The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Conventional Lemons

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    QUOTE (RossManor2.0 @ 6/5/2024, 03:48) 
    She never did report back on how that swimsuit held up…

    No, she didn't! And I read that thinking, what do you mean it wouldn't hold up from swimming with small children?? They're not crocodiles! You hold them sometimes and they splash around a bit... If you aren't wearing a napkin, you should be fine.
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    QUOTE (ZizizouzouTWO! @ 27/4/2024, 10:36) 
    Just like lemons and avocados, Jen doesn’t do conventional water. This empath needs moon water to purify and clean her weary soul.


    You rang!!
  3. .
    Inspired by fiercelyprivate turning it into a verb...

  4. .

    Who. WHO on this damn earth would like MORE of this perpetual waste of her time and money?
    Won't somebody thing of the people (us) who want LESS!!
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    You know I'm surprised she hasn't mentioned the new Taylor Swift song 'Florida!!!' with Florence and the Machine from the new album. Apparently the inspiration is from watching true crime documentaries and noticing the criminals always flee to Florida. 🤣 What are Jen's crimes? Fashion... planet killer with her carbon emissions... child neglect.
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    I can't believe this is what you choose to do instead of preparing to receive your kids. Meal prep, laundry so they have outfits for school and fresh sheets, shopping so they have snacks... how does she get her house ready and comfortable for them?
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    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 20/4/2024, 09:19) 
    I think today’s costume with the flag takes the cake.

    She looks absolutely ridiculous.


    And she's got no one there to dress up and be silly with. She's just on her own looking like a goose.

    Not gonna lie, I'm pretty down on myself about my body. And my emotional dependence on sugary snacks. Tips welcome for anyone who has beaten this addiction. I love the bakery and I know why you point out the Jen body stuff. But sometimes the message doesn't just hit the person it's intended for.
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    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 16/4/2024, 03:30) 
    thanks to Conventional Lemons for this thread title :thumbs-up:


    My first title!! I'm going to splash out on some Organic Lemons to celebrate.
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    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 12/4/2024, 20:33) 
    QUOTE (AirportHashBrown @ 4/12/2024, 01:12 PM) 
    Professional videographer and influencer, ladies and gents. (It's the extreme thinness of the rat tail vs the width of the trunk for me)


    She looks idiotic trying to film her fat ass. But she clearly thinks she’s adorable.

    I would have to do a deep dive into Jen’s spending habits to say this for sure, but from memory it seems she’s willing to spend on toys and experiences for herself, but is stingy when it comes to necessities or things for the Circumstances—you know, if it isn’t fun for Jen it’s time to be thrifty. She really is a case study…in something.

    Someone should do a TikTok expose of these spending habits. I bet people would eat them up!
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    QUOTE (AbundanceOfCaution @ 10/10/2023, 18:09) 
    I think Suzanne forced her to eat conventional lemons at one point.

    You rang?!!

    Jen was doing a grocery run for HERSELF I think during a Utah trip. And she was buying all 'organic' etc etc and then she threw in a few items Suz had requested, including 'some conventional lemons...' because she didn't splash out for organic for anyone else.

    I wish I could find the video again!
  12. .
    WhereDoesDaddySleep your research is outstanding! And you made content about such a dry field way more palatable than it deserved to be.
  13. .
    I was watching a few of her Sold videos and I'm just perplexed at what she will pick up for the smallest profit margin. Spends four dollars to make eight? Hardly seems worth it! I'd be much more interested to see her shop her stash (hoard) for the little trinkets like that.
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    QUOTE (UtahCabin @ 1/8/2023, 02:32) 
    QUOTE (Spork Meltdown @ 7/31/2023, 09:02 PM) 
    Throws her nephew under the bus AGAIN! :t0152:
    She just can't let that, missed the "in person race" and "perfect race season" go.

    I love that she cannot let that wedding go. What does she obsess over more these days? Her nephew's wedding, or Don and Tens' wedding. So hard to tell.... :confused-face-smiley-emoticon:

    Meanwhile the nephew: Ohmygod, why didn't you just RSVP no, you coldhearted monster! More cake for everyone else.
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    QUOTE (BoscoGal @ 31/7/2023, 04:44) 
    Did you guys see that Jesse (the guy that does shipping for Hoss and he & his family live in the Ham house) got out of reselling? Him and his partner put out a video saying this. They had a whole shelf of Hoss-like-crap behind them—Murono look alikes, “glowy glass” etc. I’m sure they saw dollar signs initially seeing Hoss’ sales, loaded up on crap that she sells and now they are stuck with the stuff since they don’t have the Stan fanbase to buy the crap.

    Oh, I hope they're doing okay! I'm so scared she's going to turf that little family out on their rears.
272 replies since 18/3/2018