The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by TryHarderNextTime

  1. .
    Is spring cleaning now just regular cleaning but in the season of spring?

    I call spring cleaning moving furniture, wiping the skirting boards, getting cobwebs out of the corners of the architrave.

    Sorry but what she did was not much more than what l do for a regular weekly clean in my bedrooms :dunno:
  2. .
    I wonder if she ever considers the fact that if social media and YouTube didn’t exist anymore, who would actually talk to her?
    If the comments and “likes” on her posts and videos didn’t exist as a way for others to communicate with her, she would have no one.
    No one would call, no one would drop by, no one would reach out.
    This is how you realise Jen that none of the people on the internet that you talk to are your friends.
  3. .
    Her sciatica was playing up with the crib mattress?
    Lord help her with having a top bunk bed to change the sheets on plus both beds being against a wall.
  4. .
    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 26/2/2024, 15:30) 
    Jen: "I find meaning in the smallest of wins!"

    Also Jen:

    I come here at random so l haven’t seen this or the video it’s from, but is this bitch serious :blink:

    No shit it’s hard, millions of parents do it 24/7 you waste of space, waste of oxygen bell end.
  5. .
    QUOTE (Livi! @ 23/2/2024, 09:42) 
    QUOTE (pinksims @ 23/2/2024, 09:19) 
    If any of her Patreon subscribers did say hello, they may have been with other people for the race, and she's seeing cLiQUeS everywhere because it's WDW. Either way, attempt #4,392 to make friends has failed. She'll be taking home a ton of friendship bracelets.

    That's something I believe she didn't think through. She imagined all her fans to be traveling solo like she does and to come up to her by themselves. But here's the thing: the vast majority of Disney visitors are NOT alone. They are with at least one friend / spouse, or with multiple friends and / or family. If she wants to run into more solo travelers, she's gonna have to pick a different place than Disney, because that's not where solo travel is at. She's so stupid. Her whole solo travel shtick is a complete misfit for Disney parks. How many more years of awkward solo Disney until she finally realizes this? It's like booking a cruise on your own. Everything she loves is catered to couples, families, and groups. She tried the whole boho solo travel shtick with blue, and she hated it. She looked miserable the entire time. One time she couldn't take it anymore and ended up driving blue to some fancy resort, which again, was not catered to solo travelers so she got awkward reactions from staff.

    She wants to force the happy solo travel thing, because she has to, because she has NO ONE. But all the places she loves to go to are NOT catered towards loners. It's quite tragic when you think about it.

    I booked a solo cruise for myself 12 months ago. My husband suggested l take some time to myself while he looked after our then almost 2 year old. It was a short 2 day cruise but the thrill of doing something on my own and not talking to anyone was exactly what l wanted. I didn’t expect anyone else to be travelling solo so l could meet up with them and become friends. I wanted to relax, read, eat, watch a movie and have a few drinks.

    My Aunty also travelled solo majority of the time, my Uncle had no desire to travel and so she would pay her own way and book her own trips. But she would go on tours and travel groups etc, even made lifelong friends whom she would travel with later in life. She may have travelled solo as in without her husband, but she always travelled with a group or a tour, and some of those trips included friends made on such trips.
  6. .
    QUOTE (_withblunder_ @ 22/2/2024, 18:08) 
    A cell outage. How convenient.

    A cell outage doesn’t affect her phone camera and taking photos with her “friends” though :snickering:
  7. .
    QUOTE (GurninglikeJen @ 19/2/2024, 18:51) 
    The only reason she is scared to do meet and greets is in case no one shows up.

    Remember the time with Don, and she had arranged to do this, at the expo I think, and not one "fan" turned up to meet celebrity Jen.
    That and maybe the fear of having to allow other people to speak and not just herself.

    Not only that but there is no edit button :snickering:
  8. .
    QUOTE (NefariouslyHappiestAlone @ 15/1/2024, 04:12) 
    This keeps coming up on my phone lol.

    I snorted :snickering:
  9. .
    QUOTE (SoProudOfMyself @ 13/1/2024, 20:02) 
    I thought Jen actually had the vanity first and one of those Fowler girls copied her.

    That flat brown paint looked awful, it needed to be stained to match the rest of the dark furniture in the room (since Jen could only have matching).

    That’s why it looked so weird (cheap)
    In Australia we’ve only had Pottery Barn here for a few years, and even then it’s only in a couple of locations (the nearest one to me is a decent +45min drive) so l didn’t recognise the vanity at all.
    I do recall how odd and out of place that thing looked in her videos way back then.
  10. .
    The world is a pretty miserable place at the moment Jen, where l live the interest rates are climbing so high and so many are not only going without for Christmas, but either barely putting food on the table or who are homeless living in their car.
    You CANNOT even begin to empathise with anyone Jen, in your mansion with everything you could ever want, and travelling all over the place on a whim, all with someone else’s money. Not all of us have the bank of Don :eyeroll:
  11. .
    QUOTE (C3P0 @ 19/10/2023, 07:25) 
    QUOTE (palmtreemomma @ 19/10/2023, 04:23) 
    I have read a lot about influencers lately, specifically on reddit where people talk about knowing influencers in real life (friends, family or acquaintances) and the majority of them say that the influencers actually hate it and it is a never ending stressful cycle of producing content and having to stay ahead of the game. I can’t imagine my family basically being an infomercial used to sell crap in order for me to pay my bills. So gross. And with these fools, their days are numbered bc their kids 1) are getting even less cute by the day and 2)will be sick of the constant cameras and matching pjs very soon…

    I saw one of those too! A guy saying he was getting 6 figures a year on YouTube but he hated it.

    Like, ok then. Most people don't like their jobs! No one is making them become a youtuber.

    It must be pretty daunting though once the YouTube dough stops rolling in, imagine trying to get an actual job in the real world after that - imagine what recruiters / HR would dig up after searching their name online :XP:
  12. .
    To add,
    I cannot understand in the slightest how she is absolutely fine and happy with the parenting situation she has set up with Don. I do understand that being a parent isn’t for everyone, but to actively leave town as much as possible and enjoy being away from her kids is just really odd to me, very unnatural.
    Having a child changes you as a woman, hormones and chemical changes within make most mothers yearn to be with their kids, hence the common term “mum guilt”.
    I am currently considering changing jobs so l can spend more time with my daughter, I have chosen to work 4 days a week (I would love to be able to work less to spend more time with her but with the cost of living and what we have planned for her future etc l feel like 4 days is my maximum that l am comfortable with. The fact that she doesn’t work and could be involved with the kids school, extra curricular activities etc on days that Don and Tens have the kids, but chooses not to is just not right, it’s wrong.
    I know CC and Dawny are in good hands when she’s off on her trips but still, my heartstrings would be pulled from all directions every time l would go away. Self care (as we know is Jen’s #1 hobby) is important, you can’t pour from an empty cup etc etc but she is excessive, it’s ALL about her and her wants and her needs. It always has been, but I just cannot get over that she didn’t change even after having kids. I really did assume she would be the most doting mother (like she doted on Winnie) and it’s so sad to see it hasn’t been like that at all for those kids. They deserve so much better, and l am happy they have a mother figure in Tens in their lives.
  13. .
    My god she looks hagged. Her dark eyes give me old hag witch from Snow White vibes.
    And her large mouth..
    And her huge nose…
    Thin raggedy hair…

    She’s the old hag witch from Snow White now. I can’t unsee it.
  14. .
    “People don’t like it when l say I’m busy”

    Yeah cause you don’t work, didn’t have kids at the time and made lists to validate to yourself that you were busy, when you weren’t!!! :flipping-the-bird:
  15. .
    QUOTE (C3P0 @ 1/10/2023, 23:19) 
    Is this photo even hers, looks like a generic bookstagram pic that she probably stole.

    Did a google image reverse search, 100% not hers.
200 replies since 7/12/2018