The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by ReallyReallyReally

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    QUOTE (Bougie214 @ 28/11/2020, 05:37) 
    I thought that Vlogmas doesn't start until either Dec 1 or Dec 2. That's just me thinking out loud.

    Well...that’s what I thought until he put put that Vlogmas, Day 0 vlog a couple days ago. He makes no sense
    So today then is Day -3? Haha
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    Vlogmas Day -2
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    Add $699 plus the Vlogger kit. What are we up to so far this month?
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    So if yesterday was Vlogmas Day 0, shouldn’t today be Day 1? Am I missing something? If it’s not Day 1, then is it Day -1? I’m confused. Ha!
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    I have to wonder what Scott’s wife thinks about the whole situation. I’m sure she felt a little put out from those earlier Christmas gifts Jen would send (a little over the top maybe). I bet she’s giggling a little inside. I would be
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    I wonder, with the new lock down orders, if the kids will not be attending school in person? This fall/winter could get pretty interesting!
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    QUOTE (ShiseidoCottonPad @ 9/11/2020, 03:52) 
    ^ no idea. hello it's me.

    Thanks for that! Great song..haven’t heard it in a long time!
  8. .
    I would be totally mortified if I was her mother. Or soon to be ex mother-in-law. Hell, I’m mortified and I don’t even know her. Good Lord!
  9. .
    I think she’s just “PMSing!” She admitted it’s “that time of month”

    And she just posted another thing on IG. Good Lord!
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    Media break? She just posted her new camera on IG
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    Her IG is getting weird. I don’t know how to attach. Sorry
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    QUOTE (BackupPersona @ 2/10/2020, 00:31) 
    I wonder if the kind lady who sent Jen the mug in February is one of the dozens and dozens and dozens of people who have gotten fed up and unfollowed Jen the past few months?

    “If” that story is true
  13. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 27/9/2020, 03:42) 
    I am more interested in Jen's future guy Kevin (maybe Chad)

    will he put up with her shit like Don did?

    will he be vegan?

    a runner?

    a vegan runner with a trust fund?

    will he have kids? an ex wife?

    will he be dorky looking? or just average?

    Please…NO Kevin. My son is named Kevin. I would actually keel over if THAT mess was brought into my home! Ahhh!
  14. .
    QUOTE (Bunion of Fury @ 22/9/2020, 02:27) 

    You are so talented! And funny!! Haha!
  15. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 19/9/2020, 02:12) 
    Don had plenty of parenting practice with baby Jen. he would get up, make breakfast for his baby wife, head off to work, return home with presents so the baby wife wouldn't pout over not getting some useless item. he read his daughter wife children's books at night, he'd take pictures of her in her bunny onesies, etc. I'm sure he did just fine with actual babies

    saying you think he's a good dad doesn't mean you think he's the most perfect amazing dad of all time. the kids are certainly better off with someone more mentally stable though

    “Daughter wife” Good one!!
357 replies since 21/9/2017