a loooong time ago
  9. .
    She sure is admiring herself in her IG pics in the red dress
  10. .
    iG. She’s back
  11. .
    QUOTE (BerthaGene @ 9/5/2021, 00:09) 
    Do Berth's one big eye and Don's one big eye cancel each other out so the kids have two normal sized eyes, or do they all have one big eye? :confused-face-smiley-emoticon:

    THAT made me giggle! Hahahaha!
  12. .
    QUOTE (HomeInTheZoo @ 22/4/2021, 02:52) 
    This rewatch thread is such a goldmine for examples of the horribleness of Jen.

    I didn't know who she was when I found this thread a couple of years ago and I didn't get why people disliked her so much. I wondered why this rich suburban housewife was so snark-worthy. At first glance, she seemed harmless. Oh boy, now I get it.

    My latest thing with watching old videos, many of which are new to me but old news for most of you, is the food touching. The patting and fondling. It just makes me feel icky. Today I watched a video from Vlogust 2012 where she molested a boiled egg. She even poked the butter on her toast. She has to pat everything with her grubby mitts. It's beyond nasty.

    How can anyone eat any of the food she makes? :sick:

    Maybe this is why Don did all of the cooking. Hell, he didn’t want her touching his food!
  13. .
    QUOTE (Yetta @ 19/4/2021, 05:21) 
    She looks PSYCHO in that story!

    She looks stoned! Ha
  14. .
    QUOTE (SingHo!toDons2ndWife @ 12/4/2021, 00:38) 
    QUOTE (zizizouzou @ 12/4/2021, 00:35) 
    Can you imagine that train wreck being your mother? :nervous:

    Imagine BEING the train wreck?! :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon

    Being SO thankful that train wreck is an EX!
  15. .
    QUOTE (BarefootNightmares @ 6/4/2021, 22:40) 
    Can you imagine being her physical therapist having to "validate her concerns" each visit?

    Can you imagine being Don and listening to that crap for years and years? Geez
310 replies since 21/9/2017