The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by GrumpyPants

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    I haven't posted on this topic before because I have minimal interest in the "Royal Family". Normally the bakery has a lot of fun insight and gratifying snark on people who absolutely bring all the shit onto themselves but I really don't see this situation through that lens.

    I grew up in the UK and in the 90s the press was absolutely vicious about Princess Diana. My parents were pretty strict about the types of newspapers allowed in the house (no tabloids, no daily mail) so I was probably exposed to a lot less of it but I do remember reading about cellulite for the first time ever whilst it was accompanied by zoom photography of her legs. She was held to such a ridiculously high standard of beauty and then the articles about her being unstable and attention seeking. She was delusional, she was selfish, she should have known what she was getting into. I remember the press coverage about what is now called the "revenge dress" being scathing about how she is making this about her and that she should just accept that her spouse would have mistresses as part of "deal".

    There is a bottomless appetite for gossipy articles about members of the Royal Family. There has always been scapegoats to take the attention away from the very real failings. Think about how Princess Margaret's unhappy lovelife was press bait instead of acknowledging her uncle's nazi connections.

    We now have a situation in which Harry and Meghan (who may have many many faults) are taking the press heat in place of other family members.

    Consider KCIII "friend and mentor" Jimmy Saville, for whom the press covered up stories for decades resulting in more and more victims.

    Yes, people are probably way more comfortable following clickbait on H and M than they are addressing that child sexual abuse is a very real thing. That in the majority of cases the victim knows the perpetrator, that the perpetrators are in positions of trust and power. So we end up with all these "minute of hate" stories about Meghan because that is so much less damaging to the institution than acknowledging it has enabled a child abuser.

    Also adjacent to topic: I understand that Doreen Lawrence is also part of the same legal proceedings as Harry and I would strongly recommend her story as one of determination through pain and loss and the manipulation of her son's story by the press.
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    That kitchen could have been saved with a simple house plan modification. You can bump out the wall behind the refrigerator so that a regular depth refrigerator can slide in and then be flush with the counters and base cabinets. So much easier in 15 years when you need to replace the refrigerator.

    Counter depth fridges work when you are in pinch. But they have build a large new home and not have thought through one of the most used appliances in the house...
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    QUOTE (Aloner Like Jen @ 11/25/2022, 06:47 PM) 
    Seems like she wears a lot more Disney stuff now than when she was married. To me that just highlights her obvious emotional regression since the divorce.

    Also, I remember when she turned her nose up at the fact that Emily liked Carters for Gracie, and blew a wad of cash on expensive baby clothes for her. Now Carters is okay apparently. Leaves more child support to spend on herself.

    Carters stuff is a strange choice given her own spending habits and I definitely bought plenty of it but Hanna Andersson felt like a better choice for nice/holiday clothes... although they seem to have shifted heavily into pjs.

    She needs to spend a little time on the mini boden site, quirky but hardwearing clothing that lets kids be kids with no branding. But I suppose their slogan of "buy better, buy less, wear more" which is opposite of carters/disney clothing.
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    I was particularly amused by the repeated "I am not holding myself to this" comments with the Archer and Olive planner. Interesting that she is vocal acknowledging that she doesn't take responsibility for anything.

    So much more crap adding to her hoard of junk.

    She clearly gets buzzed from shopping.
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    I haven't posted here in over a year... still enjoying the Jen snark at a safe distance. My marriage fell apart on a similar timescale as the Ross union 1.0 although for very different reasons.

    I absolutely understand that divorce messes with your sense of self and purpose but the half-assed crap she is sharing is so bad.

    There is plenty of content she could do without including her children.

    Honestly instead of feeling bad about my own shitshow of a divorce I watch her now and feel so relieved that I am not her.

    edited to fell not feel.

    Edited by GrumpyPants - 11/24/2022, 05:16 AM
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    QUOTE (tld @ 11/12/2022, 03:09 AM) 
    I don't know if she's actually a tightwad when it comes to buying food. I think she's trying to relate to her less-fortunate subscribers who can't afford top-tier grocery and department stores.

    And South Dakota isn't exactly chock full of top tier grocery stores and high end department stores. I really couldn't say that she is a tightwad at her core, I would say that she probably hasn't been exposed to a huge amount of variety. The Minnesota influence of jello salads and hot dishes is likely strong... so her cooking isn't my taste but I am not really the likely fanbase.

    The rental home is tiny for 6 people. Not sure if that is because it is the best option. I didn't really understand the desire to decorate but she knows that decorate with me gets views so I personally think she is decorating purely for her channel. The cleaning aspect of her video was something that her family needed. The kids likely need the continuity of a tree going up and some familiar decorations when they are unsettled in a new home.

    Did anyone catch why they picked such a small rental? And any idea on when the new home will be ready?
  7. .
    So I had been taking a break from Gene myself -- great suggestion bakers! Hating on her was just putting my into more of a funk about the demise of my marriage on the same timescale.

    The developments uncovered are leaving me gobsmacked.

    I cannot believe that Don is already engaged. I know that people comment about not dating until the divorce is finalized or whatever other defining event you chose but seriously I am broken and only holding the pieces together for my kids and to stay vaguely functional at my job. There is absolutely nothing that I could bring to a relationship at the moment.

    I am trying to rebuild friendships and learning to trust people again. But ultimately I ask myself why would someone want a relationship with a new divorcee? For me processing through all the cycles of grief and loss and rejection has left me feeling incomplete. Why the fuck would I want to bring someone else and their children and my children onto a new roller coaster?
  8. .
    Thank you bakers.

    Honestly, laughing at your snark and Jen's idiocy is one of the things that has kept me sane-ish in this crazy scenario.

    Her rebranding has just stuck in my craw. I am not sure why. Mostly I "hate watch" or whatever because I relish being the anti-Jen. I have friends, I am still working hard and still volunteering, I don't cook vegan slop and I shop at aldi not wholefoods.
  9. .
    I haven't posted since Jen's threads were still in the double digits back in October '19. I was struggling to be social, in retrospect it was because I was exhausted from working two jobs and trying to keep up with my kids, housework and meals. My life was work, getting kids to activities, making meals, cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry. It was the polar opposite of Jen's lifestyle. At the same time as the tinder revelation my spouse decided to leave me. He left me with both kids, no explanation given to the kids. He returned for more clothes to take the family pet when I was out with the kids.

    I then found out that he had significant debt. He still hasn't shared how much debt. I only know of the credit cards that he took out in both of our names because those appeared on my credit report. He cashed in his retirement to pay off some of the debt.

    He filed for divorce and now thanks to a court order has the children half of the time. Maybe my timeline in some ways mirrors Jen's but I am emotionally and financially in a very different place. I have very little financial security moving forward. I know that I can't afford to "buy him out", I also know that retirement is not going to happen until my 70s. Emotionally I am trashed, completely broken. I gave him and the marriage everything I had to give.

    Maybe rich folks get to explore divorce with nice salmon and rental vans but there is no fucking wonder in my reality.

    She is indeed shot in the ass with luck.
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    I keep disposables around (think the leftover plates from themed party packs and the random rolled plastic knife and fork sets I sometimes get with takeaway food) for actual emergency situations. Really handy when the mains water has to be cut off or if there is a boil order due to flooding. Basically I find a good use for a days worth of disposables every 5 years.

    Kimmy as ever is lazy.
  11. .
    I don't normally post in Jen threads. I don't know a lot of the backstory because I haven't been watching her for years and her lifestyle is so different to mine. I have been dealing with my own depression which has manifested itself in agoraphobia. I don't like being around other people, being in public, socializing, etc. I find it very draining and am absolutely dreading a visitation and then funeral that I *have* to attend this weekend. I have maybe seen too much similarity between my avoidance of people and Jen's to be comfortable in participating in the snark here.

    I do think that she see's her office as an extension of her personality and to paraphrase her own words it is the space in her house that she identifies as her own. To have it in such disarray will be causing her anxiety because of this association. But simply hiring someone to clean it up and re-organize it won't fix things.

    It clearly had been "organized" in the past. What she needs to do is either change the behaviors that lead her to accumulate so much stuff or accept that continually buying products will result in a giant stockpile. Yes, it is hoarding but there are many many people with rooms like this in their own homes that aren't bothered by it. She might be more high end than most but frankly she is going to keep going through this cycle unless she stops shopping.

    Medication isn't always a magical fix...
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    QUOTE (Lilac @ 9/25/2019, 03:57 AM) 
    She really pisses me off. All of her stories and highlights are "the face of someone who may not get to go home." Yet she said her coworkers' homes were flooding and a Cat 5 just wiped out the Bahamas. She needs a serious reality check. Hopefully HB gets tired of going into debt for her YouTube channel and leaves her one of these days.

    Yes! This all the way. I really can't watch her without getting rage-y. I work two jobs and it really bothers me how much I have to pay for employer provided health insurance. I just don't understand why it is okay for me to financially struggle and have massive insurance premiums being used to pay physicians to have such an over the top luxury lifestyle. The employer that I get my insurance through covers most of the cost, but that $200 a two week pay period hurts. I understand that doctors have debts from school and training but KB unleashes such a feeling of anger for me. Really I don't ever ever think this about doctors but her flaunting of possessions really "triggers me". I wish that part of her reality check was that she realized that her salary comes from inflated medical costs and frankly punishing insurance. Maybe they are in debt with her spending, I really can't speak to that.

    I'd love to be able to buy a new pair of dansko or allegria shoes. I bought my "good" pair 5 years ago and my alternate pair are now 8 years old. KB wouldn't think twice about purchasing something so mundane/sensible but I would just like a new fucking pair of shoes! My feet hurt and I can't afford to buy a pair until after I finish paying for my kids summer camps so that I could actually go to work. I'd like not to have to work 50 hour weeks, to have a house cleaner, to be able to eat out. I am jealous that she has so much disposable income and that she doesn't appreciate it.
  13. .
    Just came here to say "unfrozen"!

    Her freezer meals seem to be focused on using pre-prepared foods. So much sodium, sugar, and preservatives.
  14. .
    She is not as much Spring Fever as Spring Major Depressive Episode. If she can't put out the dry cleaning she needs help.
  15. .
    I really couldn't believe how direct she was being about things we had addressed here. What really gets me annoyed is that she knows that "she's in her apron" suggests domesticity, home life, nurturing etc what is represented is very little of that.
34 replies since 15/8/2018