The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Onbreak

  1. .
    Siblings or dating?
  2. .
    She should join the Jamerill diet club next.
  3. .
    I cannot imagine what she's going through.

    It sucks to feel so alone.
  4. .
    3 hours? How much $$$ does that engagement get her?

    I'd be filming everything for future use... even washing my car if I suddenly lost 70lbs.
  5. .
    The hideyholes need to be emptied and refilled.
  6. .
    She's uh-athletic
  7. .
    QUOTE (Toomuchlaugh @ 14/2/2024, 08:07) 
    After Jammy's trauma dump video where she trash talked her parents, I was surprised that she would even allow GTG to be around her own kids. But you Bakers are right, GTG seems to do a lot of activities with them.

    Anyway, not sure who she's trying to lure in here....How about a regular sized batch, and a few more regular sized (tasty) meals that the kids really enjoy eating. But then I guess (hopefully) the kids only see her part time right now.

    My kids love thm cowboy grub but mine comes out looking different from that 😂
  8. .
    Homemade chili is the best. Trader Joe's canned chili is what I use for chili dogs. My kids are older so they eat more sophisticated than that these days, so it's been years since I've purchased that 😂
    Also hot dogs are lips and buttholes ... I know I keep saying it but I don't think it hit those on the 5 year plan
  9. .
    Oh snap :smiley-face-making-cocktail:
    Mr diesel truck man has a new garage to park it in.

    Honeychild called the police and wasn't happy with their dilly dally so she drove her clown car to the station to file a report. You told the gentle mama universes you've moved on. You must've been astroprojecting in your bed to will him out of your life. Accept it. Bring us a new man to look at.
  10. .
    Beanie weenie flavored shakes???
  11. .
    QUOTE (CattyWampus @ 7/2/2024, 19:58) 
    Do you think she straps the watch to a kid all day or just steals photos for the stats??

    Rc car
  12. .
    I'm all for people taking care of themselves. I hope those pop tarts work wonders for her.
  13. .
    QUOTE (Twirly Squirrely @ 2/2/2024, 14:32) 
    I don’t exactly know how old Naomi is but I would like to see her next trauma be her elopement.

    I can just imagine her as a mother of the bride monster for months.

    I hope for the sake of her family she gets her shit together and figured out. It had to be bad if she just stayed in bed and avoided her dream kitchen
    I could not and choose to not spend daily hours of my life stuck up my husband's ass. So I cannot relate to bringing him home. And her years of 24/7/365 time together is not relatable. Getting a murder house to pig out and film a bunch of videos in peace and quiet is also not relatable. I did have a spouse home during the pandemic and it is not the life for this sailor.
    Nothing wrong with being a two income household. She's holding everyone in her family back. But look at her, just waddles her rear-end up and down the driveway. I hope the kids are enjoying activities that help clear their heads too.
  14. .
    I work in a salon and hit 4000 steps on my watch around 1pm every day. My arm does more walking than I do.
  15. .
    I found y'all
    I was busy making Chaffles.
    Remember that craze? 😂
3957 replies since 14/11/2018